Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 347 Bombarding the Cliff

The largest creatures that humans can imagine are whales. In the ocean, they can even grow longer than a flat building.

Today, the knights saw a monster that was longer than a whale and taller than a building... a demon!

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Its body is so big that the parasites living on its skin are already densely packed in groups, just like jackals, tigers and leopards, big and fierce, and they live on its huge body to form a unique ecosystem.

Just like a dead whale, it becomes the cradle of countless tiny marine life as it sinks, and feeds countless lives.

This monster, who is unknown how tall and big, is also like a huge life beyond comprehension, and has become the cradle of countless parasites.

If humans stand on it, they may just be a bigger bug.

The bugs that emerged from the cracks in the skin kept chirping like mad dogs, but their bodies did not break away from the cracks in the epidermis.

"Oh my God!" The knight looked up at the giant creature that stretched for an unknown length and completely blocked the road, and blurted out a series of exclamations.

I never thought that there would be such a huge creature in the world. This is simply a miracle... a miracle of the devil!

Draw the sword, cut!

Eight knights with firm faith waved their swords, and the golden flames wrapped the sword body. They rode on their horses and cut at the monster's body.

The long sword burning with holy flames cut through the parasites together. The epidermis was more fragile than expected. At least the long sword cut a gap in the thick gray epidermis, and a large amount of thick mucus flowed out.

The tank shells that came from nowhere hit the huge monster. The knights saw a faint light above their heads, and then a large amount of mucus and monsters fell all over the sky.

The horses kept retreating, and the knights also swung their swords, constantly slashing out sword energy in the air, evaporating the slime and the falling monsters.

The high-temperature sword energy is an energy group with combustible telekinesis attached. These energy groups can appear in two states after hitting the target, cutting and exploding.

The knights used the telekinesis of the explosion to block all the slime and monsters falling from the sky. When John Wick's car arrived here, all they saw was a little charcoal on the ground and the slime that had not been evaporated.

The monsters were still blocking the road, blocking their way tightly.

The three soldiers who were lost on the road rushed over breathlessly. After seeing John Wick's car, they knew that it was not an illusion, and the knights of God were not here to take them away. There were really reinforcements coming. It might be the country's secret cult to clean up the mess!

"This... this monster has been blocking here for a long time. We have split into several groups and bypassed from the side. We also used helicopters to bypass, but no news has been received yet.

One of the soldiers panted and explained the current situation.

The work of retaking the base, in the final analysis, is blocked by this giant monster blocking the entrance, making it impossible to enter the base through normal means.

The helicopter disappeared after it took off. Some people tried to bypass and enter the base from other directions but got lost in the forest. The underground emergency passage was filled with disgusting green slime, and there were monsters hiding in the slime like crocodiles in the swamp.

The soldiers of the Army Abnormal Countermeasures Force are in the sky and underground. , have tried everything, the most reliable method is to take a detour, and climb over the monster's hill-like body.

And climbing on the back of the monster, you have to deal with the parasites on the monster's back.

Detouring will encounter attacks from various monsters whose faces you can't see clearly, which is simply a nightmare!

Now the regiment commander is crazy, and most of the soldiers are crazy too. They don't even know if any soldiers have successfully entered the base.

The three soldiers didn't expect these knight enthusiasts to successfully enter the base, but just told them with a try mentality.

The soldiers who recovered their breath told them the content of their mission, "Our mission is to enter the factory building of the base, manually open the safety device, and then turn off the switch. "

Father Marshall got off the car, and the shortened scepter lengthened again in the middle of his swing, maintaining the style of the leader.

He raised his head and looked up at the monster's body. Each of the parasites stuck in the gaps on the monster's body had a human-like face, big eyes, and neat teeth that were not sharp. These monsters seemed to be imitating humans.

It is undoubtedly a demon!

Demons do not have the horns of argali, nor the temptation of the devil, but they still bring disaster and misfortune to the world.

I don't know if the demons in this world can be completely eliminated, but Father Marshall will still give these demons the heaviest blow when he sees the demons wreaking havoc.

"Let's go! "

Simple instructions, but the three people were confused.

The horses neighed in unison, and jets suddenly appeared on their soles. Makai's tail and back extended light metal wings.

The knights put away their swords, took out grenade launchers that were completely inconsistent with the style of knights from the cloth bags on their horses' backs, and took off directly on the spot with a pull of the reins, making the three soldiers who were still in the normal world doubt their lives again.

Father Marshall also waved his scepter and took off on the spot, as if he was going straight to heaven and disappeared in the mist.

If the gray mist is replaced with misty clouds, this picture of slowly disappearing in the sky is indeed quite like ascending to heaven.

"Three, get in the car." John Wick waved to the three soldiers who looked up at the sky, and took them back to a safe distance, that is, within the protection circle of the company.

The supporting company has stopped at the original location. Several scouts, with their equipment, have dispersed around under the protection of super soldiers, looking for the regimental headquarters of the local army's abnormal countermeasures force when the signal search equipment is ineffective.

The electromagnetic guns of the giant tanks that stayed at the original location launched a tentative attack on the giant monster at a distance of about one kilometer.

The main guns of several electromagnetic tanks opened fire, and the rapidly discharged shells flew over a distance of one kilometer in the blink of an eye and successfully hit the body of the giant monster.

The mechanical dog approaching the monster transmitted the images it saw back to the company. They could not see clearly where the electromagnetic tank's shells hit the monster, nor did they know how much damage was caused. The dog only saw a large amount of mucus falling from the sky, as well as the limbs and arms of the parasites that depended on the giant monster for survival.

The electromagnetic tank is more powerful than an ordinary tank, and it shoots more mucus. They can only judge the damage caused by this.

It is possible that the mucus layer is not a biological organ. Just like animals rolling in mud to get a layer of protection, the size of this monster means that its defense cannot be too poor.


The electromagnetic tank fired another volley, aiming at the same position.

Repeatedly attacking the same position, regardless of whether the surface attachments are penetrated, they can always attack the body of the monster.

After several rounds of attacks, the ground vibrated rhythmically, and the sound of the tank firing seemed to attract other monsters.

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