Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 491 Fateful entanglement, Nexus and the alien beast, the source and the alien beast

PS: My co-worker asked me to go to Chia Malatang, and I said I wanted to code. It was so painful.

If the noisy conversations in the shared cells of the alien beasts were recorded in the form of a chat group at this moment, it would probably look like this.

Yizu Mairu: Something's not right, brothers. I've encountered a ruthless character here. Is there anyone here to help me?

Garubus: No? You are the fusion of twelve alien beasts, the strongest alien beast. You don’t still need our help, right? Um? ? ?

Kutula: I met someone here who was covered in thorns. The tentacles pricked him a little bit, but it’s not a big problem.

Meg Flush: Stop talking. This one here has a turtle shell on top. Fortunately, I am better at electrocuting it.

Pedron: My side has solved the battle and is destroying human fighters.

Baig Bazun: +1, I also defeated my opponent.

Lavlia: +1

Alekunai: +1

Yizu Mairu: Damn it, it’s hard to beat a good chicken, come and help me with a beast!

Baigba Zun: Hahaha! Humans are so fragile, and these monsters taste so good!

Garubus: It’s so funny. The strongest alien beast is there. Isn’t it possible to handle this?

Lavlia: Indeed.

Kutula: Indeed.

Alekunay: Indeed.

Meg Flush: Indeed.

Yizu Mairu: You fart!

In short, Yizu Mairu, who did not get any feedback in the alien beast group chat channel, could only continue to fight Renlong alone.

While fighting, it couldn't help but wonder, could it be that it won the prize? Just meet the strongest one?

Yizu Mairu tried several times to break through the obstruction of the water flow and get into Renlong's body to engage in close combat with him.

One look at Renryu's body showed that he was not good at close combat, and this aspect was Yiju Mairu's strength. As long as he could get up close, he could still fight in this match.

Although Renlong's attack will be quickly offset by the super-speed regeneration ability contained in Yizumaru's body after causing damage, Yizumaru is not the kind of beast that likes to be beaten violently.

It has always played the role of beating other beasts.

But the attack formed by the mixture of flowing water not only entangled Izumaru's feet, but also covered its entire body.

Fighting in this world full of water vapor, its strength was weakened several times.

But Yizu Mairu's request for help was not in vain after all. He blew out the dark clouds and fell from the sky. His broad wings tore through the clouds and rain, bringing a moment of clearness to the sky, but was soon captured by thicker clouds.

It fell to the ground, and Yizu Mairu attacked the Renlong one after another, and converged his wings. The One from the Death Star world, The One who evolved to the ecological limit of the earth, descended here.

"It tastes really good." Obviously, The One came here after having eliminated the earth monster that was pestering it. As for what happened to the earth monster that was hostile to him after its defeat, there was no need to say anything more. .

The devil's claws brushed the ferocious fangs, looking at Renlong's sacred posture, The One's eyes were full of greed,

Its evolutionary intuition tells it that it will gain great benefits by swallowing this mythical dragon.

"What's wrong, Renlong is being attacked from both sides!" In the air base, everyone couldn't help but raise their minds as they watched the mighty Renlong being attacked from both sides.

They believe in Renlong's power, but that doesn't mean that Renlong can withstand such a flanking attack...

Renlong swayed his body and observed the two opponents one behind the other.

He sensed an extraordinary threat in these two guys, and they were no less powerful than him when they were pulled out alone. Now that they were fighting two against each other, Renlong had no confidence in his heart.

The Cool Dragon Team rushed out of the clouds and received the order from the commander of the stone chamber. The Cool Dragon Team formed a coordinated formation and hovered above Ren Long's head.

At the same time, the Lightning Team, who came to support the battle with injuries, encountered Baig Bazun halfway. The two sides launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle in the sky, and no one could escape from the battlefield for a while.

The Falcons, who also fought with injuries, encountered Lavelia. Like the Lightning team, they also fought with Lavelia on the spot and were unable to reach the battlefield in a short time.

"Team Cool Dragon, assist Renlong, we must defend!" When Shi Shi said guarding, he not only defended Renlong and Tokyo, but also the Stone Wings that had not moved yet.

Not okay yet? source! The earth is in danger now, and the earth needs your power!

Not only the call of the stone chamber, but also the life on this planet is calling for the appearance of those three guardians.

Those are the warriors who can protect the earth.

In this desperate moment, they are hope.

The battle between Zero and Tartarus was inseparable. In the area where they fought, the satellite had long been destroyed, high energy was everywhere, and every attack could cause an asteroid to explode.

It was a war that humans could not observe, and it was also beyond the reach of humans.

In response to people's calls, the stone wing hair floated slightly, emitting a faint light that flickered on and off.

The bursts of light were not too dazzling, and were even very weak, but a certain guy sleeping inside knew that the situation on the earth was very dangerous, and could no longer tolerate him hiding inside and cultivating his body.

As a result, the Stone Wings floated to a height of thirty to forty meters, transforming from pure white light into red light of life.

The shape of the Stone Wings began to shrink and was submerged in the light. Then, a shrunken Stone Wings mark was engraved on Nexus' weapons.

And after the light of life disappeared, the red giant of light stood on the earth.

The full blue timer and tall and straight figure represent that most of his previous injuries have healed.

"Ninety percent? That's enough." He clenched his fists and felt the light energy and physical condition in his body. Although he had not yet returned to his peak, Nexus couldn't wait any longer.

"It's Nexus! He's resurrected! He's fine!"

"It's really him..." Team Cool Dragon poured out firepower on Yizu Mairu, trying their best to assist Renlong and help him contain him.

But the scene of the standing red warrior still attracted their attention.

The upright guardian, Nexus, who had been bombarded by humans before, finally chose to stand up at this time.

Does he still have trust in humans?

Even though a high-intensity battle was going on, Kajio, Yoneda and the others were overjoyed when they saw Nexus resurrecting.

In the command room, although the situation was still grim, the appearance of Nexus relieved them invisibly.

After all, the figure who once supported the sky and intercepted Digrob by himself was a huge shock to mankind.

What they have always seen is Nexus' invincible posture.

Sensing the crisis of the battle situation on Renlong's side, Nexus jumped up, flipped over in mid-air and fell from the sky. He landed in front of Izumiru and turned around with a jio.

Caught off guard, Yizu Mairu took a hard blow and was kicked back several steps.

Throwing out the restraining light with one hand, it wrapped around the Cool Dragons fighter jet that was shot down by The One due to distraction. Nexus grabbed it in his hand and could clearly see the one that looked exactly like Mayumi through the front window. The girl's panicked look.

Nexus nodded and placed it on the ground.

The moment he stood up, the legendary power flew out and turned into a hovering spark sword. After making a large circle, it pinned the tentacles that tried to attack him to the ground.

The light energy contained in the Spark Sword counterattacked all the way up the tentacles, and was traced back to the owner of the tentacles. Kutula screamed in the other world sea, and his whole body turned into floating blue molecules in the explosion, scattering go.

"Roar!" Sensing the appearance of Nexus, Renlong roared, and the reversed waterspout spread out, disintegrating into water flowing slowly and returning to the ground.

After all, Renlong was limited to Tokyo, and in order to protect the city, he did not use his power here more.

Otherwise, how could it be easy for the tornado to explode and turn into a sky-shaking tsunami, mixed with the power of Renlong?

"Renryu, go help Fujinomiya and take him to the depths of the sea." Who would have thought that the first thing Nexus did after he recovered was not to fight side by side with Renryu, but to ask Renryu to leave.

"Currently, you are the only one on earth who can lead him to find Aguru."

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