Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 492: Put aside your hatred for the alien beasts, do you really believe that there are such t

"I never thought it would be you!" Both Izumaru and The One are absolutely no strangers to Nexus. They can both realize that Nexus comes from the same death star above their heads as they do. The breath of stars.

Obviously, the Nexus in front of them is the Nexus they know well.

But wasn’t that Nexus devoured by Mephistopheles? How could it still appear?

Even if there were, it couldn't possibly be from the same world as them.

The grievances and grievances of "Yizumiru.The One", right now, Nexus clearly remembers that when he was a member of the Earth Defense Force, he was fighting on the battlefield with guns that were like waste to them. One line, but just dying.

The world where the source is located has no help from advanced alien civilizations such as visitors. It is just an earth civilization that encounters alien beasts. Even if the Earth Defense Force is established, what will happen?

Do you just rely on bullets like that to deal with alien beasts?

That was the demon god who could give the source unspeakable despair just by standing there. It was the demon he could see when he raised his head.

There is only one hope for the entire Earth, and that is Nexus.

"You are from the Death Star? Impossible. We remember very clearly that there will be no human beings alive on the Death Star!" The One simply does not believe that the source is the people on the planet above them.

"Really? Special operations team, source of recruits, Vice Captain Rogers, Captain Kagetora, do you remember now? The One!" Raising his hand, the spark sword flew back upside down and was caught by Nexus.

The blade of the sword was ignited with fire. The blazing flames were a reflection of Nexus's heart at this moment.

Everything will eventually come to an end. Fate will re-bind those who have been separated, allowing them to settle their grudges on a stage called the chessboard and become the destiny of the people. winner.

"You! Source. Yes, I remember there was such a person. He was the person sent out by Nexus at the last moment. He was the only human being to escape from the Death Star!" The One quickly remembered the Source. The main reason for its identity was that it shared the message and photos of the source in the shared channel of the alien beast. It quickly received the message from Pedron, and only then did it truly realize the identity of the source.

"Why, he sent you out, and you're going to come back and die?" The One figured out the identity of Yuanquan, and didn't care much about it.

It was just a broken light, and it was the guy who once looked up to them and was helpless.

Did he appear here because he felt that he had become Nexus and wanted revenge?

Oh, do you really think that you can complete your revenge by becoming Nexus?

If so, why did the Death Star become the Death Star?

"I'm not here for revenge, I'm here to cleanse my homeland of betrayers and invaders." With a cold voice, Nexus raised the Spark Sword, and the flames on the blade flew out in an instant and turned into sword energy. Rush away.

Although The One looked down on Nexus, he still raised his hand and used 80% of his strength to tear apart the flaming sword energy.

"That's it? What about you?" Before Rampant finished speaking, the red figure turned into blue as he ran.

The tip of the Spark Sword was dotted with a golden light spot. The moment he passed by, the blue young man Nexus didn't even look back and went straight towards Izumaru.

"No. Blue can't be so strong!"


The unwilling words only had time to express the last words. The body was split in half from the middle, and the staggered halves fell to both sides. Under the bright starlight with blue molecules flying away, The One's body collapsed and decomposed. Blue particles disappear with the wind.

Killing The One in one move was something that Nexus could not even imagine before on the planet he once fought for.

Likewise, this is something that the alien beasts simply don’t dare to think about.

Yizu Mairu released all his attacks, whether it was a destructive beam or a blazing beam, they all poured out to bombard Nexus' position.

These multiple beams covered half of the area, and the ground rumbled and shook.

Nexus flew into the air with his shield on, heading towards the Death Star in the sky.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, the spark sword flew straight out under the control of telekinesis. The destructive beam was torn open with the tip of the sword from the front, and it was inserted into the red biological core of Izumaru's chest with great force.

The Spark Sword rotated at high speed, and the energy contained in the sword exploded in Izumaru's body.

Just like Seggu's death, after an internal explosion shattered all the internal organs and bones, a big hole was blasted out of Yizu Mairu's back.

The Spark Sword passed through him, spiraling towards the sky, pursuing Nexus.

Yizu Mairu's body slowly fell to its knees, and it couldn't believe it until it died. It didn't even catch Nexus's move.

Isn't this also blue Nexus? Why was he suppressing Lannai, who was full of brilliance, and now he was beaten by this incomplete lucky man?


It turned into blue particles and floated away until death. Yizumaru didn't understand. They were all blue Nexus. There was something missing between the two that caused the gap between the two to be so huge.

If I had known earlier, I would have been more careful, but...

Rushing straight into the sky, the Spark Sword caught up from below, circled and smashed around Nexus, and returned to his wrist to resume its bracelet form.

Seeing this, Nexus increased his speed again, heading straight out of the atmosphere.

Standing in space, Nexus wanted to rush directly to the Death Star and fight Mephisto to the death, but he turned around and saw that the entire earth was in flames of war, and the roars of countless alien beasts resounded. in his ear.

Even the monsters on earth are no match for the alien beasts when outnumbered.

Not to mention that there are more than one Izumaru and The One in the Death Star, and there are countless other alien beasts.

That is not something that humans can solve. Even if it can be killed, if it is not eliminated to the molecular state, it will leave consequences.

Therefore, Nexus decided to suspend his eagerness for a decisive battle and instead went to relieve the crisis on Earth.

He wants to eliminate the flames of war spreading on the earth. Even if doing so will consume a lot of his energy, it is Source's responsibility to protect the earth and this blue star.

If Mephisto is eliminated and the earth in the Gaia universe is ignored, then when he defeats Mephisto, all he will gain is another buried planet, just like his hometown.

Then guarding has no meaning.

With this thought, Nexus used the Spark Sword again, threw it to the other side of the earth, and controlled its actions with his own telekinesis.

He is the guardian of the earth, and he can get the bonus of the earth when fighting on the earth. Even if his telekinesis cannot cover the entire earth, he can do it with the help of the earth's will.

The two groups separated, and Nexus rushed towards the earth, adjusting his posture while falling rapidly.

The Storm Sword pops up, and golden space particles wrap around the Storm Sword.

Nexus did not choose to release his sword energy, but stayed on the sword of the storm and moved across the sky.

The sword of the storm tears apart space, just like tearing a crack into a curtain. There are parasitic beasts lurking in the sea of ​​phase space, and even floating in the sky coexisting as twins. No one can escape Nexus. Eye.

No matter how these guys evolved, they all came from the Death Star, from the homeland he had fought for.

Yuan has faced these alien beasts countless times.

Even though he was not determined to take revenge, when he continued to eliminate these alien beasts that were once helpless, Yuanyuan still couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

Doesn't he have any hatred for the alien beasts?

No, that was just him pretending not to care.

The stories he has experienced and mentioned intermittently in the previous article are enough to make anyone collapse.

It was just a light used for revenge, but in the end nothing was gained, so Yuan always restrained himself.

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