Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 179 I'm Right

Academician Yue Lang's words stunned Li Mu.

"I...does this count as graduation?"

Yue Lang said with a smile: "Yes, this is regarded as graduation. This is the case with me. After that, you can do whatever you want."

"After you come back from Oxford, you can get your graduation certificate and degree certificate. At that time, you will be officially graduated."

"This..." Li Mu asked curiously, "What about the graduation thesis?"

"Of course, you still have to have a graduation thesis. Of course, you can wait until you officially graduate to write this thesis. At that time, our school will simply arrange a defense for you. For you, a simple Ph.D. It’s just a thesis, spend a week thinking about it, and the quality can be published in a district.”

Yue Lang said with a smile.

In fact, before Li Mu went to graduate school, Yue Lang knew that he might not be able to teach Li Mu much, and until a month ago, after Li Mu sent out the paper that shocked the entire physics world, he found that he even read When he didn't know much about this paper, he was already ready to talk about it with Li Mu.

Without him, facing Li Mu, he already had the same feeling of being attacked as Wu Mengyuan and Lin Yao did back then.

It's best to get rid of this kid as soon as possible.

As for Li Mu, he still felt a little dazed.

Even if this Ph.D. in physics is over?

Halfway through the last step of his student career?

It wasn't until a moment later that he came back to his senses, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

"Thank you, Academician Yue, for your cultivation."

As for writing a graduation thesis that can be published in the first district in terms of quality, it is really not a big deal for him...

For him, posting in the general area is almost a water thesis.

"Hehe, let's not talk about cultivation or not. I don't think I have ever cultivated you."

Yue Lang said: "I even want to ask you about the new standard model."

"I don't dare to ask for advice, just ask if you have any questions."

"If you want to say that, then I really ask?"

"En." Li Mu said.

"My biggest problem is still the mass of the W boson, which is also the most concerned issue in the current physics community." Yue Lang said: "What do you think about this problem? How do you plan to solve it?"

This question...

After a moment of silence, Li Mu said, "I believe I'm right."

"Of course, I also believe that you are right. I also believe in the decisive role of mathematics in physics. I don't think you will get a wrong result with such a rigorous mathematical process in your thesis."

Yue Lang said: "But problems always have to be solved. I hope you already have an idea of ​​how to solve this problem."

The elderly physicist laughed: "This can be regarded as helping me. At this age, I can further understand the truth of physics and the universe."

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and then he said solemnly: "Just don't worry, this problem will definitely be solved, and I already have an idea."

"That's good, that's good." Yue Lang responded, and there seemed to be a sense of relief in his words.

For him, no matter how shocking the final truth is, he can accept it, because at his age, the more shocking the truth is, the less regrets he will have in his later life.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, um...the Chinese New Year is only a week away, so let me say a happy New Year to you in advance." Yue Lang smiled and said, "If you count it like this, , Your graduation can be regarded as a New Year gift."

Li Mu immediately laughed, "Thank you Academician Yue, I like this New Year's gift very much."

"Then I'm also looking forward to your New Year's gift, even if it comes a long time late, I will accept it."

"I will."

There was no further chat, the phone hung up.

Looking at the date displayed on the phone, February 4, 2021, there is indeed only one week left before New Year's Eve.

At this time, he had already returned home from school.

Anyway, there is nothing to do at school, so it is better to go home and wait for the New Year.

He didn't even care much about the fact that the physics community had been arguing for a month because of his thesis.

Even if the chairman of CERN called him personally and invited him to give a report in Europe to explain the Lie expansion of the Standard Model to the entire physics community, he temporarily shirked it, saying that he would have to wait for a while.

No matter how noisy the physics world is, he will always believe that his conclusions must be correct.

This not only comes from his confidence in his own derivation process, but most importantly - the computer in his mind recognizes it.

A month ago, after he posted the paper on arxiv, the reward task had been settled.

He still remembers the system's settlement language at that time very clearly.

[Describing the universe in a framework is the goal that all physics strives to achieve. Although the civilization of the host is still a long way from this goal, the achievements of the host have already made your civilization in this A very solid step has been taken on the road, and I wish you the best of luck in completing this framework in the foreseeable future. 】

Thinking of this passage, Li Mu couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

In the foreseeable future, find a framework theory that unifies the entire universe?

In this regard, he is not very hopeful.

String theory is good enough, right?

But people have to use a collider as big as the earth to discover it.

So God knows how many years it will take for the theory that can unify the universe to be discovered by people.

At least he didn't think that his hundred-year lifespan could last until that day.

Unless biotechnology can be greatly improved, and human life can be escaped—that is, the development speed of anti-aging technology exceeds the speed of human aging, so that human beings can escape the limit of life span.

But implementing this technique...

Biologists should first solve the problem of telomerase.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about life expectancy.

Of course, no matter what, the rewards for this mission are still very generous.

As a reward task itself, it directly brought 10,000 energy points to Li Mu.

At this time, his upgrade progress has reached 28102/30000.

Of course, the most important thing is the special rewards you get.

The special reward is very simple. It directly upgrades the second-level universe real environment simulation that he has never used to the fifth-level universe real environment simulation.

That is to say, he can experience how powerful the simulation of the real environment of the universe under the five-level brain computer is.

His current brain computer is only level three, and there are two levels away from level five. God knows how long it will take to reach level five.

This special reward is definitely very powerful.

After the settlement of this reward task, the system issued new tasks non-stop.

Entering his mind and opening the task panel, Li Mu took another look at the new task.

[The problem hidden in the new theory? 】

[Task introduction: Negating experiments with theory may be called crazy for others, but it is clear that the host is full of confidence in his own theory. However, when the experimental conclusions and theories conflict, where is the fundamental problem that leads to this situation? Find it and solve it, and prove to the world that your confidence represents the truth. 】

[Mission purpose: Solve the problems in the new theory and prove to the academic community that your new theory is correct. 】

Apparently, this task is considered to be an inheritance from the previous one, allowing Li Mu to face the doubts of his new theory, Li's expansion of the Standard Model, in the current physics community.

The task was challenging, but it also suited him well.

In the face of doubts from the academic community, it is never a good solution to justify.

Because this situation can only be a waste of saliva, just like the debate between quantum mechanics and relativity, and also like the debate between string theory scholars and anti-string theory scholars, neither side can produce absolute evidence to refute the other, So we can only keep arguing.

Only the truth can speak louder than words, so Li Mu believes that when he presents unquestionable proofs, all these arguments will be self-defeating.

It is precisely because of this that he rejected CERN's invitation.

When he goes to CERN, he must hold arguments that can completely silence the physics community, and tell those physicists who question him that he is correct.

In fact, CERN is not the only one that invited him. There are too many theoretical physics research organizations and various universities in the world that have sent invitations to him in the past month, such as ICTP International Center for Theoretical Physics, Max. Well-known institutions such as the Planck Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but he rejected them all, and only replied that CERN would go there later.

It can also be regarded as telling the physics community through the mouth of CERN that he will respond to related questions about the Li's expansion of the Standard Model.

Why did he wait a while, even though too many physicists are wondering?

Don't you know that the entire physics community is looking forward to his response?

But there is no way, Li Mu said to wait, so we can only wait, we can't force Li Mu to come over, can we?

So this wave, this wave is called the whole physics community waiting for Li Mu together.

"In the previous standard model prediction, the mass of the W boson was 80.357Gev, with a plus or minus error of 0.006Gev, but under my Lee expansion, the calculated mass of the W boson was 80.4332Gev, plus or minus the error 0.0091Gev."

"A difference of 0.1 percent."

"The mass comes from the Higgs mechanism, the spontaneous symmetry breaking that gives the gauge boson its mass."

"Now that there are bugs in quality, it is obvious to start with the Higgs mechanism..."

Li Mu came back to his senses, lowered his head, and looked at the desk in front of him.

Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of draft papers on the desk, and the formulas on the draft papers would give anyone a headache just looking at them.

"After this step, how should we deal with it?"

Li Mu frowned slightly.

Difficulties remain.

But he is also used to moving forward in the quagmire of difficulties.

Time passed slowly, until at some point, the door was suddenly opened.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

A familiar voice reached Li Mu's ears.

He turned his head to look, and as expected, it was Li Ruyu.

Li Ruyu came back from Shangjing by plane this morning, so he would arrive home around this time.

"Hey, why did you come back so early this year?"

"Hey, it's rare for Lao Chen to let me go home early this year."

"Let you?" Li Mu caught the key point in the words: "Not you?"

"I was discovered by you!" Li Ruyu chuckled: "Of course it is thanks to you."


"Old Chen has arranged a task for me. Our project has finally encountered a particularly troublesome math problem. We need your help as a math expert. I came back by order to invite you out of the mountain."

"By the way, what are you researching?"

After asking a question, Li Ruyu came up, just glanced briefly at the draft paper on Li Mu's desk, and was immediately stunned: "My God, so you specialize in writing heavenly scriptures!"

Li Mu: "..."

Shaking his head, it seems that he doesn't need to study.

But that's good too, his research has hit a bottleneck now, maybe it will help to divert his attention at this time?

"Okay, let's talk about the problems you encountered."

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