Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 178 Milestones in the History of Physics

It's been a long time since anything big has happened to the physics community.

Even the Zcs (3985) strange hadron discovered by Gao Neng is actually not a big event that can shock the entire physics community.

Because this new particle has actually been predicted by various existing models, it will be a matter of time before it is discovered. For the entire physics community, it is probably equivalent to making up for an already Know what shape the puzzle is.

Its greatest significance is to verify the correctness of the past standard model.

Only the discovery of supersymmetric particles, such particles that play an important role in the basic composition of the entire universe, and can reveal new theories, is enough to shock physicists all over the world, just like Same as the Higgs particle.

Of course, this kind of experiment can shake the physics world, and it can shake the physics world theoretically. The establishment of the standard model is one of them. Similarly, overturning the previous standard model and establishing the A new standard model comes out, and it definitely counts as one of them.

However, the standard model has always been considered the most successful theory, and there have been no mistakes for decades, so the vast majority of physicists do not think that the standard model can be overthrown under the current circumstances.

Unless they actually find a supersymmetric particle, or verify string theory.

But it is a pity that at the end of 2020, when all physicists are ready to welcome the new year, the papers on arxiv broke their stable state of mind.


As the cutting-edge research position of particle physics, CERN can be said to be the first to feel any disturbance in the particle physics world.

Therefore, at CERN at the end of December, all the researchers stopped their research work, and the top experts in the particle physics field all looked very serious after the whole day.

This sudden change caught the ordinary researchers and trainee researchers a little off guard.

"Do you know what happened? Today, Professor Davidson's expression seems to have been wrong since the morning. After lunch, he went to a meeting and never came back. He didn't let our team continue to do research. It's rare. I'm on vacation."

Several intern researchers who came here from Huaguo gathered together and chatted.

Another person said in surprise: "Professor Davidson is the same?"

"Yeah, is it the same for you, Professor Clear?"

"Yes, we also had a holiday, and Professor Clear also went to a meeting."

"No wonder you all have time today."

"But what happened? The collider malfunctioned?"

"It shouldn't be, otherwise there will be a notice?"

"Anyway, I remember that when Professor Devinson told us about the holiday, he also said, 'There is no point in continuing to study for the time being.'"

"Physics doesn't exist anymore?"

One joked.

A group of people suddenly opened their minds.

"There are sophons in the LHC?"

"The Trisolarans are coming?"

"sir, this way."


After a while of joking, someone finally explained the reason: "I heard... just what I heard, it seems that there is a new paper on arxiv, which modified the previous standard model, and mathematically Can't find a problem yet."

"It's like saying -- physics still exists, it's just being pulled down and rebuilt."


Hearing this explanation, several other people stared in shock.

The standard model they have studied for so long has been modified like this?


This is no less than telling them that 1+1 is not equal to 2, but equal to 3!

"Really? Who wrote that paper? Could it be Edward Witten?"

"No, everyone should know the author's name, it's Li Mu."

"Li Mu?! Doesn't he study mathematics?"

Suddenly, several other people were shocked again.

Li Mu's name, as Chinese people, of course, can be regarded as thunderous.

It's just... Li Mu actually overturned the previous standard model, and then built a new one?

What a joke!

Suddenly at this moment, a voice came: "Hey, Chen, that Li Mu in your country is simply a god!"

Several people turned their heads to look, and couldn't help being taken aback. This person is Guilliman Fern, who can be regarded as one of the best young researchers in their CERN. He has already made many important researches at only 30 years old. His achievements were not only directly hired by CERN as a researcher, but also entered the list of candidates for awards such as the Max Planck Medal and the Dirac Medal. He is quite famous in the field of theoretical physics.

The person Guilliman Fern called was Chen Ming, and they knew each other because they had done research in the same group before, but even then, they hadn’t communicated much. Now Guilliman Fern actually Did you take the initiative to say hello to them?

Fern walked up to them and sat down, and continued to talk excitedly: "It is said that physics is God's game, and mathematics is God's game rules, so Li Mu must be able to communicate with God! Otherwise, he would not be interested in this game." The rules are so well understood.”

"Oh! It's just crazy!"

Hearing Fern's excited words, Chen Ming and the others looked at each other, until finally, Chen Ming asked: "Fern, are you talking about the paper that Li Mu posted on arxiv?"

"Yes!" Fern nodded, "It was the paper that was published yesterday. I spent a whole night researching this paper. Believe me, after reading it, you will definitely be like me. Excited!"


Chen Ming and the others felt that it was necessary for them to take a look at this paper immediately.

Suddenly at this moment, Fern's cell phone rang and he connected the call.

"A meeting? Is it held by Mr. Chairman? Do you want to focus on Li Mu's paper? Okay, okay, I understand, I'll come now."

Putting down the phone, Fern patted Chen Ming on the shoulder, "I should go, I suggest that you and your friends read that paper in advance, maybe we will all have to study this brand new standard model in a short time. .”

Then he left, presumably for a conference that would affect the physics community as a whole.

As for Chen Ming and the others who stayed where they were, they glanced at each other.

Chen Ming got up first and said, "I'm going back first, I have to read the paper."

Several other people also got up one after another.

"Me too."

"Let's go."

This is the case with theoretical physics.

Based on the framework established by a general theory, all scholars are also filling in this framework, and once this theory changes, the entire framework will change accordingly, and the scholars in it Also adapt to the new framework.

Otherwise, those who cannot adapt to the new framework can only be eliminated.

In just a few days, Li Mu's paper turned the entire physics world upside down.

Seventy to eighty percent of physicists are at a loss.

Wake up and their standard model is going to be a thing of the past?

And the non-perturbative method they have used for so long will become a thing of the past?

As for the thesis...

Many of them have also read it, but the key is that they don't understand it.

Among them, regarding the derivation process of the new expansion, some Fields Medalists like Deligne have said: "Let’s not discuss the correctness of the conclusion of this paper. From a mathematical point of view, this is definitely Fields It’s hard not to think of Ramanujan for the prize-level results and the process involved—oh no, maybe Ramanujan will be amazed by it here.”

Even such bigwigs have said so, so they still don't want to understand this paper.

What should I do if I don't understand?

Let's wait for the physics community to come to a unified conclusion.

However, thinking so, the bigwigs in the entire physics world have already fought over it.

The results brought about by this paper are very subversive, but because of their subversion, they have caused controversy.

Especially in conclusion.

The calculation of the mass of the W boson by the new model has become the key to many big cows' doubts.

Same as Witten's attitude at the beginning, this is tantamount to denying the experimental results.

Physics is an experimental science, and there is only the theory that the experimental results negate the theory, but it is impossible to have a theory that negates the experimental results.

However, the physicists who support this new theory have only one attitude: there is no problem with the mathematical derivation of this paper, so the conclusion is also very trustworthy. What's the problem?

These physicists are very pure mathematical physicists. They always believe in the decisive role of mathematics in physics, so this paper by Li Mu successfully convinced them.

Including Edward Witten, also stood up and expressed strong support.

After just one week, he reintegrated the past M theory based on this new expansion, directly making M theory more perfect.

This is exactly the dawn he saw, that is to realize the "downward compatibility" of M theory, that is, to be compatible with those low-energy theories, that is, theories of molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, etc., which only need to use Collision experiments at lower energy levels can be tested.

The biggest problem with M-theory is that it cannot use pure mathematics to solve non-perturbative problems. If solved, M-theory, as the "ultimate theory", will be able to explain those low-energy experimental results.

But now, Li Mu's Li's expansion has completely made non-perturbative problems a thing of the past in mathematics, which is of great significance to M theory.

"Now, M-theory has been perfected again, and the non-perturbative problem can no longer stop us. As long as we achieve compatibility with low-energy theories, then we will not need to discover strings to prove M-theory. Any existing Experimental data will help us prove the correctness of M theory."

"And Li Mu's work, and Li's development, both for the physics and mathematics circles, are worthy of celebration and cherishment by all of us."

Edward Witten's manifesto aroused the support of the entire string theory school.

For all string theory scholars, Li Mu's theory is like a ray of light in the dark, illuminating their hope.

So of course they all showed great support.

In this way, the fierce debate has made the entire physics community lively.

It's like the debate between quantum mechanics and relativity.

Until the end, all eyes were on CERN.

As a sacred place in the current high-energy physics field, where half of the high-energy physicists in the world are gathered, CERN's views on Li's development will have absolute guiding significance.

So, after a full month, CERN announced something to the entire physics community.

[Based on the paper "A New Standard Model Series Expansion" published by Li Mu on arxiv on December 29, 2020, CERN scholars have gone through some careful discussions, and now CERN has made the following announcement to the physics community: We recognize the new expansion of the standard model in this paper, and will use it as an important guiding theory in our future research. In future scientific plans, verifying the standard model of Li's expansion will also become our primary goal. Finally, I hope that particle physicists all over the world will take this new theory seriously. Changes in the physics world sometimes happen overnight. I hope everyone can keep up with the times. 】

The announcement of CERN surprised all physicists.

Because this already means that the standard model under Li's expansion has been officially accepted by the physics community.

Li Mu's name will be branded on the milestone in the history of physics.


"Li Mu, the new model you created has been studied by the whole Institute of High Energy."

"In addition, the prediction of the Zcs (3985) neutral companion state particle in your paper, the Institute of High Energy Energy has also been incorporated into the primary task of the next stage. This time, we should be able to find it."

"You kid...you are amazing."

On the phone, Academician Yue Lang said the last sentence with emotion.

Li Mu said with a smile: "It was just done by chance."

"Accidentally?" Yue Lang laughed for a moment, and finally didn't say much, and turned to say: "No matter what, I called you to tell you that you have graduated from me, and I have nothing to teach you. .”


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