Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 122 One topic, four top publications

Of course, the defense must have questions, and the questions of the defense will also be recorded by the recorder next to the question and answer.

So in the end, several academicians turned their heads to look at Pang Ming next to him.

You are not an academician, so you go first.

Pang Ming:? ? ?

But there is no way, several academicians have looked over, and he can only pick a random question to ask.

"Okay, why can't ρτ be written in a similar way to Euler's density ρχ in section 3.2 on page 13 of your thesis?"

Li Mu smiled slightly, without even flipping through the paper, he answered directly: "Because the Hirzebruch density ρτ is a pseudo-scalar."

Then, he turned around and wrote on the blackboard.

【4(fi(+)+ fi(-)δab1/24R2δab...】

Every paper he has written is almost completely recorded in his mind, and he has 100% mastery.

So he can easily answer such simple questions.

Seeing Li Mu's answer, Pang Ming nodded.

Li Mu has already answered his question perfectly.

In this way, until Li Mu finished writing, he nodded and said: "The answer is very good."

Then he turned his head to look at the other academicians, spread his hands and said: My task is complete, it's your turn.

Several academicians shook their heads helplessly.

Well, what should be hidden or can't be avoided.

Then ask too.

Therefore, the three academicians except Academician Wang Shuo randomly found a question in the paper to ask, and Li Mu also gave perfect answers one by one, which made the three academicians all praise. Answer from this angle!

In this way, until the last Academician Wang Shuo.

However, he just put the paper in his hand directly on the table, and then asked: "When did you start studying algebraic topology?"

Li Mu was taken aback, he didn't expect Academician Wang Shuo to ask such a question.

After thinking about it, he replied, "Well, it must have been half a year."

Since the beginning of modern mathematics in the 20th century, there have been more and more detailed directions, so he didn't learn algebraic topology for long.

However, his answer still surprised everyone below, including several academicians.

After only half a year of research, you can write a paper of this level. Good guy, is there such a vigorous one?

This is algebraic topology!

The other teachers and professors who were watching were also numb.

Academician Wang Shuo also nodded with emotion: "Very good, very good."

"Okay, that's my problem."

He waved his hand, and then stood up while supporting the table: "I want to say, sometimes this kind of defense always seems a bit formal, especially for a student like you. Of course, I have to be sure that this Its formalism also has a certain commemorative significance.”

"So, I hope that when you continue to climb new heights in the future, you can also remember this day you spent at your alma mater."

"Congratulations, you have graduated from our mathematics school."

He was the first to applaud.

The other three academicians and Dean Pang Ming also stood up with a smile and applauded Li Mu.

In the end, the whole classroom also burst into warm applause.

Amid the applause, Academician Wang Shuo stepped out of his seat and picked up a degree certificate from the side.

"Student Li Mu, from today onwards, you are our Bachelor of Mathematics at Shanghai Jiaotong University."

"Thank you, Academician Wang!"

Li Mu accepted the degree certificate with a smile on his face.

Although it is only the second degree certificate issued by the school, it can be regarded as a memorable achievement in life.

It's just that when he picked up this degree certificate to read it, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Is this the seal of the Ministry of Education?"

The stamp of the Ministry of Education means that his second degree is officially recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Wang Shuo laughed out loud. At this time, Dean Pang Ming also came up and said with a smile, "This is a surprise from our academy."

"Of course, you worked hard to get it."

"After all, a mathematical genius who has proved the Hail conjecture, but his mathematics degree is not recognized by the Ministry of Education, which is somewhat dereliction of duty."

Only then did Li Mu understand the reason, although it was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

"Li Mu, congratulations."

Next to him, Lin Yao also came up and sent his congratulations.

Looking at the people around him applauding, Li Mu felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Until the end, he sincerely said to everyone: "Thank you!"


The defense in mathematics was over, and Li Mu finally completed half of his degree.

There is another physics answer...

Don't worry, wait for him to drive out the physics paper first.

Yes, he hasn't written his physics thesis yet, and he has rushed out including the mathematics thesis.

After completing those four papers, he started writing mathematics papers non-stop. After all, mathematics is a second degree, so the defense is relatively early.

This is why he has not submitted those four papers to journals. He didn't have the time, so he just posted them to arxiv first.

Of course, this kind of thing is not enough for outsiders.

However, now that the first defense is over, he can also take some time to deal with the submission of these four papers before writing the physics paper.

However, when Li Mu turned on his cell phone again, a call came in.

It is also a foreign phone number.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am Tom Robert, editor-in-chief of Physical Review Letters. We sincerely invite you to submit the paper "Electrodynamic Analysis of Electronic Behavior at the Interface of Two Types of Conductors" to us. We have cooperated with your partner Mr. Wu After talking about this matter, he said that this matter is up to you to make up your mind."

Afterwards, this Robert talked about a lot of conditions and other things that Li Mu can enjoy as long as he submits his thesis to them.

And Li Mu was taken aback, Physical Review Letters?

This is the top journal in the physics world. Just now "nature" invited him to contribute, but now "PRL" has also come.

As for the Mr. Wu mentioned by the other party, it is naturally Wu Mengyuan, who is also the co-first author of this paper.

Wu Mengyuan also paid a lot of credit for this paper, and Li Mu only provided mathematical help—of course, the role of mathematics in this paper is also very important.

But, he still needs to think about which journal to submit to, so he asked the other party to wait until tomorrow to call.

However, after hanging up the call, another call came in.

"I'm Eric, the editor-in-chief of JACS..."

Well, "JACS", the top journal in chemistry, is also here.

Of course, this is not over yet, the editor-in-chief of "nature" called in again, and talked with Li Mu again.

The editor-in-chief's tone was quite nervous, probably because he called Li Mu just now and found out that the line was busy...


In this way, Li Mu abruptly received a bunch of submission invitations from top journals today.

In the end, he made a decision after struggling with some difficult choices.

The article on electrodynamics should be submitted to "PRL", the article on computational chemistry should be submitted to "JACS", and the last two articles should be submitted to "nature".

No way, "nature" gives too much.

Afterwards, he signed a copyright agreement with these three journals, and then others had to wait in line for several months or even a year to be published. Li Mu's four papers were all published in just half a month!

One subject, four top publications!

The entire academic world was once again shocked by such a big deal.


[Thanks to book friend 20230607104632817 for the reward of 250,000 starting coins! There will be more updates for the leader's reward, thank you for your support. 】

[Thanks to Zui Hongchen 9 for the reward of 100 starting coins]

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