Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 368 The best way to treat

The supporting super soldier corps parachuted into various battlefields. They were good at attacking and rescuing. After being connected to the Pentagon's command system, they were sent into the city buildings to observe why the demons were getting more and more because of their own strength.

In the city of Bontel, the 6-member super soldier team successfully found the root of the problem after destroying nearly a hundred demons.

In an underground parking lot, the bodies of the original residents of the city were piled up here. Under the transformation of some unclean energy, the flesh and blood turned into an altar, and a slender demon with a height of about three meters was suspended on the altar.

This demon was constantly chanting the elegy of hell, building temporary portals between the tumor-like scarlet plants, and bringing the demons from hell to the world.

After the entrance guarded by the Hell Knight was breached, the slender humanoid demon immediately stopped chanting, and his hands like dead branches suddenly waved, and the scarlet lightning blasted the six super soldiers back several meters.

The super soldiers who didn't expect to be attacked showed their strong fighting qualities. After falling to the ground, they didn't waste time getting up, but aimed their tightly grasped electromagnetic rifles at the slender demon.

Bang Bang Bang!

The slender demon who was gathering energy only chanted halfway, and the bullets that penetrated her body destroyed her ritual. A large amount of red energy emerged from the gaps in her body. After a feminine hoarse scream, the purple lightning cracked a new portal.

The slender demon's body exploded into several pieces, but before she died, she brought another monster from hell.


The bloated body stepped out of the purple lightning. The three-meter-tall obese body had a grinning face full of sharp teeth. The stench of fat and stomach acid spread to the entire underground parking lot the moment he appeared, as if the space was instantly replaced by a pile of kitchen waste.


The almost spherical obese demon squinted his yellow eyes, which were squeezed into a slit by fat, and laughed unpleasantly from his big mouth that stretched to his ears. He raised his fat palms.

Green acid mist gushed out from the special organs in the center of his palms, and turned into a blazing flame in an instant, mixed with green poisonous smoke.

The flames occupied all the space at the entrance of the garage. The super soldiers used special detectors to aim their guns at the obese demons. Dense bullets penetrated the flames and entered the body of the obese demons. Then a violent explosion blasted all six members of the team out of the parking lot, and they flipped several times in the air and fell into the flower bed.

After shaking their bodies, the six super soldiers slowly stood up and sent the collected information back to the World Development Department.

Some people gradually discovered that the demons were consciously using flesh and blood to create something. Those slender demons had no names. There were only simple outlines of their pictures on the murals. The naming was relatively simple, and they were directly called demon summoners.

They seemed to be advanced units in the demon army, and they would use energy in a more complex way.

Just like the difference between a pistol and a missile, the same thing can produce completely different effects when it is precisely designed and skillfully used.

Demon summoners are masters of playing with technology. They use the unique energy of demons to summon demons from another world to the present world through a ritual that humans cannot understand for the time being, or directly use energy to attack.

In terms of individual quality, demons are stronger than humans, and other than that, demons have no advantages.

The reason why they can still make humans anxious despite their overall disadvantages in tactics, coordination, and numbers is finally concentrated on a red flesh-and-blood plant that looks like a living thing and a fungus.

Hell plants, which use flesh and blood as nutrients and grow on organic and inorganic matter, are biological weapons that appear with the appearance of demons.

The World Development Department defines them as "biological weapons" because hell plants have the ability that researchers in the biological weapons department dream of, procedurality.

Hell plants are like biological weapons with set programs. As long as the demons feed them, they will continue to spread and grow to absorb more nutrients. When they reach a certain size, they will aggregate into a complex structure called a blood nest, open a small portal connecting to another dimension, and bring a steady stream of demons to the new world!

This kind of hell plant that runs autonomously according to the program, does not attack friendly units, has the ability to identify friend or foe and teleport, is a beautiful creation that makes young researchers in the biological weapons department intoxicated.

There is no more perfect biological weapon than the hell plant!

If it can be integrated with the virus, without the help of a third party, the biochemical monster infected by the virus acts as a coolie and delivers nutrients to itself, and only the biological weapon itself can complete the three steps of invasion, plunder, and assimilation, then it is really perfect and flawless!

The collection of artworks has been completed, and these weird hell plants are growing wildly on the blood of the slave Titan demon.

The Pentagon Command has stopped the missiles from firing, not because there are no missiles, nor because the slave Titan demon is dead, but because the Hill-class destroyer has arrived in Missouri.

Although it was still nearly 100 kilometers away from Farmington City, the electromagnetic cannon from the Hill-class destroyer had already replaced the missile shells and penetrated the head of the slave Titan demon from a very long distance.

In a flash of white light, the armor-piercing warhead crashed into the huge human face, and the projectile failed to pass through the head. The physical strength of the super-giant creature that can move freely in the earth's atmosphere is indeed far beyond the normal range.

All the demons in Farmington City were wiped out, and the arrival of the group's reinforcements brought this sudden terrorist crisis to an end. ♦♦  ♦♦

The hell plants that are still growing and spreading underground are a problem. Before finding a way to curb the growth of hell plants, the only thing that can be done is to burn the demons with absolute high temperatures.

The appearance of demons playing with fire does not mean that they are immune to the damage of fire. No matter whether they are the most hideous or the most contrary to common sense, they are essentially creatures that store energy.

Every advanced life in nature has energy, which appears in many forms. What drives the action of organisms is electrical signals. In fact, organisms are a sophisticated computer.

These demon creatures are computers that use another kind of advanced energy. The energy that drives the computer and the hardware of the computer itself may be more advanced than that of humans, but as long as a stick is hit, the structure cannot be maintained and the computer will still be scrapped.

The group has a lot of big sticks. They hit one by one. After transferring the survivors, they sterilized the earth indiscriminately, and let the high temperature that exceeds the sun turn the place where the hell plants grow into a magma pool.

Until the evening, the disinfection work had not stopped.

The large-scale military mobilization and the survivors fleeing Missouri had already attracted the attention of all the American people. The development of science and technology is a good thing, but the popularization of color television and the emergence of mobile phones have accelerated the flow of information by hundreds of times.

This matter cannot be concealed. Such a big demon has been seen by thousands of people. It is impossible for the soldiers of the National Guard not to spread it. Gossip is one of human nature. Instead of blocking it, it is better to just let it go!

However, the United States said that it still needs to discuss it before. Who should it discuss with?

They also have a certain right to know about the United Nations, which is closely related to this incident. They have also watched the video.

Some people don’t want this news to be known by everyone, so they have to give some reasons to convince them.

The bald eagle now is like a rogue who is covered in shit and asks others to give some benefits, otherwise he will pounce on others and rub them all over.

The online meeting lasted for three days. Some countries did not want to see the rise of a new round of religious movements. The rulers finally let religion stay away from power. Telling everyone that demons exist is just a disguised way of saying that God exists.

God knows how many cults and extremist organizations that cheat money and sex under the guise of religion can emerge in the world?

But the opposition was ineffective. The bald eagle was in a bad state in front, and the archaeological data sent back from the Mars exploration mission added pressure. In the end, no one wanted to be a scapegoat. They could only swallow the loss secretly and decided to disclose the truth about the monster.

Of course, it was disclosed in a tactful way.

It would be better to turn those demons into aliens. After all, humans have a lot of imagination about aliens.

Aliens invaded the earth, and then reminded citizens to be vigilant against cult groups under the guise of God. This is the core of the handling method of this incident.

The fifth day of the Missouri demon invasion incident...

The spokesperson finally admitted the existence of aliens in front of the camera, and characterized the Missouri incident as an alien invasion, announcing the start of a 60-day state of emergency.

While cracking down on cult organizations in the United States, a curfew was imposed and internal management was strengthened.

In addition to the United States, other regions also declared a similar state of emergency at about the same time and launched a vigorous crackdown on cults.

The extremely evil cult members were killed wherever they were caught, and if they were caught in the toilet, they were drowned in the toilet.

The magical alien invasion shocked the villagers of the entire global village. The previous mainstream was to oppose the cult, but now it has become to fight against foreign enemies.

The threat of aliens is much clearer than cannibalism. In 1965, there were not so many saintly monsters, and they would not casually say nonsense like alien lives are also lives.

The aliens were killed!

The spokesperson showed the demon's body to everyone, and also showed a few clips of missiles bombarding the slave Titan demon.

The people who have not yet experienced the baptism of editing technology believe in the content of TV, and the pictures on TV are in color, so realistic, and the authority says it is true, how can it be false?

After that, the spokesperson began to do ideological work, silently mourning for the nearly 10,000 people who died in the demon invasion.

Yes, a total of 9,621 people died in this demon invasion.

Those demons are very sensitive to the smell of humans, or to the smell of life.

They accurately found the people hiding in the basement of the town, blew them up with bomb-like fireballs, or forcibly demolished the basement door with a force far beyond that of ordinary humans, and the terrified people were grabbed out of the basement.

Few things can withstand the damage of demons. The casualty rate of town residents who failed to evacuate in time during this crisis was as high as 40%. Regardless of men, women, old and young, demons would only satisfy their desire to kill and constantly release their cruelty.

So the damage caused by demons is greater than many people imagine. Demons will not only kill civilians to serve as nutrients for hell plants, but they will also torture ordinary people, simply chop off their hands and feet, or hold blood sacrifices that make people's scalps numb.

In addition to the number of deaths, there are also 2,000 injured people. The number of people injured in the entire demon invasion war is in the tens of thousands.

Even if they were not killed or injured, contact with such unclean creatures as demons would cause people to have serious mental problems. They would often hear whispers in their ears, and only younger children were immune to the whispers.

The Umbrella Group was the one who dealt with these people. Because they needed to have enough knowledge of the demons, they took over the tasks of comforting the wounded and studying the demons' abilities after collecting a certain amount of money from the United States.

The appearance of the demons made humans face war again. The world, which had just ended the civil war and was not yet completely stable, was once again shrouded in the shadow of war, and this war was going to be even more difficult to breathe.

After all, the demons would not leave any way for humans to survive. Facing the demons, the only way was to fight to the death.

No one knew when the demons would come back, so no one dared to relax completely.

The United Organization began to accept the group's request to form a new federation, but the premise was that they had to form a whole first, that is, the earth and the universe as a whole.

It was not necessary to have the same writing system, but it was necessary to have the same track.

Some infrastructure between countries must have unified standards, and unified standards are the key to large-scale production.

The United Organization had already seen the strength of mechanized production. The dense and overwhelming drone swarms opened their eyes, and naturally they would not refuse this proposal that was good for everyone.

In front of such a powerful mechanized army, the devil seemed so fragile.

After a week of mourning, most people adapted to working during the day and going home at night for curfew. Without nightlife, people are healthier.

They are not numb. More and more boring jobs are replaced by mechanization. A large number of young people join the army, and many staple foods are replaced by artificial synthesis.

Livestock farms have also undergone mechanized reforms. Livestock are imprisoned in holographic imaging equipment rooms, walking on fake grasslands every day, receiving various hormone injections, and living healthily and peacefully.

The meat of scientifically raised livestock is more delicious and cheaper.

Ordinary people have the opportunity to learn more knowledge, and the wave of involution has emerged. If you can't bear the hardship of learning, you can only bear the hardship of being a soldier.

If you can't accept both, you can only work in the service industry. There is no place for lazy people in the new world.

Now it is a semi-war state. People who are not conducive to unity will go to prison or the battlefield!

However, most people will become diligent after taking a dose of NTZ-48, and with a shot of T-type strengthening potion, everyone will be a new human, and everyone will be a dragon and a phoenix.

Countless ways to be lazy but still complete the task will pop up in their smart little heads, so that they can be lazy reasonably, their efficiency will not decrease, and they can have more time to cultivate their own interests and hobbies.

After work, the most favorite thing for workers is to put on VR virtual equipment and keep killing demons in the virtual space hell to eliminate their inner fear.

The not-cheap virtual game equipment can cultivate a large number of demon hunters with excellent practical ability, and it is also the best treatment for mentally traumatized people to get rid of fear.

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