Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 146 Wonderful Confidence

For Fan Pairen, this blow was not insignificant.

Twenty years of painstaking efforts are gone, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it. Some people may be able to get out of it quickly, but some people will always be hard to let go.

Not to mention Minke.

Every minke is very stubborn, and regards questioning authority as a life creed, so that he has been practicing this creed all his life.

And they will always believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Of course, compared to other civil sciences, Fan Pairen can be regarded as "illness" is not particularly serious, at least he can still realize that he is still a little short of the proof, and he will not advertise his success on the Internet. It's not him, it's the world.

But people's mentality can change.

With the end of the report, the participants began to leave gradually. Suddenly, another mathematician who was also in the car before saw Fan Pairen.

The mathematicians who were in the car at that time were all impressed by Fan Pairen, of course, they were deeply impressed by being funny.

After all, he claimed that he almost proved the twin prime number conjecture, but all the content he came up with in the end was nonsense, which was completely different from Li Mu's proof just now, which is of course funny.

The mathematician couldn't help but stepped forward and joked, "Eh? Isn't this Professor Fan? You said in the car that you were only one step away from proving the twin prime number conjecture. I don't know what you think today?"

"I didn't expect you to really think of combining the circle method with the finite field. It's a pity. Some..."

The scholar wanted to say something sarcastic, but he gave up when he thought of the temperament of those folk subjects.

Forget it, as we all know, never argue with minke.

If you talk too much, you will get angry.

So he just shook his head and walked away.

However, it wasn't just him, and several scholars who were in the car saw Fan Pairen.

So they couldn't help but go up and tease a few words, and then left with a haha.

Fan Pai Ren didn't say a word.

Because Minke's psychology is also very strong, otherwise, they would not still believe in themselves after facing so many doubts.

But at this moment, Li Mu's proof was in front of him, and those mocking words also made his mentality begin to change.

"I must have first thought of the combination of circle method and finite field. I determined this five years ago, but how long has this Li Mu been studying it? Five years ago, he probably didn't even go to high school!"

At this time five years ago, Li Mu really didn't even go to high school. At that time, he had just graduated from junior high school and was about to enter high school.

At this time, Fan Pairen suddenly remembered what he had asked Li Mu before.

He asked Li Mu if he had solved the twin prime number conjecture, and then Li Mu said no, he just planned to share some experience in the report.

After that, he mentioned to Li Mu the idea of ​​combining circle method and finite field to solve this problem, and gave a demonstration.

As a result, today, Li Mu solved this problem by combining the circle method with the finite field.

To be honest, he didn't understand Li Mu's report just now, at most it was less than one-tenth of the content.

It is impossible for him to reach the level of complete understanding.

Of course, in fact, more than 80% to 90% of the mathematicians present just now did not understand.

After all, not all scholars study number theory, and even if they study number theory, they may not necessarily have that ability.

Of course, Hua Guo dialect can still be understood.

So from Li Mu's language, Fan Pairen can be sure that Li Mu finally solved the problem by using the combination of circle method and finite field.

Thinking of this, he immediately came to such a conclusion in his heart.

"Li Mu must have been inspired by me to think of combining the circle method with the finite field!"

The scene in the car at that time began to replay in his mind.

It seems that when he said to combine the circle method with the finite field, Li Mu's expression suddenly became solemn and surprised.

It must be at that time that Li Mu had the inspiration!

Fan Pai Ren's face was full of certainty.

A wonderful self-confidence arises spontaneously.

Suddenly at this time, a surprised voice came from beside him: "You said that Li Mu's inspiration came from you?"

Fan Pairen turned his head to look, and then he was stunned for a moment: "Who are you?"

"Oh, let me introduce myself, Peng Chuan, School of Mathematics, Peking University, is a full-time professor." The person said.

Fan Pairen frowned, he didn't like this kind of mathematicians in university schools, because in his opinion, such scholars belonged to a faction.

He believes that it is this kind of faction that makes them, talented mathematicians, marginalized and underappreciated.

In particular, among the six well-known factions in the Chinese mathematics circles, Shangjing University can be regarded as the largest faction at present. It has inherited the influence of famous Chinese mathematicians such as Chen Shiingshen, Jiang Lifu, and Xiong Qinglai in the last century, and has a huge influence.

And the mathematicians at the Beijing University of Mathematics can be counted as one of them.

So he shook his head and expressed his refusal: "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

But Peng Chuan asked: "Professor Fan, I respect every talented mathematician. If Li Mu really got inspiration from you, I can help you get what you deserve."

"After all, it's the twin prime number conjecture. If Li Mu really got his inspiration from you, then I think he should also mention your contribution."

"Just like Perelman who once proved the Poincaré conjecture, after he proved the Poincaré conjecture, he focused on Richard Hamilton. It was Richard Hamilton who was on the Ricci stream He made an outstanding contribution to make Perelman successful, even after Perelman himself rejected the Fields Medal, he even put forward a proposal for Richard Hamilton to accept the award."

"Such a thing, people in the mathematics field should know."

Peng Chuan said persuasively: "You have to know that the proof of the twin prime number conjecture is enough for anyone to be on the podium of the Fields Medal. I think you should be under 40 years old, right?"

Fields Medal!

This term made Fan Pairen's breathing quicken in an instant.

No mathematician can resist the temptation of the Fields Medal.

And he is indeed not yet forty years old, he is only thirty-eight this year, and two years later, in 2022, there will be an International Congress of Mathematicians just to be held.

He started to conjecture twin prime numbers when he was a graduate student, and it has been almost twenty years since then. With such hard work, the balance in his heart has gradually turned to the direction induced by Peng Chuan's words.

And Peng Chuan saw the change in his eyes, so he chased after the victory: "You have to think clearly, I have many friends, as long as you prove your contribution, you can even come to our Shangjing University as a professor."

Go to Shangjing University as a professor!

This piece of pie completely overwhelmed Fan Pairen's last hesitation, then nodded and said, "Yes, Li Mu only proved it after listening to the experience I shared with him!"

Peng Chuan smiled: "Let's find a place, and let's talk about it slowly."


[10,000 updates will be resumed today, and there will be three more updates in the afternoon]

[It is 4:20 in the morning when I write this, and I write at this time basically every day, people are a little numb, please ask for a monthly pass! 】

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