Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 143 Don't make your heart shake for the dove

The dean of the School of Mathematics of Hudan University was finally discovered by the three deans who were arguing.

So the quarrel between the three deans turned into four deans again.

The mathematics schools of the four top universities in China seem to regard Li Mu as their favorite.

As for the people from other colleges around, they can only say that they can't be provoked.

They were all a little embarrassed to invite Li Mu.

Of course, Li Mu didn't know what to say when faced with such a thing.

Hmm...then sneak away first, shall we?

And at this moment, he felt someone tap his shoulder.

Turning to look at the person who took the picture of him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Professor Zhang, hello."

This person is Zhang Yitang.

Zhang Yitang smiled at him and said, "Let's chat?"

Li Mu turned his head and glanced at the four deans who were still arguing over there, and finally nodded.

Zhang Yitang came at the right time, otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing for him to sneak away.

So, he followed Zhang Yitang out of the backstage lounge and came to the auditorium.

At this time, quite a few people in the auditorium had already left, but there were still quite a few people left, all talking excitedly about what happened just now.

Many people even walked up to the rostrum, looked at the blackboards left by Li Mu, and took pictures of them.

Obviously keeping it as a souvenir.

Of course, there are also some student volunteers guarding the blackboards to prevent people from touching or approaching them.

"It's like protecting cultural relics, don't you think?"

Zhang Yitang's voice rang in Li Mu's ears.

Li Mu took his gaze away from the rostrum, shook his head with a smile, "It still feels a little too exaggerated."

Zhang Yitang said with a smile: "This is quite normal."

"I heard that you proved the hail conjecture last time. The blackboards you used in the Colorado Convention Center haven't been wiped off yet."

"Ah?" Li Mu was suddenly surprised, he didn't know about this.

After all, he could write out the same proof process verbatim, so he never cared about the words he left on the blackboard.

"You don't know?"

"Uh... I really don't know. In my opinion, words are just a tool for carrying information, and those information are really valuable. It doesn't matter if you wipe it or not."

"Yes, what you said is very reasonable." Zhang Yitang nodded: "These blackboards used to be placed in dark corners, covered with dust, and no one cares about them."

"But when words with value are written on it, it becomes valuable."

"Just like people."

Zhang Yitang sighed with emotion.

Li Mu also nodded silently.

"Everyone's essence is the same, but it's made up of cells and molecules. Can anyone tell the difference?"

"But then we say that everyone has different values, so where do those values ​​come from?"

"It's nothing more than the information carried on us."

"Just like me, if I hadn't made some contributions to the twin prime number conjecture, I would still be in a teaching position in a university that no one cares about. This is the value of me."

"We're all bound by these values ​​defined by human society."

Zhang Yitang shook his head slightly, either sighing or feeling helpless.

Suddenly he waved his hand again: "Suddenly I feel a little emotional, I'm sorry."

Li Mu smiled and said, "I understand."

For Zhang Yitang's life, it is normal for him to have such emotion.

"But no matter how these values ​​are defined, they are all imposed on us by others, or this society. We don't need to pay attention to them. There is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust?"

Hearing what Li Mu said, Zhang Yitang fell into deep thought for a while, and finally nodded heavily: "That's right, there is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust?"

"But I always want to wipe it, so as not to cause dust."

Perhaps it was a sudden relief, and his tone became more relaxed: "I talked a little too much."

"Actually, I came to you mainly to say thank you."

Li Mu asked suspiciously, "Thank you?"

"Thank you for your proof of the twin prime number conjecture, fulfilling one of my life wishes."

Zhang Yitang said: "Your proof method is very wonderful. First of all, there are some shadows of my original method in it, which makes me feel a little honored. And you combine the circle method with the Galois field. It can be regarded as one of the most important breakthroughs in mathematics this year."

"Maybe I don't care about the value of those people, but I have to be happy for you, because you let me see the beauty of mathematics again."

Li Mu was slightly stunned, then smiled and said, "There are still many beautiful things in mathematics, and Professor Zhang can look forward to the future."

"Like the Polignac conjecture you want to prove, and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture?" Zhang Yitang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Well...you should and indeed can look forward to it." Li Mu was not modest either.

Zhang Yitang laughed loudly, "Okay, then I'm looking forward to that day."

Then, he stood up, looked at the time, and patted Li Mu on the shoulder: "I won't bother you anymore, you should still have your own business, right? On the way forward, don’t let your heart sway for the dove.”

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Thank you, Professor Zhang, then I will also send you a poem: Yu Xin is the most desolate in his life, and his poems in his old age move Jiangguan."

This poem made Zhang Yitang stunned, until he came to his senses, Li Mu had already left.

And he took off his glasses, wiped the corners of his eyes, and said with emotion: "When I get old, why do I become sentimental again?"


Thousands of people participated in this report.

According to the theory of six-dimensional space, as long as you know six people, you know the whole world, let alone thousands of people.

So the communication ability they have exerted is terrible.

Through the circle of friends, various penguin groups, and post bars, they spread the fact that Li Mu proved the twin prime number conjecture.

At the same time, a related video was posted on the Internet. In less than half an hour, half of the netizens in the country knew about it.

Various discussion communities, post bars, etc. related to mathematics, various posts have started discussions on this matter.

[Fuck, the latest news, Mu Shen just proved the twin prime number conjecture at the Huaguo Mathematics Academic Summit held by Beijing University! 】

【ah? ? 】

[Respectful and fake? 】

[He proved it again? ? 】

[Really, it is absolutely true, there are videos and photos! 】

【Video link】


Netizens were stunned when they clicked on the video link and saw Li Mu standing on the rostrum announcing the proof of the twin prime number conjecture in the video.

[Fuck, it's actually true! 】

[Don't lie, it's all on the hot search, and the hot search is more complete]

This reply immediately caused more people to flood into platforms like Weibo.

And the number one in the hot search list has already hung up that eye-catching title.

[Li Mu double-handedly proved a world-class problem! 】

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