Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 144 The World Mathematics Community: We need an English version of the proof process!

[On the third day of the just-concluded Huaguo Mathematics Academic Summit, in the morning report, the speaker Li Mu once again completed the proof of the twin prime number conjecture in a way that the mathematics world did not expect.

Although his proof is complete, it still needs to be reviewed by the mathematics community. However, Professor Qiu Chengtong, Professor Zhang Yitang and others at the scene said that they did not find any problems in the proof. The world of mathematics is worthy of recognition.

It is reported that Professor Qiu Chengtong is the winner of the Fields Medal. The Fields Medal is the Nobel Prize in mathematics. The most important breakthrough of the conjecture is one of the most authoritative experts in the international mathematics community on the twin prime number conjecture.

These two mathematicians have made extremely high evaluations, and believe that in the near future, the twin prime number conjecture will be confirmed to officially withdraw from the stage of mathematical conjecture and become the twin prime number theorem, or Lee's theorem.

In addition, at the end of Li Mu's report, another very interesting thing happened. Li Mu said that he was convinced that he had found a method to prove Polignac's conjecture, but because the space on the blackboard was too small to write, So he didn't show his proof.

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The hot searches on Weibo completely described the content of Li Mu's report, including Qiu Chengtong and Zhang Yitang's high evaluation of Li Mu's proof afterwards, and even a video of the whole report.

It can be described as very detailed.

And it was only half an hour after this Weibo was posted, and it has already surpassed many other hot searches in terms of popularity.

Netizens are boiling again.

[Twin prime conjecture? Fuck, is it number theory again? This is a real beef batch]

[What does it have to do with number theory? Elaborate]

[Didn't you listen to what Academician Yuan Xiang said at the beginning of the video? Number theory is a game of geniuses. Every problem in number theory is extremely difficult, just like the hail conjecture, and the twin prime number conjecture. The description of the problem looks very difficult. Simple, any student in our country can understand it, but if you really want to think about how to solve it, you will only find that you have no way to start, so mathematicians who can make achievements in number theory are very good at it. 】

[I don’t know why, but the God of Mu is awesome anyway]

[Indeed, God of Mu is awesome! 】

[Damn it, the Faun even has a solution to Polignac's conjecture? 】

[God tmd blank is too small to fit! Are you kidding brothers? 】

[I can imagine how much the mathematicians off the court wanted to beat him up after hearing this sentence, but there are actually some people who dare to learn from him! 】

[I am a melon eater, what does this mean? Who is Fermat? What's the history? 】

[Fermat was a mathematician more than 300 years ago, and he is known as the most powerful amateur mathematician. He once left a problem called Fermat's last conjecture in his book, and in the book Just wrote this sentence: I am sure I have found a wonderful proof, but the space here is too small to write. This is such an anecdote in mathematics. 】

[Wow, this really deserves a beating. 】

[Wait, I suddenly discovered something. Fermat was born on August 17, which means that Fermat's birthday is two days away. How to express the commemoration of Fermat. 】

[I'm stupid, it seems to be ah! 】

All of a sudden, this netizen's guess was unanimously approved by everyone, and a group of people even went to Li Mu's Weibo to ask him if it was his plan.

After Li Mu learned about this incident, he could only say dumbfounded that it was really just a coincidence, and he didn't even know that Fermat's birthday was approaching.

it a accident.


Of course, the proof of the twin prime number conjecture is not only spread in China, but the whole world of mathematics has also known about it in a short period of time.

This time, the mathematics world couldn't sit still.

There is such a thing in this world?

It was only in the first half of the year that a conjecture was settled, which made the entire mathematics community feel that this year was not in vain, and their mathematics took another important step.

As a result, this important step has just been taken, and they probably haven't stood up straight yet, and they are about to take the second step?

For a while, the entire mathematics community didn't know what to say.

It really was Galen who spoke softly, and was silent and broke his defense.

[Gift Crab, why does he always succeed? 】

【Because I'm a genius, aren't you? 】

[Although I admit that I am a waste, and I am still studying the 2×2 operator matrix of waste, but I also want to prove such a world-class conjecture! 】

[Very well said, are you a genius? 】

[I said that I am not, but I just want to! 】

[Then go and become a genius first. 】

【Fake squid! 】

[Just get used to it and get used to it. Asians are known to be good at mathematics, but now there is another one that is particularly good. 】

[Speaking of which, do you know how Li Mu proved it? Why can't I find his proof process on the Internet now? 】

[Now there is only a Chinese version, but there are also related videos, but what Li Mu said in the video is also in Chinese, do you want to watch it? 】

【Don’t worry, I’ve studied Chinese for a few months, that’s the last experience I want to think about. 】

[I bought Karma, quickly translate it into English for me! I want to look up and see how he proved it! 】

[Then go learn Chinese! 】

[Fack! 】


Since Li Mu gave the report at the Mathematics Society of Huaguo, there is only the Chinese version of the proof process for the time being, which makes the originally silent and defenseless mathematics world boil again.

Hurry up and publish the English version of the proof process - it has become the unanimous voice of all foreign mathematicians.

University of Oxford, Department of Mathematics.

In the office of Professor Andrew Wiles.

"Wiles, I heard that Li Mu has already enrolled you as a student. Why don't you contact Li Mu quickly and ask him to translate that paper? Even if you post it on arxiv first!"

An old man in his early 60s was sitting at the side of the desk, urging Professor Wiles who was studying something at his desk.

The old man was Simon Donaldson, a researcher at All Souls College, Oxford University.

All Souls College, Oxford University brings together all the best people in Oxford University. Those who can enter All Souls College have outstanding achievements in their respective industries.

And this Simon Donaldson, as the winner of the Fields Medal, naturally became one of them.

It's just that he is the best in Oxford, but he has to be stumped by Chinese.

No mathematician could reject a proof of the twin primes conjecture, and he was no exception, so he came to Wiles for help.

After all, Li Mu named Wiles' student, so the two must have a good relationship.

However, Professor Wiles didn't raise his head, and said directly: "Then go learn Chinese."

"God, my lord Sir Wiles, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course I'm not joking, that's what I intend to do myself."

Wiles showed off what he was working on.

Simon Donaldson took a look and was stunned: "Are you learning Chinese?"

"Yes, after all, my best student will be a Chinese, and of course I also want to learn their language." Andrew Wiles nodded and said with a smile: "After he comes, it can be regarded as a gift. His surprise."

Simon Donaldson: "... No wonder he would be willing to be your student."

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