Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 157 Carnival brought by k-mode theory

Chapter 157 Carnival brought by k-module theory

"Maybe we're really old."

Qiu Chengtong stood up at some point and gave Li Mu his applause.

Zhang Yitang next to him also sighed slightly: "Yes, you can be more confident and remove the possibility."

Qiu Chengtong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "That's true."

"But when you are old, you will be old. An old man has a long-term ambition." Zhang Yitang suddenly smiled again, regaining his senses from his melancholy about old age: "The other day Li Mu sent me a poem, I think it's okay. Let me tell you."

"Oh? What poem?"

"Yu Xin is the bleakest in his life, and his poems and poems in his later years move Jiangguan." After Zhang Yitang finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly: "However, this poem is not very suitable for you."

After listening to it, Qiu Chengtong pondered a few sentences carefully, and then said with a smile: "I have an impression of this poem, it seems to be Du Fu's."

"The second half of the sentence, I still hope to fight for it."

Suddenly he asked: "By the way, Li Mu's K-mode theory, do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Yitang pondered for a moment, then said: "It may be of great help to my recent research topic."

"What's your latest research topic?"

"Landau-Siegel's zero-point conjecture." Zhang Yitang said: "In fact, it has been studied for more than 10 years."

Qiu Chengtong showed surprise: "You started to study this conjecture again? I remember you published a related paper in 2007."

Zhang Yitang nodded slightly: "The things about Riemann's conjecture always fascinate those of us who study mathematics."

"This is natural." Qiu Chengtong nodded slightly, and then said with emotion: "No matter what, this K-model theory may also be of some help to my recent project, and I will study it in depth later."

He even boldly predicted: "Maybe, based on this theory, many papers will be published on the four major journals of the "Annual of Mathematics"."

"It's natural, I also believe it." Zhang Yitang nodded.

Even if they have just glimpsed this new theory now, they can see the potential hidden in it.

It will definitely bring a certain shock to the mathematics world in the future.

In fact, of course, the vibrations have already begun.


Wiles House, UK.

"Gift Crab! Have you seen Wiles! This theory... What did you say Li Mu named this theory?"

There was an exclamation on the phone.

"K-module theory."

"That's right, that's the K-module theory." Simon Donaldson couldn't control his voice in the middle of the night: "I thought that his application of the non-Archimedean absolute value and divergence theory just now was very exciting I never thought that he could come up with such a wonderful theory."

"It's like reading Dr. Schultz's graduation thesis! Even more amazing!"

Why is Schulz regarded by the mathematics community as a mathematical genius who can inherit Grothendieck?

It is because he put forward the theory of seemingly complete space in his doctoral dissertation, and developed the theory of seemingly complete geometry from it, fully applied the geometric method in the field of algebra, and solved the mathematical problem through this method. problem of algebraic geometry.

And now, even if Simon Donaldson doesn't understand Chinese, he doesn't understand what Li Mu just said in introducing this theory, but he can see that this theory is no less than this seemingly complete space theory.

Even more than that.

Because, whether it is k-theory or modulus space, it involves a wide range of fields and has a wide range of applications. Once the two are combined, the original two powerful mathematical tools are fused into one. More powerful math tools. \b

Just like in the game, combining two purple weapons into one orange weapon.

And Wiles laughed heartily at this time: "Hahaha, this is the student I fancy after all, it's normal to be so powerful."

Simon Donaldson said angrily: "Are you sure it's you who fell in love with you, not him? I heard from Deligne that you still used your precious pen to trick Li Mu over. of."

Wiles was questioned, because that seemed to be the case.

It wasn't that he fell in love with Li Mu, but that Li Mu fell in love with him.

Otherwise, how many mathematicians in the world would want to accept Li Mu as a student?

Of course, he finally said simply: "So what? Who told you that you don't have that pen, but I have it? There was someone who wanted to spend two million dollars to buy my pen, but I rejected it. It's called willingness."

Simon Donaldson was stunned for a moment: "It means you sent two million dollars directly?"

"of course!"

"Well, you really deserve it."

Donaldson was convinced.

After all, not everyone can just send two million dollars away.

Top mathematicians, although there is no financial problem, can bring them huge income by working as a mathematics consultant in any company, but they are not so rich that they can spend so much money without blinking their eyes. Give it away.

At this point Wiles yawned deeply.

"The report is over, I should continue to rest."

"It seems that I can have a good dream later."

The sound of yawning was transmitted to Donaldson, who also yawned, and then said, "After waking up tomorrow, you will probably be able to see the carnival in the mathematics world."


Wiles thought so.

The solution of the Polygnac conjecture and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, plus the formulation of the k-module theory.

The mathematics world, of course, will be in a carnival.


As they expected, as soon as Li Mu's report was over, mathematicians from all over the world entered into heated discussions.

Especially those mathematicians who came back from abroad to participate in the conference received calls from many foreign colleagues asking them about the specific content of Li Mu's report.

For example, Qiu Chengtong, as one of the top mathematicians in the world, he knows a lot of friends who are top mathematicians, and there are many people who call him at any time and ask about k-module theory.

And he also basically understood a lot of Li Mu's K-module theory, and he was very pleased that such a mathematical genius appeared in China, so he took the trouble to introduce to those friends how wonderful the K-module theory is. how important the world is.

And those young mathematicians of the golden generation in Huaguo's mathematics circle received countless calls.

"Yes, it's called K-mode theory... Ah, specific? I'm sorry, but I may need a certain amount of time to study, because the content of K-mode theory, I think there is still a lot to be explored, as Li Mu said in the report It's probably just the tip of the iceberg, and probably, we'd better look forward to his paper...Okay, sorry."

Yun Wei, Xu Yang and the others looked at each other while talking on the phone, and finally they could only let out a long sigh.

They are obviously not old yet, but they also feel a huge sense of gap from Li Mu.

It turns out that the upper limit of genius is positive infinity...


End of report.

All twenty blackboards were lined up on the rostrum.

The Polignac conjecture has become unimportant, and the mathematicians who participated in the report gathered around the blackboards that proved the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, discussing with each other the writing on the blackboard on Li Mu, or taking pictures, or taking notes , I plan to go back and do more in-depth research.

These mathematicians can all see that as long as they can research something based on the content of k-module theory, it is entirely possible to post a few random articles.

And now they are fighting for this time.

Li Mu's report can be considered as a first-mover advantage for these domestic mathematicians. After all, after foreign scholars fully understand the k-module theory, their projects may have already begun.

It is conceivable that in the next period of time, the number of papers submitted by domestic scholars will increase.

Of course, for those first-class or even top scholars, there is no need to compete for this kind of opportunity.

After all, even if they do it, they will definitely do those breakthrough projects, so these scholars simply surrounded Li Mu in the background.

"Very beautiful! Li Mu is indeed a student of the School of Mathematics of Shanghai Jiaotong University!" Pang Ming said with a big laugh.

He never concealed that Li Mu was from their Shanghai Institute of Mathematical Sciences, as for the Academy of Sciences? Sorry, don't know.

"Pang, don't show off." Yu Liang said, "Li Mu, you should come to Qinghua!"

Listening to the deans' words, Li Mu couldn't laugh or cry, why did he come again.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of Lian Zhengxing who always invited him.

By the way, Lian Zhengxing should not be absent at this time in the past, why is he not here now?

But before he could think too much, Qiu Chengtong, who came in from the outside, also praised him: "Li Mu, you did a great job. Your proof process is very wonderful, and the most wonderful is your k-module theory, including Tao Zhexuan just now. , Deligne, and Faltings have all called me to ask me about the k-module theory, maybe... I can already wish you the Fields Medal."

Fields Medal!

Almost everyone cast envious eyes on Li Mu.

Probably, this top prize in the mathematics world has become Li Mu's pocket, right?

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