Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 84: Because it sounds cool

Nyx. A dark elf healer whom Yura endorsed to join our raid party.

I wonder what she is like? According to Yura, she can be a bit eccentric, it seems.

Just as I thought about that, there was a rapid knock on the door, which I believed to be her and opened the door.

"Hello~!!" Greeted the beautiful and mature dark elf woman wearing glasses on the other side of the door. "You must be Yoru. Nice to meet you. I'm Nyx." She introduced herself in a friendly manner.

She doesn't seem too bad... so far.

"Nice to meet you, Nyx. Thank you for coming." I put my hand out which she grabbed for a handshake.

But then, using that opportunity, Nyx suddenly moved closer and lifted my chin up. Examining my face.

"Oh my~ So this is what you look like." She remarked softly. Enough for me to hear her.

"Umm, what are you...?"

Yura, Sindri and Andre are still in the room. They can clearly see us being physically close to each other which may cause some misunderstanding.

And for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to push myself away from her.

What the heck is going on!?


All of a sudden, Nyx let out a small laugh and made a silly little smirk. Then, she stepped back and apologised.

"Oh my. So sorry, Yoru. I was simply too excited to meet you when Lil' Yu mentioned you wanted to meet me in his message." She said with a voice of sincerity in her apology.

"O-Oh. It's alright, Miss Nyx. I was just a little surprised, that's all." I said.

Also, Lil' Yu?

"I see. Thank goodness. I was worried I had upset you. Oh. And please, just call me Nyx."

"I understand. Then once again, it's a pleasure to meet you, Nyx."

"The pleasure's all mine, Yoru."

We shook hands and sat down. Then, I briefed Nyx, our new comrade, on the details of the raid boss, Pinocchio.

 A few minutes later...

"I see... So, we are dealing with an eldritch horror?"

"Pretty much, yeah. So, what do you say? Are you in?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm freaking in! Facing one of my childhood fairy tales turned horror? That sounds like a ton of fun!"

"Great. Then we've gotten ourselves a healer. Yes!"

I celebrated briefly, pumping my fist slightly in a glee. Unaware of what Yura and Sindri were saying behind my back.



Then, Nyx raised her hand, asking me a question.

"Ah. But we're doing this raid tomorrow, right? I'm only level 28, will that be alright?"

"No need to worry about that. I know of a way to get you up to the minimum recommended level for the raid boss really quickly."

"Oh my! There is such a way? What is it?"

"Hold on. Let me message my girlfriend. We will need her help for this." I said, opening up my menu to send Sanae a message on where we should meet.

She's online right now, thankfully. But while I was typing the message to her, Nyx seemed to be staring at me with her jaw dropped.

"Eh... girlfriend?"

"What's the matter, Nyx?" I asked her, looking like she's got something she wanted to say.

And she did, suddenly grabbing my shoulders.

"Yoru, you have a girlfriend?"

"Umm, yeah...?"

Why does she look so intrigued about that?

"I see. So, it's just like an in-game girlfriend type of thing, is it?"

"No. Akatsuki is my girlfriend in real life too."


And suddenly, Nyx screamed out loud when I mentioned that.

Which led her to violently shake me.

"You have a real life girlfriend!? Since when!? For how long have you two been dating!? Why was I not told about this!?"

What the hell?

What is going on here? Why is Nyx, whom I have just met, suddenly acting like this? In fact, I'm pretty sure Yura, Sindri, and Andre have the same question in their minds, judging by the bewildered expressions on their faces.

"What do you mean 'why'? We've only just met. If anything, I should be asking why are you so curious about my love life all of a sudden? It's not like you're my mother or—  anything..."

Nyx immediately stopped shaking me as soon as I said that last part, whereas I quickly came to a wild but oddly sensible realisation.


Don't tell me...

"Is that you, Mom?"

"Ah, err..."

Nyx shied her eyes away from mine, making it even more suspicious. So, let's test her.

"What's nine plus ten?" I asked.

"Twenty-one." She answered instantly with a straight face.

Yup. It's Mom alright. Only she would know an old meme like that.

Mom also seemed to realise that I know it's her and didn't bother trying to hide it anymore.

There are many questions I would like to ask right now like why did she try to hide her identity from me when she clearly knew who I was? But my first question was...

"So, why Nyx?"

"Because it sounds cool!"

Of course it is.

"And the glasses?"

"Because a mature dark elf woman with glasses is all men's kryptonite."

"That's a bold statement. Got a source to back that up?"

"My source is that I made it the **** up!"

As Mom and I were talking in memes, Yura then interjected.

"Umm... What are the both of you talking about?" he asked.

"Nanomachines, son."

"We are discussing about the DNA of the soul."

Mom and I replied in memes.

"Uh, what?" Yura was understandably perplexed by our responses. However, that's when Sindri and Andre joined in on the conversation.

"Hold on, Yoru, putting whatever you two are talking about, did you just call Nyx your mother?" Sindri asked.

"That was what we heard." Andre added.

"Ah. Yeah! That's what I wanted to ask too!" Yura said, snapping out of his confusion.

Mom and I looked at each other. Then, I turned back to them and answered.

"Nyx is my mother, yeah. I had just found that out myself."

"Hi hi! I'm Yoru's mama~!" said Mom, reintroducing herself.

And once that was revealed, Yura and Sindri became flabbergasted, while Andre looked sincerely understanding, given that he is a parent himself, playing the same game with his daughter, Sindri.

"Miss Nyx is Miss Yoru's mother...?" Yura asked, seeking confirmation if what he heard was correct.

""Yup."" We replied, assuring him that he heard us correctly.

"What... What a coincidence."

"I know, right? I would have never imagined meeting my lovely baby in the game like this." Mom gleefully stated. "And to think that you would know her as well, Lil' Yu. Coincidences sure are scary."

"Indeed, they are..." Sindri agreed with that notion.

As do I, silently. Finding it amazing that Yura would be acquainted with me and Mom, resulting in us meeting in the game for the first time like this.

Also, while I knew that Mom would be playing UFO, I did not expect her to be playing as a Cleric of all things.

And speaking of Mom, she then grabbed me by the shoulders again

"Back to what we were talking about... Why didn't you tell Momma that you have a girlfriend!?" She interrogated me, shaking my body once more.

"I forgot. More importantly, Mom, how did you know what my character looked like?" I questioned her, figuring that someone told her. Most likely Hikari, who is on the top of my mind.

"Oh. Your sister told me about that. And she described your appearance perfectly. 'A beautiful Dark Elf woman with a highly lewd body, wearing pervy clothes.' " Mom said, confirming my suspicion and making me a bit mad by that description.

Ha ha ha. I'm going to kill Hikari if I ever see her in-game.

"Now back to the topic!" Mom returned with her interrogation. "What kind of a woman is your girlfriend like? Have you two done it yet? And most importantly of all, what is her bust size!? Momma won't accept any girl who has smaller boobs than me!"

Why the heck is that last one important!?

"Mom..." I replied, grabbing her hands so that she would stop shaking me and leaning forward to her ear to whisper private information to her. "Her name in real life is Sanae. She has an I-cup."

That response alone was enough to trigger a change in Mom's mind.

"So, when is the wedding, my dear child?"

""She changed her mind fast!"" Sindri and Yura remarked out of shock.

"Hmm. Sounds like she has a bigger bust." Andre remarked as well, deducing it from the change in Mom's behaviour.

But to me though, it's not that surprising. After all, it's just Mom being Mom.

"I'll formally introduce her to you in real life tomorrow. But now, the both of you can meet in the game." I said, sending a message to Sanae, telling her to come to my location.

However, Mom refused.

"No no no! That will not do! Momma will not have my first meeting with my future daughter-in-law in a game. Therefore, Momma is logging out now! Bye bye!"

"Wait, what? Hold on—"

And like that, Mom logged out. Her character vanished in front of my face, creating a strange air of awkwardness in the room.

"Soooo...  I guess this meeting is over then?" Sindri asked in an awkward tone.

"Yeah. It is. And also, I don't think we can do the raid tomorrow." I informed her, postponing the plan because of what had just happened.

"Eh. No worries. I understand. Good luck introducing your girlfriend to your mom, Yoru."

"Umm, y-yeah. G-Good luck, Miss Yoru." Yura chimed in with sympathy, as the two of them awkwardly made their way to the door with Andre following suit.

"We shall be leaving now. Goodbye, Miss Yoru." He said, closing the door behind him as the three of them left. Leaving me alone to stand silently in the room now.

"God ****it, Mom..." I heaved a sigh and sat down on the bed.

Not long after that, Sanae arrived and I proceeded to explain to her everything that had just transpired in the room.

Understandably, she began quite nervously excited to be meeting Mom for the first time tomorrow and logged out early to mentally prepare.

With me alone again, I sent an in-game message to Hikari. Saying: "I'm going to kill you."

Her response: "What!? Why!?"

I left the reason undivulged.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

Haven't wrote for a month since the last update. So I hope the quality is still good.

Thank you again.

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