Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 83: You’re mine now.

At the spot in the marketplace, the duel between Yoru and Sindri was taking place.

The gathered crowd that was rowdy at first, have now become silent as they bear witness to the aftermath of the clash between Sindri's Sacred Arrow: Byakko and Yoru's Full Counter.

It happened in an instant. Sindri shot her most powerful arrow of the four in her Sacred Arrow skill, and Yoru perfectly reflecting it back to the sender, who was unable to evade it due to the walls of Magic Shield that Yoru had set up to prevent escape.

The result of that clash ended up with Sindri on the ground with 1 HP remaining due to the rules of the duel preventing it from reaching zero.

To the masses watching the fight, they only have a single thought to say in their minds at the fallen Sindri.

"Damn. Sindri got Yamcha'ed!"

And thus...


[Duel End!]

🎉~Winner: Yoru!!!~🎉


...Yoru won, as you may have already expected.

And with Yoru being victorious, you know what will happen, don't you?

Walking up to the defeated, Yoru stood over Sindri, looking down at her who weeped in frustration at how easily she was bested despite being a higher level.

"No fair! No fair!" Sindri complained. "What the heck was that!? Since when can deflect attacks back at your opponent!?" She nagged, being just as surprised as anyone else watching the duel that Yoru was capable of such a feat.

"Since just now. I only got Full Counter after reflecting your Lightning Arrow." Yoru calmly answered, which only ticked Sindri further.

"No fair! No fair, I say! That was basically cheating! I want a rematch!!!" She bellowed in fury, punching the ground repeated.

However, in Yoru's eyes, Sindri's little temper tantrum merely seemed cute. Like an angry chihuahua barking, was what Yoru thought about her rage.

"Now now. You know that's not how that works." Yoru stated in response to Sindri's demand for a rematch and moved in closer to her face.

Yoru bent forward and lifted Sindri's chin with her free hand, forcing the girl to look at her right in the eye.

"You lost, Sindri. And so, as we had agreed on: You are mine now~♡" Said Yoru, whispering those sweet last four words in Sindri's ear. Causing a sort of switch to flick in Sindri's head who could only respond to that statement appropriately.

"Yes, Mommy."

"Don't call me that, child."

"Ok, Mommy."

"Ugghh... never mind." Yoru heaved a heavy sigh and stood back straight up. "Anyways, shall we go and rent a room at an inn or something? There's something I would like to discuss with you. In private."

"Umm... ok."

Being oddly calmed now, Sindri stood up and began to tag with Yoru to an inn in the city.

To the other players who heard the whole conversation, they have only one thought.

"Sindri is gonna have some yuri time with Yoru!!!"

"Kuuhhh!! I'm so jealous." Said one player in the audience.

"I wished I was Sindri right now." Said another.

"I wished I was Yoru instead!" A third spoke.

But then, Yoru stopped and turned around.

Did she hear what those players said and was about to scold them for their remarks?


She turned around to call out to Andre who was standing with the crowd.

"Andre, you coming?" She asked the lizard.

"Oh my? Are you sure? I thought you would want your discussion to be confidential?" Andre asked in response.

"Well, it'd be rude of me to split the both of you like this. Besides, Sindri would probably tell you about it anyway, so you might as well join us."

"I see. Understood, Miss Yoru. Then with your permission, allow me to partake in your private discussion."

With that, Yoru, Sindri and Andre walked off together, leaving the crowd in shock and dismay as to what they had just witnessed.

"NO ******* WAY!!!"

"They're gonna do it with the lizard!?"

"It should have been me, not him! It's not fair!!!"

The majority of the crowd despair and cried, while the few who are sane sighed in disgust at their behaviour.

"You guys need to touch grass."


"Hey! I've gone to the Creeping Forest everyday, you know!"

"I'm talking about real life grass, not virtual grass, you dramatic buffoon!"

And so, the crowd eventually dispersed. During which Zanny arrived at the scene, a bit too late.

A loud "NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!" soon echoed throughout the street after that.


We are in the inn now. Along the way, Yura got back to me with a message and I invited him over. So now, Sindri, Andre and I are just waiting until he arrives.

Not long later, someone was knocking on the door.

"Looks like Yura's here."

I got up and opened it to see the young dog boy standing behind it.

"I came, Miss Yoru."

"Welcome, Yura. Come on in."

"Yes. I'll be intruding... Huh?"

Yura came inside and immediately noticed Sindri and Andre in the room, looking at him.

"Sindri and Andre... Why are they here, Miss Yoru?" The kid asked me.

"That's because I brought them here." I answered.

"So, is this the kid you mentioned, Yoru?" Sindri then asked me.

"Indeed he is." I replied to her.

Sindri then stared intently at Yura, making the boy a bit nervous.

"I recognised you. " She said. "You were one of the winners in the Battle Royale event, weren't you?"

"Y-Yes! I'm Yura. Nice to meet you!" Yura replied nervously, introducing himself loudly.

"I see. I'm Sindri, and this is Andre. A pleasure." Sindri did the same in a calm manner, while Andre politely bowed.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Yura." Said the lizardman.

Then, I clapped my hands together. "Great. Now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's get right down to business." I said, going directly straight to the point.

"Sindri, Yura. I want you two to join our party against a raid boss." I 'invited' them. However, that only seemed to have gotten themselves stunned instead.

""What?"" Sindri and Yura said simultaneously.

Then, Andre raised his hand.

"Apologies, Miss Yoru. But I swore I just heard you say, 'raid boss'?" He questioned me.

"Yes, I did. Akatsuki and I found a raid boss about a week ago. I'm surprised no one has ever found it since we did. We even died to it."

""You died!?"" Sindri and Yura suddenly yelled, seemingly more shocked about that than the fact that I know about a raid boss.

"Yes. To its second phase though. Since then, Akatsuki and I had practically used all of our resources." I replied.

But then, Andre raised his hand again.

"Hold on. You died in its second phase. Does that mean you beat its first phase?" He asked.

"It was me and Akatsuki who faced him at the time. But yes, we did." I answered, then realised something.

"Oh right. I never said who Akatsuki was, did I? Akatsuki is my—"

"She's your girlfriend. We know." Andre said, cutting me off there.

"You know?" I looked at Sindri who nodded, indicating that she knew. Then to Yura who did the same.

"How did you guys know?" I asked them.

"""Forums""" The three of them answered. "And also from Zanny's livestream when Miss Akatsuki introduced herself to the viewers." Yura added, as I remember that happening.

I really need to check out the forums, don't I?

"Anyways, Sindri and Yura, if you two are free tomorrow, I would like the both of you to join us in the raid."

"I mean, it's not like I can refuse..." Sindri remarked, as she has a bet to uphold.

"What about you, Yura? Will you be joining us?" I asked him, who looked a bit hesitant to answer.

"Umm, Miss Yoru. May I ask around when we will be doing it tomorrow?"

"At night after dinner time. Is something the matter?"

"Umm well, about that, I have a family dinner planned tomorrow at my Uncle's. So, I don't think I will be able to join you in the raid."

"Oh... Is that so...?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise, Yura. It can't be helped if you have plans then." I said to not make the kid feel bad. However, I also got worried, scratching my head, as I wasn't sure what I should do for the sixth member now.

Oh, hold on. Andre's here, duh! I can just ask him.

"Say Andre, you wouldn't happen to be free tomorrow, would you?" I asked him, hoping that he would fill the spot.

"My apologies, Miss Yoru. But unfortunately, I have a plans with Sindri's mother tomorrow." Andre answered.

"Sindri's mother? Do you two know each other in real life?" I insensitively asked them. Being that it is rude to pry about players' life in reality.

Fortunately, the both of them didn't seem to mind as Andre immediately responded to the question.

"I'm her dad." He stated with a proud look on his lizardman face.

"Step-dad." Sindri corrected him instantly after that, as if it was a natural response. "Andre is not my father." She added.

"Aww~ But I am your daddy, aren't I?" Andre smirkingly retorted to Sindri's comment, as if to tease.

In response, Sindri pulled Andre's cheeks in embarrassment. Telling him, "Don't... call yourself that in front of other people!" Causing Andre to laugh.

"Hahaha! As shy as always, aren't you, my girl?" Said Andre, not minding it at all. Then, turned to us.

"Don't worry. She's just a tsundere." He said.

"Yes... I can see that." I remarked. Recognising Sindri as such.

"I'm not a tsundere!!!" Sindri then yelled to deny it.


""That's exactly what a tsundere would say."" Yura and I commented simultaneously, ticking Sindri off even more.

Eventually, she calmed down. Still moody.

But putting that aside, I sighed.

"Well, this is problematic. If Yura and Andre can't join us, then we will only have five people total for the raid tomorrow."

"Is that so? That's— ...Hm?" Sindri suddenly raised an eyebrow, giving me a look of astonishment as if I had done something wrong.

Or rather, Yura and Andre are giving me the same look like I have indeed done something wrong.

"Hold on. I think I heard you wrongly just now. Did you say fiiiive?" Sindri questioned me, as I looked at her in confusion.

"As in people? Then, yes. We will only have five people in total for the raid tomorrow, if there's no one else to fill up the sixth spot." I answered honestly, then asked her, "Why do you ask?"

"ARE YOU INSANE, YORU!? You want to perform a raid with only five people!?" Sindri bellowed incredibly loud. Almost blew my ears off if it could.

That being said, why is she so upset?

Sure. Five people for a raid is unusual. But Sanae and I beat Pinocchio's first phase on our own. If two people could do that, then I don't see why five people can't beat the raid boss entirely.

"Don't worry. Akatsuki and I beat its first phase on our own. I'm sure five people could beat it as a whole." I told Sindri what I was thinking.

"Don't say that so confidently!" She snapped back, almost pulling her hair but refrained as she then asked me, "Do we at least have a healer?"

"No. But we have a tank." I cheerfully replied.

Meanwhile, Sindri despaired.

"We are doomed..."

"Well, I would like a healer to join. But, do you know anyone who plays the Cleric class, is at least level 35, and is available for tomorrow?" I asked Sindri, who unfortunately shook her head.

I turned to Andre who did the same.

"Then I guess it's just the five of us." I stated, shrugging my shoulders as if it can't be helped.


However, just then, Yura raised his hand.

"I know someone who is a Cleric." He said, as we all turned our heads to him.

"Do you now?"

"Yes. I met her two days ago and we somehow ended up playing together a lot. Actually, when Miss Yoru messaged me, I was busy conquering a dungeon with her. Her level isn't at 35 yet. But it's close to that. And she's really reliable as a healer. I can ask her to come here right now so that you may talk, if that's alright with you?"

"Yes! Please! Tell her to come right now!" Sindri begged desperately.

"We can totally use her help!" I begged the same in happiness. "It doesn't matter if she's not level 35 yet. I can train her up quickly!"

With hope on our side, our lord and saviour, Yura, proceeded to summon his Cleric friend to the room.

"Ok umm... She said she will be here in five minutes."

"Great! Oh, and by the way, what is her name? I got all excited that we got a healer joining us that I didn't ask that first." I asked Yura, calming down now.

"Her name is Nyx. And she's also a Dark Elf like you, Miss Yoru. But she is a bit... eccentric."

"I see. Well don't worry about that. I'm used to dealing with eccentric people."

In fact, I deal with them everyday. Since they are my mother and sister...

I really took nearly an entire month to write one whole chapter... -_-

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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