Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 346 Facing the Behemoth of War

If it weren't for the fact that they hadn't obtained permission yet and the diplomatic process was very slow, the World Development Department would have wanted to send a few Hill-class destroyers to this world. ♦ൠ  ♦♦

But now that the scale is large, there is no need to take such an approach in a situation that is not urgent.

According to the biological structure of the giant limbs sent by John Wick, the height of the giant monster should not exceed 50 meters. For such a monster that is no more than 50 meters, the electromagnetic tank armor-piercing projectile is enough to deal with it.

The electromagnetically excited tank armor-piercing projectile can easily penetrate tens of meters of reinforced concrete and multiple new alloy steel plates.

The defense of the surface of the organism cannot exceed concrete and steel plates. Unless the physique increases to 200 meters, the conventional weapons carried may not be able to break through the ultra-high density muscles.

The life on Earth has to withstand more than 100 kilograms of pressure per square meter. Under this pressure, it is a strenuous task to move.

The giant creatures all have exaggerated bodies that are so strong that even conventional weapons cannot penetrate them in order to survive on Earth.

The physiological structure of giant creatures can be left to biologists, and the biologists of the group may not be able to figure out how much difference there is between the strange semi-energy life in this world and normal life.

In short, the company soldiers and super soldiers began to move all the way to the deep mountain base of the town. The guns and shells had already drunk wine, waiting for the arrival of the war.

The hidden military base in the town is a distance away from the town. The base located in the hilly basin hides its main job well.

After entering the road section that no one would approach on weekdays, faint gunshots and artillery sounds began to sound in the capture range of the detector.

The whole company was alert and pulled away for a long distance.

If there was no time to react, the huge monster would step on their chariot with one foot, which would make the passionate soldiers feel extremely embarrassed and aggrieved, and the company commander would also leave a black spot on his resume that would never be erased.

The knights raised their shields and began to speed up. The super soldiers also jumped off the armored vehicles and moved in front and around to protect the slowed-down convoy.


They heard it, it was the sound of tanks firing.

But the sound was still very faint!

The closer they were to the base in the mountains, the greater the isolation of the sound from the fog.

Even the sound of tanks firing was not clear, and there would be strange echoes.

In the deep mountain base two kilometers away from the company, the soldiers of the US Army Abnormal Countermeasures Force who were responsible for cleaning up the mess were still fighting monsters in the thick fog.

The thick fog and the vision debuff brought by the gas mask on their faces made this battle particularly difficult, and large-scale group operations were restricted.

This made the American soldiers more crazy than fighting in the tropical rain forests of Vietnam, because anything could happen in the fog, and all detectors were invalid. They could only rely on the soldiers' screams to determine the location of the monsters.

If they were not careful, they might be strangled by the monsters in their faces. Only those guys in the tank crew could be more relaxed. They only needed to fire at the place where the vibrator reminded them. Even if they could not hit the big monsters, the shells would be blocked by the mountain.

Thompson was a mid-level soldier in the path anomaly countermeasures unit. He lost his teammates in the battle. He walked blindly along the way, listening to screams, which made him a little confused in the mountains and forests.

He raised his gun and put it down, raised it and put it down again, raised it back and forth, and saw the shadow of the monster and wanted to shoot, but was frightened by the screams of his teammates and dared not move. He finally pulled the trigger, and the shadow of the monster disappeared in the fog.

He fought for almost two days, and he was worried. Not only was his sense of direction confused, but he was tossing back and forth. He even held the gun when he ate and shit, and even couldn't wipe his butt when he was scared by the monster and fled in panic.

His spirit was on the verge of collapse. Even if the walkie-talkie could occasionally receive the commander's voice, he couldn't accurately find the commander's location.

Why did they get separated at the beginning...


The seven or eight-meter-tall big guy rushed over with bullets and machine guns. What else could they do except run!

Just running like this, in this place where you can't see more than three meters away, who can still find teammates? It's really weird!

What kind of brain-dead alien monsters are these damn upper-class people researching in this forest? I'm going to assassinate the commander-in-chief after I get out! I'll live in the most luxurious manor with smooth tissues to wipe my ass with! I'll also buy a dozen prostitutes to suck my dick!

Thompson didn't know what was going on in his mind. He just kept running because there was a big snake chasing him.

The rifle was emptied and discarded a day ago. He had no weapons except the last few bullets left on his body... Oh, and there's a damn bayonet!

It can be used to pick the teeth of the big snake... Snakes don't chew when they eat, so what's the point of picking shitty teeth!


Thompson stumbled and stumbled out of the woods, looking back to see the big snake chasing him.

He didn't feel excited about running out of the forest and into the main road, because this kind of excitement would become numb if repeated too much. He had been circling in the woods for two days, so how could he still be excited?

He now wanted to find a tree and die, so as to end his military service!


"Ah ...

Thompson, who looked back at the snake, bumped into something. The last line of reason broke. He fell to the ground, babbling nonsense, and screamed like crazy, "Come on! Monster, kill me, my crotch has been marinated for a long time, come on! Eat me up! Come on..."


The sound of snake scales rubbing against each other was indeed approaching, but Thompson had already closed his mouth, because when he raised his head, the first thing he saw was not a monster, but a humanoid creature wearing silver armor...

Is this a human? Thompson was not sure.

The super soldier lowered his head and stared at the crazy soldier who ran out of the woods wearing a simple protective suit and a breathing mask, and was speechless for a moment.

Forgive him, he is the first generation of super soldiers, not a war machine for the time being, and he understood what the soldier said.

Thompson looked at the dark eyes on the super soldier's helmet, a little stunned, listened carefully, turned his head again, and saw a heavy armored vehicle approaching slowly.

Got… saved…

Thompson’s face was dazed under the gas mask, and he was crying like a baby. He held on to the life-saving straw, the super soldier’s thick left leg, with both hands.

At this moment, this cold metal thigh made him feel extremely relieved.

The super soldier shook himself off, but didn’t shake off, but turned his head to look at the woods next to him.

There was no movement in the woods filled with thick fog, but he suddenly took a small step back, raised his right hand, and punched the air with a big swing.


The fist wrapped in the metal glove made a whistling sound in the air, and the next moment, a gray-white giant python jumped out as if it was deliberately hitting the super soldier’s fist, and the snake’s head was hit hard by the punch.


The terrifying sound like a tank collision startled everyone in the company. This sound was too close.

The beast's body, which was nearly two meters in diameter, was knocked away by the fist. The bones of the snake's head were all shattered. More than half of the flying snake's body remained in the woods, and the remaining half tilted to the left. After a pause, it twitched wildly on the spot, obviously a last breath before death.


Thompson, who was hugging the super soldier's thigh, only felt the warm thigh vibrate a little, and the explosion that was just around the corner stunned his mind.

Looking back, his eyes suddenly enlarged. The terrifying snake that had chased him all the way and couldn't get rid of it with all his strength just fell to the side...

Did the tank fire just now?

I didn't feel the high temperature either...

So what was that?

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The continuous buzzing of the machine gun woke up Thompson's dormant IQ. The armor-piercing bullets of the machine gun on the armored personnel carrier dragged the swaying light and beat the wildly twitching snake on the edge of the woods into a ball of rotten meat.

The snake stopped moving, and a big hand also lifted up his neck.

After he stood up with his weak legs, he realized how tall the thigh he was holding was. It was at least two and a half meters tall.

Two meters and a half tall, is he still a normal person?

I seem to have discovered a big secret. Could the military base in the deep mountains be studying the combination of monsters and human bodies?

A biochemically modified person?

Thompson, who was unconscious and even a little mentally ill, was taken away by two ordinary army soldiers. After returning to the tank, he would ask some questions to this soldier.

The appearance of this soldier indicated that they were very close to the military base shown on the map.

Thompson was the first, but not the last.

As they got closer to the military base, the number of soldiers stumbling out of the woods began to increase.

They all wore military green camouflage uniforms, with very limited protective equipment, and the quality did not seem to be very good. Almost every soldier lost his weapon and could not find the way back to the headquarters.

The company's radio also received the roar of the commander who recaptured the military base. The person in charge of the company was already in contact with the regiment commander of the Army's abnormal countermeasures force.

Not only the soldiers were in a difficult mental state, but even the army commander who was commanding the base recovery operation was not in a good mental state.

After hearing that there was support, he yelled a few words like "It's impossible", saying that they were abandoned, this was a sacrifice, they could only feed the monsters if they survived, and the base had not been taken down yet, so there would be no support...

The company commander of the group's army support force was full of questions, but he could also see from the commander's state that the regiment responsible for recovering the military base and solving the mess was about to be completely rotten.

They had to hurry up and enter the battlefield!

The knights who led the way and Father Marshall who was sitting in John Wick's car thought so too.

The eight brave knights clamped their legs on the horses' bellies, drew their swords, raised their shields and began to rush into the fog.

Knights... Charge!

The John Wick car, which was lagging behind, was still driving more carefully. The two dogs in the back seat had jumped out of the car and they were also responsible for leading the way.

The knights relied on their senses and the guidance of the concrete road under their feet to charge and turn all the way. The gunshots from all directions gradually gathered together, which at least seemed less chaotic and at least the directions were similar.

The charging knights were soon attacked by the fog. More than a dozen pterosaur monsters fell from the sky and grabbed the charging knights.

The knights who found the enemy ignited the holy flame on their swords, swung their long swords and easily cut them into several pieces, and the black and smelly blood dripped on the gorgeous armor.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

There are not only monsters in the fog, but also American soldiers who have long lost their target and are like headless flies.

In a series of gunshots, the leading knight's armor was hit by dozens of rifle bullets, and the rebounding bullets became debris and sparks and fell to the ground.

The warhorse was also affected. Fortunately, Ma Kai protected most of the warhorse's position, and even wrapped the ankle with bulletproof material, otherwise the beloved warhorse would be sent back to the rear for treatment due to accidental injuries.

The attacked knight took a deep breath and shouted: "We are reinforcements! Reinforcements are here!



The three soldiers hiding under the overturned troop carrier stopped shooting. From the roar that was inexplicably louder than the gunshots, they heard English and strange sounds, but they didn't think there would be reinforcements here.

Haha! This is a place that God hates, and they are also abandoned by God. How could anyone be willing to come to hell to save them...

The three soldiers were gloomy. The bullets they just fired were the last rifle bullets they had dug out from the corner of the troop carrier. Next, they only had pistols left.

But what use are pistols against those huge monsters that can defend against bullets?

Da Da Da!

The strange sound was still approaching, and the information received later than the sound was the golden light in the fog.

The three soldiers sitting on the chassis of the troop carrier looked at the golden light in the fog, continued to raise their guns, and supported their tired bodies to move.

As long as they could see clearly what the golden light was...

Gift Crab!

They were hallucinating!

Knight! A medieval knight riding a warhorse!

The knight holding the holy sword braked in front of the three soldiers, and the majestic warhorse raised its upper body high in front of the three people. The knight behind the warhorse also became particularly tall because of this action.

When the front hoof fell, the three soldiers did not react.

"Your bravery summoned the messenger of God, live bravely!"

The knight looked at the three stunned soldiers, left a word and then rushed into the fog, rushing towards the military base not far away.

The knight who had finished pretending to be cool charged forward. The three soldiers who confirmed that it was not an illusion saw the knight going deeper, and opened their thirsty throats to say something...

Another knight passed by waving a golden sword and also left a word: "You worked hard, but leave it to us next!"

Knights rushed forward one after another, making the three soldiers who stayed in place very anxious.

"No, the front is..."

It was too late. The charging knight encountered the most powerful demon he had ever seen!

The eight knights encountered a gray cliff, which was covered with dense insects.

Looking up, the cliff may not be a wall...

The image was enlarged, and a terrifying beast lying on the ground was slowly crawling forward!

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