Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 142

Although Li Mu ran back to the backstage as soon as he finished his speech, obviously running back to the backstage didn't mean he had escaped, so he was surrounded by seniors in the country and began to torture him for a while.

"You kid, you want to run without proof, right?"

"You kid, are you playing tricks with us?"

"Tuition Fee Ma, right? In Fermat's era, transportation was not very convenient. Otherwise, guess what would happen to him?"


Looking at the big bosses in front of him, Li Mu said that he really wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

The exit to the backstage lounge was too small, and he couldn't run out at all, so he was surrounded immediately after the end.

"Everyone, please be quiet first, and listen to my sophistry...explain."

He clasped his hands together as a gesture of forgiveness.

So it turns out, never skin. \b

The result of skinning it may be miserable. \b

Qiu Chengtong stretched out his hand with a smile, signaling to other people around him to be quiet and listen to what Li Mu said.

"Come on, tell me, I'll see how you explain."

Li Mu said: "I still have some other ideas about the Polignac conjecture and the entire twin prime conjecture. I plan to go back and verify it. I will definitely post it when I have results."

"Any other ideas?" Academician Yuan Xiang asked in surprise, "Don't you already have a wonderful proof of the Polignac conjecture? What other ideas do you have?"

Qiu Chengtong frowned suddenly, and asked in surprise: "Do you still want to say Hardy-Littlewood conjecture?"

Li Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, in front of these big bosses, he couldn't even make a fool of himself.

Finally, he had to admit: "Yes, it is the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture."

Whether it is the Polygnac conjecture or the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, it can be called a strong version of the twin prime number conjecture.

The Polygnac conjecture describes a more general form of the twin prime conjecture, while the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture is also known as the strong twin prime conjecture because it not only requires proving that there are infinitely many pairs of twin primes, but also The asymptotic distribution of twin prime pairs is given, and it is required to prove whether this asymptotic distribution can accurately describe the distribution of twin prime pairs.

Regardless of whether it is the Polygnac conjecture or the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, the difficulty of proof is only higher than that of the twin prime number conjecture.

As a result, now Li Mu said that he not only has a wonderful proof of the Polignac conjecture, but also has some ideas about the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture?

People didn't even dare to confirm whether Li Mu's idea was referring to proof.

What a joke!

Just yesterday, no, it should be more than an hour ago, the twin prime number conjecture and its other two forms are the crowns that are difficult to reach in the mathematical world.

As a result, the twin prime number conjecture has been solved now, and Li Mu has even solved the other two more difficult forms together? ?

One string is not enough, you even want a string of three?

This situation, let alone a Ramanu Gold Award winner like Yun Wei, even Qiu Chengtong, a Fields Award winner, has never seen it.

Qiu Chengtong couldn't help asking: "Li Mu, are you sure?"

Li Mu nodded: "I'm sure."

The mathematicians present couldn't help but fell silent again.

Looking at Li Mu's young face, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Whenever another person comes, they will say that they don't know what to do, but now it is Li Mu.

The prover of the Adama conjecture, the solver of the hailstone conjecture, and the rare genius in mathematics, even took down the twin prime number conjecture in front of them just now.

It seems a little believable that such a person said such a thing.

Until the end, Qiu Chengtong patted Li Mu on the shoulder, and said with relief, """Okay, our mathematics research needs to have your drive."

"I believe in you, you will be able to succeed, and you will continue the sage school of Huaguo Mathematics and bring new heights to the world's Mathematics."

Yuan Xiang also smiled and said: "Yes, we all believe in you. After all, you are a mathematician who has won so many peaks in mathematics. First of all, on behalf of our Huaguo Mathematics Association, I will express my support for you."

Other people around also expressed their support for Li Mu.

When a genius reaches the level of Li Mu, without too much conflict of interest, most rational people only want to make friends with him, even those who are secretly jealous of him can only do it in the dark at best. crawl.

For a moment, applause broke out in the backstage lounge. Every mathematician wished Li Mu success at this time.

For example, Lian Zhengxing, the dean of the School of Mathematics of Shangjing University, looked at Li Mu at this time, as if he was looking at a glowing baby.

If we say that before this report, Li Mu was a beautiful woman who was dressed in conservative clothes, but just by looking at her eyebrows and eyes, she could tell that she had a certain attractiveness, then after the report is over, his clothes will change Attractive and sexy all over.

Rang Lian Zhengxing had only one thought in his mind, and that was: it must be taken down!

So he leaned forward again, and said to Li Mu: "Li Mu, you can stay. You can put up any conditions you want, as long as you can stay in our Beijing University."

However, before Li Mu could speak, Yu Liang, the dean of the School of Mathematics of Qinghua University, was not to be outdone at all: "Our Qinghua University is the same, you can ask for any conditions, just come to our Qinghua University. I can leave it to you to be the chief."

Anyway, when Li Mu graduates, he probably will retire. If Li Mu can be their dean, it will definitely be a huge improvement for the strength of their Qinghua School of Mathematics.

At that time, he might still be able to compete with Peking University's School of Mathematics for the title of the No. 1 School of Mathematics in Huaguo.

When Lian Zhengxing heard Yu Liang's words, he stared at him immediately: "My surname is Yu, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Yu Liang stared back: "Why? You are only allowed to invite Li Mu from Beijing University, but not from Qinghua?"

But at this time there was still someone who wanted to say something, and Pang Ming, the dean of the School of Mathematics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said: "Hey, hey, Dean Lian, Dean Yu, you two are sure to discuss how to dig in front of me. People who go to our court?"

"Don't even think about it."

Pang Ming said: "Our Jiaotong University can give you the conditions you give, and we can give you the conditions you can't give. Li Mu is our person, so don't think about it."

Seeing Pang Ming, Li Mu was taken aback.

"Dean Pang, when did you come?"

He and Professor Lin Yao were the only ones who came before. Could it be that Dean Pang arrived only two days ago?

Pang Ming said to him with a smile: "Professor Lin told me that someone pried into our corner, so of course I want to see who is so courageous."

Lian Zhengxing snorted coldly at this moment: "When did SJTU become so confident?"

Yu Liang also said: "Forget about your Shanghai Jiaotong University, why let Li Mu stay in your school?"

Pang Ming: "Just because Li Mu was trained by our Shanghai Jiaotong University."

"It's as if Li Mu is from your mathematics school."

Pang Ming became anxious immediately: "Li Mu has already obtained the graduation certificate issued by our college, how dare you say so?"

"Ah yes yes yes."

For a while, the three deans quarreled.

And at this moment, another person next to him whispered to Li Mu: "Li Mu, look, none of these three people are normal, why don't you come to our Shanghai Dan? Guaranteed they are all normal people."

It is the dean of Hudan Number Academy.

Li Mu: "..."


[There are two more chapters in the afternoon]

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