Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 127 Graduation Ceremony

Although the twin prime conjecture was formally proposed by Hilbert at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900.

But in fact it has a long history.

It has been discussed countless times in the mathematical community.

Because this problem is obvious, even elementary school students may find it.

Simply list all the prime numbers up to 100, you can find, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13, 17 and 19... and then look back, 41 and 43, 59 and 61.

The difference between these pairs of prime numbers is 2.

And expanding the range to positive infinity, it seems that pairs of prime numbers with a difference of 2 always appear repeatedly.

And the statement of the twin prime number conjecture leads to this: Are there infinite pairs of prime numbers whose difference is 2?

This problem is very interesting, and it also inherits the consistent tradition of number theory problems: it is easy to understand.

Like a hailstorm conjecture.

In Li Mu's mind, he recalled his past understanding of the twin prime number conjecture.

This problem has made considerable progress in the current mathematics community, mainly due to a paper written by Mr. Zhang Yitang in May 2013.

He used a very ingenious method to prove that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers whose difference is less than 70 million.

Obviously, 70 million is a very large number, but for the twin prime number conjecture, this is the first time someone has proved that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers whose distance is smaller than a fixed value.

This is a major advance for the twin conjecture.

Therefore, within three weeks after Mr. Zhang Yitang's paper was submitted to the Annals of Mathematics, it was confirmed to be correct and accepted.

Because it is definitely a major milestone for the twin prime number conjecture, one of the crowns of number theory.

After that, the mathematics community continued to shrink the number of 70 million according to Mr. Zhang Yitang's method, and finally reduced it to the number of 246.

So far, Mr. Zhang Yitang's method seems to have come to an end, and the twin prime number conjecture is still an unsolved mystery.

"Wouldn't it be possible to continue with the number 246?"

Li Mu thought about it, and went to the Internet to search for related papers.

This number can reach 246, mainly due to Tao Terence and James Maynard's optimization of Zhang Yitang's method.

After that, the limit seems to be only 246.

After finding the relevant papers, Li Mu read them from beginning to end.

"Well, this method is an important improvement on the results of the four G-G-P-Y, but the degree of improvement seems to have indeed reached its limit."

I began to think about this method in my heart.

The deduction ability of the third-level brain computer also exploded again, allowing him to think about all the processes and conclusions of the entire paper in a short period of time.

Any mathematical method is not achieved overnight.

They are all based on strict derivation.

And what Li Mu thought was to think about the derivation process of these methods and find another way.

Maybe the road he walked out of again was the Broad Avenue.

The weather went from day to night.

Several hours passed, and he even forgot to eat.

But it turns out that genius thinking always works.

In the end, he smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand, found a pen from the stationery bag next to him, and was about to start calculating on the draft paper.

But suddenly he thought about it again, then put down the pen in his hand, and took out a very delicate pen case from his schoolbag.

From the inside, he took out the gold cap and the Parker 51 fountain pen with a black body.

Since Professor Wiles gave him this precious pen, let him help the pen regain its brilliance.

Then he will not live up to Professor Wiles' entrustment.

Then, he began to use this pen to pave the way for the final truth to be revealed again.


It was ten o'clock.

The sound of the door lock turning sounded, and the three of Zhang Lei walked in together.

They had spent a day studying for their upcoming final exams and hadn't returned until now.

After seeing Li Mu inside, the three people's eyes lit up immediately, and they surrounded him.

Chen Kaiming: "Damn it, Brother Li, your defense today is amazing! I've already seen the video posted by others."

Xu Sheng: "That's right! It's on the hot search again. You are now our top streamer. Those who are popular stars can't beat you. I would like to call you the strongest brother in the empire."

Zhang Lei directly put his arms around Li Mu's shoulders: "Giegie! You are so handsome even for graduation defense! Even the academician will snatch you away! If you let them know that I am sitting next to you with my arms around you, they won't be angry, right? ?”

Hearing these last words, Li Mu felt a chill.

Close the pen in your hand.

By the way, put away the draft again.

Today's thoughts are over anyway.

Let's clean up this disgusting guy first.

Then he backhanded Zhang Lei who was next to him.

"I'll let you giegie, let you giegie."

"Ah~" Zhang Lei screamed out.

Then Li Mu turned his head and looked at Xu Sheng next to him.

"I let you call me brother, I let you call me brother."

Xu Sheng also howled immediately.

After finishing both of them, you turned your heads to look at the remaining Chen Kaiming.

Chen Kaiming swallowed, "I didn't say anything just now, I was normal just now."

Li Mu rubbed his wrist: "Forget it, let's clean up together."


In the end, the three rubbed their old waists and moaned.

"Tyrant, tyrant, my brothers will never call you Brother Li again."

But Li Mu just frowned and said, "Then what if I invite you to a barbecue now?"

The three people who were still moaning suddenly stood up.

"Master Li, shall we leave now?"

Li Mu smiled, "Let's go now!"

He hasn't had dinner yet, and today's defense is completely over, his undergraduate career has already ended before his roommates.

Everyone should be treated to a meal, too.

In this way, the four roommates had a good barbecue on this night.

Anyway, Li Mu said that he can eat as much as he wants for thousands of dollars.

Thousands of yuan are used to treat girls to high-end western food, and probably only get a thank you and a good person card.

But if you want to spend thousands of dollars to treat your brothers to dinner or barbecue, your brothers will remember you for a lifetime.

If someone called Li Mu "Xiao Li" at this time, probably three of them would be able to slap him.

What Xiao Li, this is my brother Li.

So that night, Li Mu gradually got lost amidst the "Brother Li" and "Master Li"... Ahem, gradually passed.


Time passed quietly.

Li Mu finally decided on the twin prime number conjecture as his next goal.

After Wu Mengyuan learned about it, although he was surprised, he didn't say anything.

Probably judging from Li Mu's ability, it doesn't seem surprising that he chooses anything.

In this way, July 15th arrived, and the graduation ceremony came as scheduled.

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