Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 367 Reinforcements

Just as the war that suddenly started was developing better and the U.S. military gradually felt that victory was in sight, troops in other places received news one after another that the rescue mission was not going well.

The 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army airdropped to several towns on the path of the slave Titan Demon in battalions, intending to rush to the 39th Brigade in Missouri to assist the evacuation of civilians while blocking the demons in a small area.

As with the situation encountered by the 151st Ranger Regiment, the demons are much more powerful than ordinary human armies, especially in some towns that were first invaded by demons. The number of demons that appeared far exceeded expectations, and a considerable number of high-level demons appeared!

For example, the Hell Destroyer can release long-range destructive energy beams, and there is also a melee demon that has no long-range attack capabilities but whose skin can withstand a considerable portion of the full-power rifle bullets of combat rifles.

The moment they came into contact with the demons, the airborne soldiers were harvested like weeds. Unless a human bomb detonated multiple grenades and died together with those melee demons that had no eyes but could find prey, otherwise, if a demon like that rushed into the defense circle, everyone would die under the slap of its claws.

The morale of the airborne soldiers was almost instantly killed, and the only remaining fighting will was given by fear. They were afraid of death, but they were also afraid of leaving Missouri with these demons and bringing death to more people. The flag of freedom and justice was still draped over these soldiers.

When the fear reached its peak, they would charge forward uncontrollably, because the fear itself urged them to escape in the most heroic way! Death.


The trajectory of the sky missiles could no longer give the soldiers psychological comfort, but reinforcements could still be provided.

Considering the flight speed of the Hill-class destroyer, the group spent a little time and brought a space-time bridge device that could quickly support the battlefield.

The upgraded Valkyrie space shuttle acted as a transport aircraft to carry out the mission of transporting the space-time bridge device. The aircraft had just bypassed the missile trajectory and arrived in St. Louis, the largest city in Missouri, and was currently preparing to connect to the Pentagon's command system.

At the same time, more small multi-purpose fighters also transported multiple combat teams and super soldier teams, accompanying the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army to the battlefield.

Major Robin in Bontel City was facing a terrible situation. His decision to choose the hospital as a temporary base was very correct. At least they had enough medicines and surgical equipment to provide emergency treatment for a large number of wounded soldiers who were airborne.

The 1st Paratrooper Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army, an infantry battalion, was almost completely defeated in Bontel City. Before landing on the ground, it had a close contact with the little devil flying in the sky in mid-air.

Major Robin on the ground faced a dense crowd of people falling from the sky, and sent people to meet them, bringing back nearly 200 wounded soldiers and 600 frightened soldiers.

What's even worse is that the commander of this battalion was blown off half of his body by the little devil's fireball grenade, and his internal organs fell out when he fell...

Now he has become the highest commander here, damn it!

Major Robin smashed the helmet on his head to the ground. There was still gunfire outside. He held the phone and kept asking the headquarters for tank and artillery support, but all these requests fell on deaf ears.

It's not too serious to have no tanks and artillery. After all, it's normal to use human lives to test the enemy's strength when such a battle suddenly occurs.

He was just afraid that the headquarters would abandon them all. If they could get support, it meant that they would not be abandoned. If they didn't come, it meant that they were abandoned.

There is no world war now, and the United States can't have only these troops! The situation is not optimistic!

After another unsuccessful request for support, Major Robin rested his hands on the table and stared at the spread-out map in a daze.

At this time, a scout suddenly ran in from the door. As soon as he opened the door, he started shouting, "Airdrop, and paratroopers, sir!"

"What's the use of more paratroopers!"

Major Robin came to his senses, put on his helmet, walked to the window with a low curse, and looked up at the sky.

Then he saw dozens of black spots falling rapidly from the sky, and his brows furrowed. He carefully observed for a while, until those black spots were only a hundred meters away from the ground, and then he fell to the ground with a big change of face and a shout.



Everyone in the room was startled and fell to the ground together.

However, there was no bomb, no explosion.

After waiting for a long time and hearing no sound except the gunshots of the soldiers outside and the explosion of grenades, Major Robin carefully climbed up from the ground and looked at the window facing the front yard of the hospital.

He swore that this scene was more magical than the command center sending bombs to their city!

Dozens of robots were wearing a strange device, which was round and slick, and the bottom sprayed blue light to slow down the falling speed. Finally, the robots landed steadily on the ground.

"Sir, the command said that the landing was support."

At this time, the signalman told Major Robin that a new batch of support had arrived.

In fact, he knew the news when the support was floating in the sky, but Robin suddenly yelled that the bomb fell to the ground, so he fell to the ground...

"Fuck! It's wrapped so much like a bomb, it's better to have some skills!"

The matte gray power armor of the super soldier really looks like a large bomb. After falling, they untied the auxiliary landing device on their bodies and grabbed a huge electromagnetic rifle from the device.

The Rangers and paratroopers who were blocking the demons were so frightened by the sudden super soldiers falling from the sky that they all pointed their guns at the tin cans. They didn't relax their tense nerves until they heard a message from the intercom confirming that these people were friendly forces.

The super soldiers consciously walked to the bunker made of cars that had been drained of gasoline, and aimed their huge electromagnetic rifles at the Destroyer Demons hiding behind the bunkers outside the hospital and shooting at them.

The enhanced ammunition was fired at the Destroyer Demons hiding behind the wall. The wall and the demons hiding behind were directly shattered by the bullets. The electromagnetic enhanced the speed of the projectiles, and the ammunition that did not completely give up the kinetic energy of gunpowder had a power far exceeding that of normal firearms.

The exaggerated recoil was suppressed by the power armor and the powerful body of the super soldier, making this special firearm extremely lethal to normal or abnormal enemies.

The super soldier was not even afraid of the enemy's destruction beam attack. He exposed his head and shot at all the demons that showed up.

The wall was shattered, blood was splattered, and the American soldiers were suppressed by the demons for a long time in the positional battle, but the situation was quickly reversed after the support arrived.

The group army soldiers who were falling in the sky were still in mid-air fighting with the little demons flying in the sky, and the little demons were constantly shot down.

The new support was more powerful than the soldiers imagined.

A super soldier who did not participate in the battle stopped a soldier and asked him about the location of the commander here.

After obtaining the location information, the super soldier strode into the busy inpatient building and saw Major Robbin standing on the window sill and looking out in the nurses' lounge on the second floor.

Hearing the report from the guard and the heavy footsteps, Major Robbin's body trembled slightly. He turned around and looked at the big iron can that was nearly one meter taller than him. He pretended to be calm and asked: "Report your number!"

Because the New World Union did not intend to disclose the existence of the parallel world, the World Development Department gave the super soldiers the following explanation... "We are mercenaries. We will temporarily follow your command and carry out the rescue mission. Please give the order."


At the St. Louis City Football Stadium, the huge Valkyrie space shuttle slowly descended, folded its foldable wings, opened the tail cargo hold, and several mechas pushed the equipment modules to unload on the green shade.

After a few simple operations, the space-time bridge device was built, and the mecha held the energy block and filled it into the device. The blue light immediately lit up in the huge circular device. After the screens on both sides were connected, a large number of mecha units and heavy electromagnetic tanks passed through the space-time bridge device.

The heavy body and tracks crushed the green shade, leaving deep marks on the football field, but the current stadium manager didn't care if something crushed the field.

Eighty mechas and 30 electromagnetic tanks left the stadium along the vehicle access road and drove to Farmington City, about to replace the National Guard and confront the devil head-on.

In addition to heavy equipment, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles drove out one after another after the space-time bridge device.

Like a wormhole, the space-time bridge device continuously transported all the weapons and equipment in California to Missouri more than 2,000 kilometers away.

In addition to vehicles, a large number of drones flew out of the portal.

The dual-rotor drone made a harsh buzzing sound and quickly disappeared over the stadium like a shuttle. After the dense drones dispersed, they were like a group of enlarged flies, buzzing and noisy.

The number of special operations equipment that the group can provide is very considerable, because it is always necessary to be on guard against interstellar wars or global invasion wars, so the group's war materials are always abundant, and the unused ones can be stored for at least hundreds of years by special methods.

So the group is making it hard, and the equipment that is eliminated due to too fast iteration will be sold at a low price to countries that want to organize exploration teams to explore the new world.

The buzzing unmanned attack aircraft arrived in Farmington City earlier than the ground troops with a series of shrieks.

Even with the construction of temporary fortifications in advance, the casualties of the soldiers of the National Guard and the demons after the battle were still very large, not to mention that the dust waves raised by the falling missiles from the sky greatly affected the performance of the soldiers and also affected the communication between the soldiers.

The battlefield was one-sided. With the help of the dust waves raised by the missiles, the demons were like monsters in the fog, beating the soldiers back step by step.

These demons are not immune to bullets, but except for the little demons that throw fireballs and a new pink demon that looks like a certain void monster Big Mouth from Valoran, other demons are very resistant to damage from ordinary rifle bullets.

Unless they hit the vital points or are forced to be poisoned by heavy metals, the demons will not fall on the way of charging.

The fearless demons broke up the formation of the National Guard soldiers. They continued to fight and retreat according to the orders of their superiors, but even so, they continued to lose people.

When they heard a strange scream above their heads, the soldiers even thought that another demon had appeared, and their faces turned pale instantly.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they looked up and saw the drones flying by.

No matter what those things are, as long as they are not ugly demons, they can be accepted!

Da da da da da da!

The weapons equipped by the unmanned attack aircraft are single-shot rapid-fire machine guns. The weapons of the group have been updated through iterations, even the bullets. The new metal and new propellant make the bullets of the same caliber have a stronger initial velocity and penetration than ordinary brass bullets.

The battlefield scanners and various sensors allow these drones to accurately find all the hiding demons without being affected by the environment and terrain.

The massive drones approached and instantly stopped the demons' offensive in the center of Farmington.

The demons soon discovered these small things flying fast in the sky and immediately launched a counterattack. The little demons threw fireballs to cause explosions, the Hell Destroyers fired unclean energy from their right hands, and the melee demons named Hell Knights continued to chase the fleeing soldiers.

The number of unmanned attack aircraft swarms was dense, and the demons' counterattacks seemed insignificant under the absolute number and firepower suppression.

The charging Hell Knights were also quickly blocked. Only a small number of suicide drones intercepted them, using the terminal acceleration to hit the chest.

The armor-piercing suicide drone can pierce the chest of the Hell Knight with its needle-like head and explode, killing him easily.

A large number of drones completely dominated the battlefield, and the demons no longer had a numerical advantage. Under the continuous combination of drones with many functions, the demons in Farmington were gradually driven back to the direction they came from.

The slave Titan demon, who had been suppressed, stopped wailing at some point, but the Pentagon Command still did not dare to stop launching missiles, because the demon's attack did not stop after the slave Titan demon fell, but on the contrary, there was a strange increase.

Before figuring out the reason, the missiles will not stop launching. Even if the slave Titan demon is dead, it will not stop launching until its body is blown in half, or their good allies rush to the battlefield to take over this big pot.

They have seen the scene of the space-time bridge device being used in St. Louis through the images shared to them by the group in real time. The circular space-time gate is like an open valve, spewing out robots, chariots and drones in large quantities.

The terrifying amount of drones spewing out made them see the horror of unmanned combat for the first time.

In comparison, what are those flesh-and-blood demons?

The demons they couldn't deal with, once their allies arrived, they were easily defeated.

Reassurance, in short, very reassurance.

As for the large-scale military units that they had been worried about for so long entering the city...

When the Star Watch was launched, they began to waver. Now there is a demon invasion, and the world's number one military power has been beaten to the point of being helpless. Are they still thinking about the gains and losses?

Forget it~!

If they are still thinking about it, they will probably have to use nuclear bombs to bomb the city, and after the bombing of the city, the rich people will probably flee collectively.

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