Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 128 Top Ten Graduates

Shanghai Jiaotong University, playground.

Thousands of teachers and students of SJTU gathered here to attend the annual graduation ceremony of SJTU.

All seniors graduating this year, as well as postgraduates, will bid farewell to their student life today.

And Chiao Tung University will send off thousands of their students today, and then welcome thousands more in the new semester.

After the opening ceremony, Principal Sun Zhaohai walked onto the rostrum wearing a red principal's gown.

Facing thousands of students in the audience, he smiled all over his face.

"Good morning, boys and girls."

"Today is July 15th, and every year I have to send away thousands of children here."

"That's it, sending off one session after another."

"You might think that the school doesn't remember all of you, so you don't remember the day very well."

"Just like the day you graduated from your elementary school, middle school and high school, you may have forgotten it too."

"But what I want to say is that all the imprints you left here will never fade away, and they all represent your alma mater and will always remember you."

"Your alma mater is silent, it doesn't speak, and then when you come back here a year later, or even decades later, it will evoke your memory and wake up every day you spent here every night."

"You used to recite your textbook aloud under that tree, and you once played a game of football with your brothers and sisters on the grass where you were, or looked up at the sky."

"You used to..."

"And these are your most precious memories."

The principal's words were simple but powerful, making everyone present, whether they were graduates or non-graduates who simply came to participate in the event, recall in their hearts the time they had spent in school.

At the same time, the audience on the left side of the rostrum.

Li Mu, who was wearing a bachelor's uniform, was sitting here.

Because there will be top ten graduates giving speeches later, the school arranged him here, and there are also other top ten graduates, as well as some school leaders.

Listening to the principal's speech, Li Mu couldn't help feeling: "As expected of the principal, this level of speech is really impressive."

Even he couldn't help being moved.

"That's how he is. Before giving a speech, he will always practice a few times to ensure that he can impress you students. Sometimes he is very nervous."

Beside, a joking sound came.

Li Mu turned his head to look.

Who dared to make fun of their principal?

Oh, it's the principal's sister, that's fine.

The person who spoke was Sun Ziping.

And beside Sun Ziping, Yun Rongshang was also there.

Li Mu frowned: "Professor Sun, Senior Sister Yun."

"Hehe, Xiao Li, happy graduation." Sun Ziping glanced at Yun Rongshang next to him: "Rongshang, look at your junior, he is two years behind you, but now he graduated at the same time as you, and I want to ask him Learn and learn."

Yun Rongshang pouted: "There is nothing comparable to him, he is unreasonable."

But then she snorted and said proudly: "However, I was selected as one of the top ten graduates of our class!"

"Uh... Is there a possibility that I am sitting here because I was also chosen?"

Li Mu said silently.


Yun Rongshang froze for a moment, but after a while, her expression calmed down again, obviously she quickly accepted the reality: "Well, I should have thought about it a long time ago, how could you be missing in this kind of thing. "

Sun Ziping next to her couldn't help but laugh, and looked at Li Mu with appreciation.

To be honest, she was very grateful to Li Mu.

The model that Li Mu helped her complete last year not only helped their currency make significant progress in international trade settlement, but also greatly improved her status in domestic academic circles.

It can be said that Li Mu can be regarded as her noble person.

Originally, she thought about helping Li Mu more in the future, such as introducing him to some contacts, such as those top scholars in the domestic mathematics field.

In the end, Li Mu never expected that Li Mu would develop faster than herself. In less than a year, Li Mu became an internationally renowned talent.

If in the past she regarded Li Mu as gold buried in the ground, but now, Li Mu has become a shining star in the sky.

Turning to look at her niece, although she didn't know the relationship between her and Li Mu, Sun Ziping wanted to make a match, but after thinking about it, she gave up this idea.

Forget it, let the young people solve their own affairs.

So in the end, she just said: "Xiao Li, I look forward to having the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Okay."


Time passed quickly, Sun Zhaohai's speech ended, and the graduates began to take the stage to obtain their degree certificates from Sun Zhaohai.

Li Mu also finally got his bachelor's degree certificate in physics.

As for the progress of the graduation ceremony, it was finally time for the top ten graduates to give speeches on stage.

Among the top ten graduates are undergraduates and postgraduates.

It can be said that the competition is very fierce, and everyone who can be selected is very outstanding.

Li Mu listened to the speeches of those seniors and sisters in the audience, and sighed in his heart.

They are indeed the top ten graduates of Jiaotong University.

It's really better than a cow.

Like the first senior in the School of Mechanical Engineering, his four-year undergraduate average grade point was 4.1, which broke the normal 4.0 full score, and he even independently applied for seven utility model patents, and independently completed four core journals. I have also served as the president of the student union of their college, the monitor of their class, etc., and have received a series of scholarships, and the national award is a basic requirement.

"Wow, that's amazing."

When the senior went down, Li Mu applauded with emotion.

Great man.

Then the second senior sister who graduated from the School of Life Sciences with a Ph. There are two articles, one of which is even the first one, and won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award with the research team.

This made Li Mu sigh with emotion, sure enough, he is not the only one who is outstanding in the world.

In this way, other top ten graduates continued to present their achievements on stage.

Yun Rongshang was also the seventh to play. After hearing her introduction of her achievements, Li Mu was surprised to find that this senior had such a strong resume.

The four-year average gpa is as high as 4.29, and he has published more than a dozen papers, large and small. He has served as a cadre of some organizations inside and outside the school, such as the president of the Jiaotong University-People's Bank Student Liaison Association , Director of Shanghai Young Financiers Exchange Association, etc.

When Yun Rongshang got off the stage, Li Mu applauded and exclaimed: "Wow, senior sister, you are so good! You are also the vice president of our Shanghai University Student Finance Association?"

Yun Rongshang compared a pair of scissors, and said with a smile: "Of course! I don't even think about who I am, your senior sister!"

Of course, she also humbled a little: "However, in fact, many of them were introduced by my aunt, otherwise I would not have such contacts myself."

"That is also very powerful."

Li Mu expressed emotion.

Yun Rongshang blinked, then said with a smile: "Okay, I'll see your performance later, you are our finale."

Li Mu sighed with emotion: "I feel a little pressure now."

"I don't believe it." Yun Rongshang rolled her eyes.

This guy can speak eloquently at a world-class academic conference, and still feel pressure?

Finally, the first nine people all completed their reports.

The host in a dress came to the stage and said: "Thank you to the first nine outstanding seniors and sisters for their wonderful speeches, and the next top ten graduates are the most special among our graduates. one of the

"I believe that he is also the one that everyone looks forward to the most."

"He is our God of Mu! Li Mu!"

"Student Li Mu, please come to the stage to report and give an excellent graduate speech!"

And after hearing this name, the whole playground was quiet for a moment, and then, there was a sudden burst of exclamation.

Li Mu!

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