Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 145 News of the Cole Prize in Number Theory

"Perhaps, this is not the case between teachers and students. The relationship between teachers and students was formed by accident, but if you want to get along better, you need the joint efforts of both parties." Wiles said with a smile.

"Whether it is teacher-student relationship or family relationship, plus love, what is needed is a two-way dedication. This kind of relationship is the most sincere and stronger."

Mentioning the teacher-student relationship reminds him of his teacher.

And the Parker 51 fountain pen.

After all, that precious pen was given to him by his teacher back then.

Simon Donaldson nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Wiles' words.

A good mentor is very critical to the career of scholars like them, and a letter of recommendation can give them a huge boost in their start.

Otherwise, he would be like Zhang Yitang, who spent half his life in desolation until he finally became famous in his twilight years.

His experience is basically known to people in the mathematics field.

After a while, Simon Donaldson suddenly smiled and asked, "Like you and Richard Taylor?"

"Yes." Wiles nodded.

Richard Thaler was the student who assisted him in completing the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

In the original proof, although Richard Thaler did not bring decisive help to the final proof, he was a great encouragement to Wiles.

Because he did not succeed in proving Fermat's last theorem for the first time, and was pointed out by others as a fatal mistake, which caused him to fall into entanglement for nearly a year, and when he was about to give up in the end, this student The help and encouragement brought to him made him persevere in the end and completed the proof.

So this also makes him attach great importance to the relationship between teachers and students.

But at this time, Simon Donaldson smirked: "But now it seems that your expectation of Li Mu is better than the friendship between you and Taylor."

Wiles was taken aback, and immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, I look forward to Li Mu because of his talent, but Taylor is still one of my most valued students."

"Yeah, then I have to go talk to Tyler."

"Don't mess around, at worst, I'll treat you to a meal next time."

Simon Donaldson immediately burst out laughing.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Wiles glared at him angrily: "Cheat me another meal."

But at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the caller.

"Huh? Why did that old guy Deligne call?"

Wiles used to work at Princeton University for more than ten years, and also served as Professor Eugene Higgins of Princeton University. This is an honorary teaching position, which represents his ability compared to ordinary professors. to be more prominent.

Of course, because of this experience, he is very familiar with the professors at Princeton University in Deligne.

After connecting the phone, Deligne's voice rang.

"Wiles, you bastard, you used a pen to make Li Mu your student last time, should you make up for us now, and help us find a way to let Li Mu give his English version of his certificate to you?" publish it?"

Wiles pulled the phone away so as not to disturb his ears, and after Deligne finished speaking, he replied, "I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

"Li Mu hasn't published it now, so there must be his considerations. We all have to be patient. After all, you might as well learn Chinese together like me. This language is very interesting."

"What? Crazy, I'm going to learn Chinese just to read a paper?" Deligne said angrily: "You should have felt how difficult Chinese is, I would rather spend a few months to learn Latin, and don’t want to spend a year studying Chinese.”

Wiles said with a smile: "It's always a good thing to learn more. What if Li Mu publishes important results at their Chinese mathematics conference in the future?"

Hearing what Wiles said, Deligne was stunned for a moment, and then said thoughtfully: "It seems to make sense."


"Okay, what you said this time makes sense. It just so happens that I don't have much to do recently, so I can learn about it." Deligne said: "But one thing must be said is that you can't let the whole Everyone in the mathematics world is going to learn Chinese, unless you make Huaguo a superpower, not to mention the fact that so many people in the mathematics world have been looking forward to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture for a long time."

Wiles: "Well...you're right, okay, I'll get in touch with Li Mu when I get back."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. We in the mathematics world are all looking forward to Li Mu's response." Deligne said: "In addition, I want to tell you a piece of news. The Cole Prize in Number Theory will be awarded this year. As long as the proof of the conjecture is confirmed, plus the previous hail conjecture, this award must go to him."

Wiles was taken aback: "Yes, you reminded me."

The Cole Prize in Number Theory, awarded every three years, is specially awarded to mathematicians who have made significant contributions to number theory. He received this prize after he proved Fermat's last theorem.

If you miss it, you have to wait another three years.

Of course, Li Mu has already proved Hail's conjecture, which is definitely enough in terms of qualifications, even 99% of the time, but no one would dislike turning this probability into 100%.

Then Deligne stopped talking and hung up the phone.

Wiles also immediately found Li Mu's contact information.


As for what Li Mu was doing at this time?

After proving the twin prime conjecture, he was surrounded by a group of mathematicians in China for a long time, and had a discussion with Zhang Yitang.

Then he originally wanted to spare some time to meet with his sister, but obviously, it was impossible for him to have his own time at this time.

The swarming media surrounded him. These media were originally here to report on this academic summit. How could they expect to encounter such a big news. Of course, it is impossible to let Li Mu go.

Fortunately, the Huaguo Mathematics Association quickly sent someone to help him out, otherwise he would have been overwhelmed by these media.

However, as soon as he left the wolf's den, he entered the tiger's mouth again.

Obviously, Huaguo Mathematical Society will not let him go as a benchmark in the domestic mathematics field, so they invited him to give his thoughts on this report.

After all, it was an invitation from the host, so he could only agree.

In this way, he could only tell Li Ruyu to tell her not to wait, and wait for him to finish his work for the past two days.

As for this, Li Ruyu was not surprised at all, and Xin Xin became anxious again at this time because she remembered her approved paper again, so the two returned to the laboratory together.

In this way, for the next period of time, Li Mu seemed to become the busiest person in the mathematics circle of Huaguo.

And the entire Huaguo mathematics community seemed to become festive, celebrating the achievements of this Huaguo mathematics genius.

However, no one noticed that since Li Mu's report was over, there was a person in a corner of the auditorium who had been looking at the blackboards with dull eyes.

If Li Mu were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person. It was Fan Pairen who he met in the car that day and claimed to be one step away from proving the twin prime number conjecture.

When Li Mu announced that he had proved the twin prime number conjecture, Fan Pairen fell into a stupor, unbelievable.

He spent almost twenty years researching the twin prime numbers, so it was all in vain?

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