Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 141 I am sure I found the proof, but there are too few spaces to write

"What? Polignac's conjecture?!"

Zhang Yitang, who took off his glasses, was stunned when he heard Qiu Chengtong's exclamation.

What Li Mu will continue to talk about next is actually Polignac's conjecture?

Zhang Yitang couldn't believe it, then quickly put on his glasses, and looked at the blackboard again.

The feeling of being moved by the charm of mathematics in my heart just now has been covered by surprise again.

Then the few steps that Li Mu wrote on the blackboard made him fall into a brief absence again.

"It turned out to be true..."

As for the other people around, the situation is no better than the two of them, even more exaggerated.

Why can there still be such an awesome person?

The Polygnac conjecture is a more general conjecture than the twin prime conjecture.

Its statement is: for all natural numbers k, there are infinitely many prime number pairs (p, p+2k), and the case where k=1 is the twin prime number conjecture.

This conjecture was proposed by the mathematician Alphonse de Polignac in 1849 and became a higher peak behind the peak of the twin prime number conjecture.

In the past, mathematicians could only climb the peak of the twin prime number conjecture for the time being, and regarding Poligniac, they can only wait until the twin prime number conjecture is solved before looking ahead. \b

The situation of visiting Shu before acquiring Longdu generally does not exist in the field of mathematics, because apart from civil science, most people are relatively self-aware.

As a result, now, just now, Li Mu had just climbed the peak of the twin quality conjecture, but he didn't even take a rest, so he started to climb the next peak?

As soon as you get Long, you look at Shu?

However, when Li Mu wrote a few lines of new formulas on this half of the blackboard, they knew that this wasn't just looking at Shu, it was called chasing after victory.

Because Li Mu followed his previous method and continued to deduce it backward.

This shows that his method can be expanded in the future!

What's more, what Li Mu developed surprised them even more.

This method seems to really work to prove the Polignac conjecture!

Because Li Mu proved another conclusion in just a few steps!

"...Here we can clearly see that when k is within 50, the Polignac conjecture is true."

After completely filling the last blackboard, Li Mu explained the meaning of his steps with a smile.

"That is to say, when k belongs to 1 to 50, there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers of the form (p, p+2k)."

"But how do we extend k to infinity?"

Li Mu put a question mark on the corner of the blackboard.


"I'm sure I've found an excellent proof, but there's so little space here for me to write."

"in addition……"

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"An hour has passed, and my report has just ended."

He smiled at everyone.

"Then, thank you again for coming to my report, and I hope you will be satisfied."

"I also wish our Huaguo Mathematics Academic Summit will be better and better."

He bowed slightly.

Then, without waiting for applause, he hurriedly walked backstage.

Just kidding, he can probably guess that the audience below probably want to scold their mothers.

And it was exactly as he expected.

Whether it was Qiu Chengtong, Zhang Yitang or the others, they all had question marks on their faces.

At this moment, I can't wait to rush up and tie Li Mu to it, so that he can continue to prove it.

What the hell are you already convinced that there is a wonderful proof method, and then you stop writing it because there is no space on the blackboard and you run out of time?

Do you think you are Fermat?

If it was really Fermat who was here today, they would have to keep talking to him.

If there are not enough blackboards, then drag a few more blackboards over. Every school lacks everything, and there is no shortage of blackboards.

Time is also not an issue, we don't have lunch, and it's no problem to accompany you to listen here.

How dare you run away like this?

It's almost like the author broke the chapter.

Do you know that last time there was a broken chapter dog, who was recognized by readers when he went out, and then he was beaten until his mother didn't recognize him anymore?

Of course, no matter how long he complained in his heart, in the end, Qiu Chengtong and Zhang Yitang glanced at each other, and couldn't help but laugh in the end.

Forget it, being able to see the proof of the twin prime number conjecture today is enough, and they don't have to know how to prove the Polignac conjecture anymore.

Li Mu didn't say it out, maybe because he had his own considerations.

They just need to wait for Li Mu until the day he sends out the paper.




Zhang Yitang got up and clapped his hands.

Then the others came back to their senses and clapped their hands.

Even though Li Mu has already left the stage, the applause that should be given is still indispensable.

This applause goes to this young math genius, and also to their mathematics.

This concludes this report.

Almost all the attendees, apart from being shocked after the report ended, they were even more thankful that they did not miss this historic report meeting.

This report is destined to leave a mark on the history of mathematics, and each of them is a witness.

The mathematicians of the Huaguo Mathematics Association are basically proud of having a genius like Li Mu.

For those students, although they read the whole report in a daze, after knowing what happened, they could only express one sentence in their hearts: God of Mu is awesome!

At this time, Li Ruyu was even more excited.

Although everyone was born to the same mother, she was puzzled by why her math was so poor, but this did not prevent her from being happy for her brother's achievements in her heart.

"Xin Xin, did you see that! My brother... ahem, Li Mu is too powerful!"

Li Ruyu was so excited that he almost slipped his mouth.

But fortunately, Xin Xin belongs to the kind of slow reaction, and the surrounding is quite noisy, so he didn't hear it.

"Yeah, I'm really envious of their good maths." Xin Xin's face became mournful: "I originally learned biology because biology doesn't need mathematics, but who would have thought that our current biology would have to be compared with biology?" Dealing with informatics is also dealing with biostatistics."

"Okay, let's not talk about these things."

Li Ruyu comforted her, because after hearing this, she also felt dizzy.

"Then... shall we go find your brother now?"

"Okay, let me ask."

Li Ruyu took out her phone and asked Li Mu.

Afterwards, Li Mu quickly returned her a message: [Uh, I'm surrounded here, please wait a little longer on your side. 】

【ah? Surrounded by who? Can anyone stop you now? 】

[Uh, Qiu Chengtong, the winner of the Fields Medal, Yuan Xiang, the chairman of our Huaguo Mathematics Society, and the dean of your Mathematics College, Academician Lian Zhengxing, these big bosses. 】

[... When I didn't ask. 】

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