Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 158 Winning! Cole Prize in Number Theory [4k5 words]

Laughter and cheers heated up the atmosphere.

Regardless of whether the Fields Medal is already in Li Mu's pocket or not, for the people present, it is already a great blessing to have such a talent in the Huaguo mathematics world.

While Li Mu was celebrating with everyone, his cell phone rang suddenly.

I took it out and saw that it was a call from Deligne.

He connected the phone and said, "Hello, Professor Deligne."

The people around who were celebrating also fell silent after hearing his address.

Which Deligne could be the Deligne who can call Li Mu?

Soon, Deligne's voice came from the phone.

"Li Mu, long time no see... Oh, strictly speaking, I just saw you from the computer, and you should not have seen me for a long time."

Li Mu was startled: "Did you see me from the computer?"

"Hey, of course, many of us were watching your live broadcast just now."

This is what Li Mu did not expect.

Previously, he had been earnestly conducting his own report, and he didn't care about the live broadcast at all.

Deligne smiled and said, "Although I couldn't understand what you said, fortunately you wrote down most of the process on the blackboard. I've seen it. Your proofs of the two conjectures are very exciting."

Hearing what the other party said, Li Mu couldn't help laughing for a moment, and then said sincerely, "Thank you!"

"In addition, I'm calling you because I want to tell you good news. As an honorary director of AMS, I have now received a notification from AMS about the candidates for this year's Cole Prize in Number Theory—"

Deligne smiled: "Yes, that's you."

"Your proof of the hailstone conjecture is enough for you to win this award, and just ten days ago, you won this award for you with the twin prime number conjecture, which laid a deeper foundation, although the twin prime number conjecture is still to be confirmed , but as far as the current situation is concerned, I probably won’t be able to escape.”

"So, congratulations, you have become the youngest recipient of the Cole Prize in Number Theory."

A surprised expression appeared on Li Mu's face.

Cole Prize in Number Theory?

It was awarded to him like this?

As a well-known award in the mathematics field, although the Cole Prize in Number Theory is only for the field of number theory, it also means that those who can win this award have already reached the top level in the field of number theory.

And he just got it.

Of course, his surprise was not because he thought he wasn't qualified, but because he was simply surprised by winning such a well-known award.

After all, he is only twenty years old this year.

What do ordinary people do when they are 20 years old?

In Huaguo, maybe you are in your sophomore or junior year, or you may have entered the society to work, and those who are more talented may just be in graduate school.

But at this time, he received a notice of winning an internationally renowned award.

Even the youngest recipient.

After being pleasantly surprised in his heart for a while, he quickly calmed down.

The Cole Prize in Number Theory is actually nothing, after all, he has already become the most competitive candidate for the Fields Medal.

"Thank you Professor Deligne, this is my honor!"

"Hehe, I can't say it's an honor or not. I can only say that you deserve it. Now, I look forward to seeing you again when the award is presented to you."

"Of course." Li Mu said with a smile.

"Well." Deligne said: "Oh, yes, there is one more thing I need to ask you."

"Actually, Sanak asked me to tell you about this."

Li Mu was taken aback: "Professor Sanak?"

"Well, he is sending you a manuscript invitation on behalf of the Annals of Mathematics. Regarding your Poligniac conjecture and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, the Annals of Mathematics is looking forward to your submission, although I am not a member of the Annals of Mathematics. I am the editor of the Annual, but after all, I am also a professor at Princeton University, so I am looking forward to your submission of the manuscript."

"In addition, there is the most important k-module theory. We also hope that you can write a more detailed paper separately."

"I think this is what the mathematics community is looking forward to the most."

Hearing Deligne's words, Li Mu couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Since Professor Sarnak has invited you so much, of course I will not refuse, and I will also write an independent paper on k-module theory. "

Deligne smiled and said, "That's good."

"Since this is the case, then I won't bother you anymore, let's celebrate, and I hope you can lead our mathematics world to be more brilliant in the future."

"I hope so too."

Putting down the phone, everyone around gave him curious expressions.

"What is Deligne calling you for?"

Qiu Chengtong asked curiously.

Deligne called him just now, and now he calls Li Mu. Could it be that he also asked about k-module theory?

Li Mu replied: "Professor Peter Sarnac, the editor-in-chief of "Annals of Mathematics", asked Professor Deligne to send me a contribution invitation, hoping that I can submit the proof papers of the Polygnac conjecture and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture. Vote for them, and k-module theory."

Since the proof of the twin prime number conjecture was solved at the Huaguo Mathematics Academic Summit, it will be published in the form of conference papers at that time, and the proof of these two conjectures, as well as the k-module theory, were all proposed in his personal report. It is not counted as a conference, so related papers still need to be published by him.

Peter Sarnak also took a fancy to this point and sent him an invitation to contribute.

The people present were immediately stunned.

Invited papers from Annals of Mathematics?

I heard that Li Mu had received active invitations from "nature", "JACS" and "PRL" before, and now the "Annual of Mathematics" is also here!

If this continues, will "Cell" invite him to contribute?

Good guy, this cross-field is too scary, isn't it?

Of course, although this was shocking to everyone, it was nothing to Qiu Chengtong. After all, he had also received invitations to contribute to the four top journals in the mathematics world.

"So he called you just to talk about this matter?" Qiu Chengtong said: "You can submit these papers to any journal. He always has something else to tell you, right?"

"There is indeed one more thing." Li Mu said shyly: "He also informed me that I won this year's Cole Prize in Number Theory."

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone around became even more restless.

Cole Prize in Number Theory!

Compared with the invitations to the Annals of Mathematics, the Cole Prize in Number Theory is obviously more surprising.

The last Chinese winner of the Cole Prize in Number Theory was Zhang Yitang.

But in terms of nationality, he is not a Chinese.

So in this way, Li Mu will become the first Chinese to win the Cole Prize in Number Theory.

Thinking of this, everyone around cheered and gave Li Mu another applause.



Li Mu smiled and thanked them.

Zhang Yitang also said to him with emotion: "Congratulations, the Cole Prize in Number Theory is awarded to those who have made great contributions and achievements in the field of number theory. Although I received this award 6 years ago, compared with you , or you are more qualified."

Li Mu smiled and said, "I was able to get this award based on your original method, and your contribution to the twin prime number conjecture is also great."

Zhang Yitang waved his hand: "Don't comfort me."

He also clapped his hands: "Of course, we don't need to say more about these words, but I still want to tell you, congratulations."

Seeing what Zhang Yitang said, Li Mu didn't say any more.

Then, in a cheerful atmosphere, the report came to an end.

Related news spread quickly.

"Two Conjectures Proved Again! The family of twin prime number conjectures was blown away by Li Mu! "

"A Report Inscribed in the History of Mathematics! 20 small blackboards, write the truth of mathematics! "

"The Mind of Genius, the K-Module Theory of Genius"

"Shock! Li Mu is actually reporting..."


A series of news has attracted the attention of countless netizens.

Going on the hot search and everything is a must.

Netizens went crazy.

[I'll make it together! What's this! What are the Polyniac conjecture and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture? ? ? Are you kidding me? 】

[Is there such a good proof for mathematical conjectures? Got it, I'm going to try Goldbach's conjecture now. 】

[Hold it, it will kill your brain cells, so be better for your brain! 】

[Just woke up, what the hell is this? Whether it is the Polignac conjecture or the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, they can all be regarded as enhanced versions of the twin prime conjecture, and the Faun has proved both of them at once? ? Oh no, plus the twin prime conjecture, that's three! 】

[What you said is not the real point. Proving these conjectures is only second. What is really awesome is the k-module theory proposed by Mu Shen in proving the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture. This is absolutely true for the mathematics community. It can be regarded as the most important achievement in such a long time. In the future, many mathematical achievements and papers may be born based on this K-module theory. 】

[I am currently studying for a Ph.D. in mathematics and said that it is indeed the case. My teacher is a mathematics professor at Huaguo University of Science and Technology. According to him, this paper of Mushen is of great significance to the development of the entire mathematics world, especially in the realization of On the Langlands program, my teacher seems to have already planned to study the K-model theory of Mu Shen, and now he is gearing up, so I can only say that you must not ask me to join the research group. I just listen to the live broadcast of Mu Shen, and my head is big up. 】

[It's over, it's over, my supervisor has asked me to write a graduation thesis based on the k-module theory, you let me die! 】

[Be careful of the results being stolen by your tutor, otherwise why would you let him study if he didn't study it himself]

[Ah, no, don't scare me! 】

[By the way, is there no one asking about Fan Pairen now? 】

[Fan Pairen, who is this jb? 】

[Just a jb touching porcelain, I heard that he himself went to Mushen to report at the site, but he was probably frightened by Mushen’s continuous proof of two conjectures, and sneaked away in the middle, and finally was caught by the security guards of Shangjing University , may be prosecuted according to the crime of spreading rumors. 】

[The light of the righteous way! It shines on the earth! 】


Facts have proved that Fan Pairen has indeed become a thing of the past. Although there are still people discussing him, it does not attract much attention.

As for Fan Pairen's Weibo account, which has just gained tens of thousands of fans, if he clicks on it now, he will find that it has been blocked.

But people seemed to have forgotten him, and paid more attention to what Li Mu had done.

Not long after, the official website of AMS announced the winners of this year's Cole Prize in Number Theory, and Li Mu's name was impressively listed on it.

There was an uproar in the mathematics world again, but there was no voice of doubt. It can only be said that it is worthy of the name and expected by everyone.

Even if this year's Cole Prize in Number Theory is not awarded to Li Mu, the value of this prize will be questioned.

Who else is more qualified to receive this award than Li Mu?

As for those mathematicians who had a chance to win the award and were already on the candidate list, they were not jealous of this result, only convinced.

If Li Mu won this award first, they would probably feel uneasy, and some people might suspect that they have some kind of cooperation with AMS.

Afterwards, this news was quickly learned by the domestic media, so the original enthusiasm was poured a bucket of oil again, and it became more and more intense.

Li Mu's Weibo fans alone have already skyrocketed to 3 million, and if this continues, there will probably be tens of millions.

It's just that under such a huge heat, what is Li Mu doing in the center of the vortex?


"What? The person behind Fan Pairen who helped him and contacted the navy is Peng Chuan, a professor at Shangjing University? Even he is a student of Lian Zhengxing?"

In the hotel room, Li Mu was shocked when he learned the news from Professor Lin Yao.

"Yes." Lin Yao nodded, and said with emotion: "Actually, you are also affected by some old things in our school."

Then, he told Li Mu what happened back then.

"There are still such people, damn it!"

Li Mu cursed immediately after hearing this, this kind of person is nothing but a teacher.

Lin Yao sighed, shook his head and said, "There is no shortage of such people at any time, so don't worry too much."

"Then how will this person be dealt with afterward?"

"He was jointly identified by Fan Pairen and the Pu Peng News reporter. I thought he had run away, but today it was found that he was drinking and getting drunk in one of his houses, and then he was arrested. Army, and confessed to the crime of inducing Fan Pairen to spread rumors."

"Maybe he will go in and stay there for a few years, and Fan Pairen is the same, but he should stay in less than a year before he can come out, and the reporter and Fan Pairen should be about the same."

"Of course, no matter what, they have left a criminal record, and it will be difficult to find a job in the future."

Hearing Professor Lin Yao's words, Li Mu nodded.

You deserve what you deserve, and you are happy.

"Okay, just understand these things." Lin Yao said with a smile: "This time in Shangjing, your harvest is pretty good, and we are planning to go back tomorrow. Our school has been looking forward to your return for a long time. .”

Li Mu nodded, "Okay."

"I have to go to Beijing University later, I have something to do."

Speaking of this matter, Li Mu also felt a little puzzled.

Because his sister suddenly told him that her mentor, academician Chen Shanping, wanted to see him.

What is this academician who studies life science looking for him for?

However, he is also a highly respected academician in the academic circle, and he is also my sister's tutor, so let's go for a while.

Lin Yao waved his hand: "It's okay, let's go, we'll be back tomorrow anyway."


Li Mu nodded. Suddenly, before he left, he remembered something again, took out a piece of draft paper from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Yao.

"By the way, Professor Lin, regarding the question raised at the end of your last report, that is, how to prove the second main theorem of truncation of non-Archimedean submorphic maps, I thought about it and used the k-module theory to solve it , should be a good method, here is a little reference I can give you."

He handed the draft paper in his hand to Professor Lin Yao, and then he waved his hand to indicate that he was leaving first. \b

Lin Yao looked at the draft paper in his hand in a daze.

After opening it, there were only a few simple lines on it, but just looking at it gave Lin Yao an inspiration.

Follow this inspiration, maybe that problem can really be solved.

"This kid..."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he put away the draft paper.

Li Mu helped Wu Mengyuan, but he never forgot him.


[Ten thousand changes are resumed today, and there are two more chapters in the afternoon. Let me explain again: the sum of the words in the three chapters is ten thousand words. You can check the deduction of dot coins in the background for confirmation]

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