Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 121 Li Mu's Graduation Defense

In Shanghai Jiaotong University, in a large lecture hall full of people, discussions continued.

A banner hangs on the blackboard of the podium.

Written on: [Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Mathematics Li Mu's undergraduate graduation defense]

That's right, what is going on in this lecture theater is Li Mu's mathematics graduation defense.

The seats were full of people, most of whom heard that Li Mu was going to defend, and ran over to watch.

There are lecturers, professors, and students.

No matter who it is, they want to see how different Li Mu's graduation defense will be.

Ever since, this large lecture theater could have seated more than a hundred people, but now the aisles are full of people.

At this time, Li Mu was standing at the forefront.

He put down the cell phone that he had just hung up on, and turned it off by the way.

Beside, Professor Lin Yao asked curiously: "The phone number from the foreign country? I heard you speak English."

Li Mu nodded and replied: "Yes, the call from the UK seems to be Joss Winston, who said he was the editor-in-chief of "Nature" and invited me to contribute."

Lin Yao was stunned immediately: "What? The... editor-in-chief of "Nature"? You are invited to contribute?"

"Hmm." Li Mu nodded, "It sounds like it's true."

"Are you sure the man said his name was Joss Winston?"

In the first row of seats, after hearing Li Mu's words, Dean Pang Ming of the School of Mathematics couldn't help asking.

"It should be, Joe Winston."

Pang Ming immediately said helplessly: "The editor-in-chief of "Nature" is indeed called Joss Winston, why did you just hang up his phone?"

But soon after he thought about it, he shook his head again: "Well, it doesn't really matter."

With Li Mu's demonstrated ability, it seems that it really doesn't matter whether he hangs up the phone or not.

What's more, if the other party can call, it must mean that he has a need for Li Mu.

The only problem is...

Li Mu's reason for hanging up the phone is too hardcore, right?

One of the most famous journals in the world took the initiative to call him to invite him to contribute, but he hung up the phone with the reason that he was temporarily going to defend his undergraduate graduation.

This kind of thing, probably only Li Mu can do it.

He really deserves to be the guy who has stirred up troubles in the three worlds of chemistry, physics, and mathematics recently...

And many people around heard about it, and they looked at Li Mu more and more as if they were looking at a god.

Especially those young professors, lecturers and students.

The editor-in-chief of "nature" personally invites submissions...

How many people in the world at Li Mu's age can do this kind of treatment?

Not to mention that many of them are forty or fifty years old.

At this time, the old man sitting in the middle of the first row immediately laughed: "Doesn't this mean that our classmate Xiao Li is very good?"

"I'm already looking forward to your reply later."

He looked at Li Mu with admiration.

Li Mu responded with a smile: "It will definitely satisfy Academician Wang."

This academician Wang is the former dean of the School of Mathematics, the current director of the Academic Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, academician of the Academy of Sciences, Wang Shuo.

He has reached the retirement age, and he rarely comes to school due to physical reasons, but today he came to the school specially to participate in Li Mu's graduation defense, and he is also the chairman of the defense committee.

Hearing Li Mu's answer, Wang Shuo immediately showed a smile: "Okay! Then I can look forward to it."

Li Mu nodded, then glanced at the defense committee again.

This lineup...

Visibly powerful.

In addition to the academician Wang Shuo, there is another academician of the Academy of Sciences, Academician Li Cheng, who is also a professor of their School of Mathematics and usually teaches at Zhejiang University.

Then there are two academicians invited from outside, because according to the graduation defense requirements of their mathematics school, two experts from other schools are generally required.

One of them is Academician Yuan Xiang, the chairman of their Huaguo Mathematical Society, and Academician Chen Tao of the International Mathematical Research Center of Beijing University.

Four people, four academicians.

Pang Ming, the dean of their School of Mathematics, almost didn't qualify for the defense committee.

As for Lin Yao, let alone, with his qualifications, it is completely needless to say that he wants to enter the defense committee, not to mention that as Li Mu's mentor, he himself needs to avoid it.

Finally, the time came and the defense began.

Li Mu opened the ppt, and the title of his graduation thesis appeared on the homepage.

"Algebraic Topological Graphs and Closed Surfaces in Almost Interleaved Link Complements"

On the first page, he begins his own narrative.

"This paper mainly studies the relationship between the topological graph and the genus of the surface in the case that there is at most one saddle point in each bulb of the surface topological graph, and..."

After he uttered his nouns one by one and began to explain mathematics on the blackboard, the five defense committee members all entered into thinking and nodded from time to time.

They had all read Li Mu's papers before.

In this paper, Li Mu once again demonstrated his strong mathematical analysis ability.

He used algebraic topology, an extremely difficult tool in mathematics, to use it very delicately, and clearly analyzed the issues to be discussed in this paper.

All in all, it is definitely not something that undergraduates or even doctoral students can do.

These academicians did not read this paper in the way of answering thesis, but with the attitude they usually read those top journals and second top journals in mathematics papers.

Just kidding, the level of this paper is not much different from the level of papers they usually write.

Including this defense, they all listened with the attitude of participating in a mathematics academic conference.

In this way, time gradually passed, and only Li Mu's voice was left in the entire auditorium.

As for the students who came to join in the fun, they were basically in a dazed state.

who I am?

where am I?

Why should I participate in this kind of thing? ?

They all knew what Li Mu said, and every word on the PowerPoint, but they didn't understand how to combine them?

All right……

They didn't think they could understand before they came.

Isn't watching the boss's reply just to see how awesome the boss is.

As for the other lecturers and many associate professors and professors, their brows were tightly furrowed.

Their mentality is not as good as those students.

What is this called an undergraduate defense?

I can't understand anything at all!

How did Li Mu even study algebraic topology so thoroughly!


Finally, after about half an hour, Li Mu finished his thesis presentation.

Well, it doesn't feel like...

Originally proved the Hail conjecture at the Joint Mathematical Conference.

"After I have finished my presentation, I would like to ask all the respondent teachers to criticize and correct me."

Turning to look at the defense committee, Li Mu said with a smile.

Then several academicians of the defense committee looked at each other, and couldn't help showing helpless smiles.

What else is there to correct?

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