Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 369 Parallel Universe

Beyond the orbit of Mars.

The Watch Star, which is still floating in space orbit, is still conducting scientific research missions on Mars. In addition to the ruins of ancient Martian civilization that everyone is curious about, the Watch Star has also carried out a series of deep space exploration research.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

Detect Phobos and Deimos, and use the model of one world to calculate the Mars models of several other worlds.

Deep space exploration plays an important role in navigation between universes. Each universe will have some unique phenomena. If you want to navigate without distinction, you must first find the same rules for all universes.

Of course, what the Star Lookout has studied most is the new materials flowing out of the Great Rift Valley on Mars.

Scientists have discovered that this new type of material can release extremely high temperatures beyond human imagination through neutron reactions, and the energy released can even affect space.

Even if it was left to Cybertron's top scientist Yu Tian Enemy to study it, he could not understand why this new material's neutron reaction would release unreasonable high temperatures and characteristics that affect space.

The space affected is not the space-time bridge wormhole space he used, but a deeper and puzzling new space attribute.

"Did you find anything?"

In the exclusive laboratory of the Star Watch, the Royal Enemy stared at the mercury-like substance fixed in the sky by the light, thinking about what he could do with it.

There is another person in this exaggeratedly large laboratory, a human being.

Tony Stark often communicates with Natural Enemy. Although they are of different races, they are both people at the top of the pyramid and have reached the pinnacle in the field of physics. Faced with the new path of physics presented by new materials, their curiosity has made them unable to look away. Move away from these new substances.

Tony, who was playing with metal devices, was trying to make some new gadgets using new materials. Things whose principles are temporarily unclear are not necessarily unusable, just like cement and airplanes. The principles are unclear, but it does not prevent humans from using them.

The reserves of new substances are so large that waste in experiments is not a concern.

Since it has shown the characteristics of affecting space, can we use new materials to try to create a new space instrument, or something that can peek into the mysteries of space?

There are too many interesting things in this world, unknown energy that may be related to the mysterious realm of the soul, two different worlds, and ancient ruins on Mars.

And this kind of new substance that was born with the ruins and could not find its source and was almost generated out of thin air is full of mystery.

How does it produce ultra-high temperatures through neutron reactions and affect space?

Finally, he finished what he was doing.

The nano-glove retracted to the bracelet with a thought. Tony took off the head-mounted electron microscope from his eyes and raised the hollow iron ball in his hand that was as exquisite as a work of art. perform

"It's done, let's try it?"

The natural enemy has quietly appeared behind Tony, and he is leaning down. His blue electronic eyes are observing the small props in Tony's hands, and he finds that there are some strange symbols on them. They are special components made from the time-space bridge device. He finds it a bit interesting. , "Do you want that kind of energy to drive this device? Interesting idea, but what are these symbols?"

Tony twisted his neck. His body was a little stiff from lowering his head for a long time. He replied casually: "Perhaps Strange will know better about the ancient magic symbols used in the American Window Project in this world, but I'd better try it now." Try it?"

"Try it outside, the space is difficult to control."

There is no doubt about fending off natural enemies.

Tony put on the nano-suit and piloted the Enemy that switched into fighter plane form to fly out of the Star Lookout. They set up detectors far away from the Star Lookout.

After completing the arrangement, return to the Star Lookout and activate the modified version of the space-time bridge device.

The advanced energy produced by new substances is injected into the original parts under the constraints of the magnetic field. The flowing original parts diffuse out of the space-time force field, and blue light visible to the naked eye emerges from the device.

Observing the expanding blue light, Tony frowned and flicked his hand to change the status of the detector.

None of the signals could be sent out. Only the outermost detectors that were not shrouded in light were still working normally, and the data obtained were very strange.

The device did not fail. On the contrary, it was successful. Entering the blue light, you may be able to enter another time and space. The location is unknown and what is inside is unknown.

All the detectors that were close were teleported away. The space-time bridge device is the crystallization of Cybertron technology and is a structure that operates as stably as space.

After figuring out the space-time bridge device, Tony just added those dizzying strange runes on the American government's window project device in unimportant places. It is said that they also relied on this kind of metaphysical stuff to forge it. A portal opens the passage between the outside world and the inner world...

Parallel space is a very huge subject, and the time required for research will probably increase slowly in years.

As the chief scientist and one of the partners of the group, Tony knows that the current group still has a huge talent gap. After completing basic studies, the scientists produced by NZT-48 still need to spend five or six years learning to keep up with cutting-edge science and technology. window.

If not, they wouldn't seek help from Cybertronian refugees.

Control a robot to enter the blue light ball that has been formed. After setting the automatic return program, the robot enters the blue space.

If the portal activated by the stable space-time bridge device does not have two consecutive devices, it will generally appear in an unknown area and leave a return portal in place.

The robot is also equipped with a return space-time lasso. If something goes wrong, it can be pulled back as long as it is still in this universe.

Tony failed. The modified space-time bridge device swallowed his robot. He activated the space lasso and pulled it back but could not find the coordinates and completely disappeared into another time and space.

Now that space has isolated the signals from all machines, it is impossible to even turn off the magic space-time bridge device while staying on the Star Watch.

In the end, he could only throw a jamming bomb and destroy the machine.

The experiment was successful, but not entirely successful.

"It seems that the device can be improved further?" Yu Tiandi turned around and returned to the laboratory to continue studying new substances.

In addition to determining that it can be used as an advanced energy source, research on new substances has only discovered spatial properties.

On the contrary, a breakthrough has been made in the study of Martian ruins. Among the texts deciphered by the tablets, descriptions of another world appear. Although these descriptions are very similar, they also bring a small parallel to Ultron and everyone. The universe is shocked.

The legends of planes and spaces are so fascinating and surprising.

"Hell, this is the most suitable name for that plane world. Whether it is a creature or a few words on the stone tablet, it all illustrates the ferocious and cruel image of the creatures in that plane world."

At the phased results reporting meeting, Altron was explaining the results of the past year to those participating in the meeting online.

Multiple pictures of slate inscriptions appeared on the holographic screen. The words written on them seemed strange to everyone, but the monsters outlined with simple lines on them were very consistent with the name of hell.

"According to research by colleagues in the biology department, the creatures in hell are the demonic forces that invaded Missouri half a year ago. They have strong bodies, looks that do not conform to the logic of normal biological generation, and high-level energy contained in their bodies. This energy can pry Everyone knows that there are barriers to moving space, and the universe is expanding all the time. But what lies beyond the expanding universe, perhaps we can get an answer from these tablets, inscriptions and mysterious creatures."

After Ultron finished his rough explanation, the mind control machine switched pictures, showing a demonized soldier struggling in a cage.

"This is a soldier who unfortunately was attacked by a demon and died in Missouri. His body also contains the energy contained in the demon's body. Before he became like this, he went through a crazy struggle for 18 days. Medical treatment The department used various methods to make him normal, and the effect was good at first. He regained consciousness for a period of time and revealed some information to us. "

Then, the video switched to a soldier sitting in a restraint chair.

The golden hair was wet with sweat and scattered on his forehead. The droopy eye bags were covered with bloodshot eyes. The corners of his lips were purple, his face was white, and scattered words fell from his trembling body.

"They... demons, hell! We can't stop them! They will come back... monsters! They will come back again!"

A gentle female voice sounded outside the camera, "Speak slowly, it's safe here. Should we be prepared for them to come back?"

The man took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became dull, and said: "Yes, we have to prepare, prepare... prepare, prepare for hell! Ah~ahhhhhh! I saw it, it's right there! They will kill everyone, they will devour the world, they will not die, they will always be there!"

The more he talked, the crazier the man became, and finally turned into the demonic look in the video he watched at the beginning.

The skin and flesh on the body fell off, the bones around the eyes were misaligned, forming a big hole, and the teeth all protruded, as if the body was painted with gray-white paint, infected with a virus that made the brain go crazy, and he broke free of his straitjacket and smashed the glass randomly.

The strength and speed are stronger than the old humans before the enhancement, but they can still be killed.

After death, the demonized man's blood turned into hell plants, but these newly grown hell plants quickly withered away, as if they were lacking something.

After playing the video, Ultron's face appeared again and said: "There are many similar examples. Through these fragments of information, we have filled in the blank translations. Now we know more about the new world, and we also have the ability to travel to new dimensions. The way of the world! The connection between Mars and that plane world is very deep. The new materials we discovered on Mars are the manifestations of that plane world’s invasion of this world. Whether we go to that world or not, they will be there one day in the future. , enter this universe on a large scale.”

This is the theme of this work report and the future development strategy meeting of the strange world, Demonic Crisis.

In the future, a planet-level war will break out here, and the Earth and the mother group will undoubtedly be involved in the war started by demons, so remote meetings also have joint organizations from weird worlds.

"Why did hell invade this world, and what is the attitude of demons towards humans? We can learn part of the information through demons."

Ultron also called up the video of the demon imprisoned in the cage for everyone. Facing the mystery and secrets of the parallel universe, he seemed excited and enthusiastic.

Different demons were locked in different glass cells, including all the demons that appeared in Missouri, except for the slender demon summoners.

Pink demons like muscular monkeys are low-level troops on par with insect-headed humanoid demons, and they appeared in the largest number in the Missouri incident.

The second is the Hell Knight, whose head only has a white hard skull and a mouth, and the Hell Destroyer, whose right hand is a laser cannon.

There is also a rarer unit, the fat ball demon, which Ultron named the Gluttony Demon.

The slender demon summoner can use teleportation magic. If it is not killed before the spell is launched, it will disappear in front of everyone after summoning the demons in hell, so it failed to be captured.

The demons locked in the cage are more violent than those in the Missouri incident. Except for the gluttony demon, other demons are smashing special glass.

The brutality and cruelty can be felt through the screen. Researchers try to use all methods to tame these demons, including but not limited to food temptation, whipping, drug control, and brain implant surgery.

The scene of trying to tame the demon flashed quickly, and in the end only the gluttonous demon stopped going crazy because of the endless food, but its brutal nature was not washed away, but the food temporarily blocked its mouth.

"They are artificial biological weapons, which cannot be tamed again, and there is no mercy for any life or any object. Only the advanced life among the demons has a relatively sound mind, but unfortunately we did not capture such a demon."

Ultron, who really felt sorry, couldn't help but sigh like a normal person, and then he switched the name of the research group on the demon. Among the hundreds of research groups, he grabbed one of them and said as if jokingly: "Demons do have corresponding functions. The gluttonous demon can digest all kinds of garbage. As long as a few holes are carefully opened in its stomach, it can become a cheap and efficient generator. Throw in the garbage, and then use the combustible gas to burn to drive the turbine to generate electricity."

This is the only research discovery with economic value among the captured demons. The gluttonous demon can operate as a garbage processor and a generator set.

Having the ability to generate controlled nuclear fusion and antimatter does not mean that other forms of energy are not needed. Once humans become overly dependent on a single energy source, when the energy system is destroyed, they will face a huge disaster.

Moreover, the gluttonous demon generator can still work in extreme environments. If the spacecraft crashes in some places, as long as the defense and urine are put into the gluttonous demon generator, it can start to operate and generate electricity.

Or it can be the corpses of other living creatures. If you don’t care, you can throw in the bones of prey left over by humans, as well as various weeds and mud.

Gluttonous demons are not picky eaters, and it is really difficult to find disadvantages that they don’t need.

Of course, the risk of playing with demons is very high. The core components of this new generator must be fully transformed by the Umbrella Biological Weapons Department, or the digestion and production functions must be copied to make substitutes.

If substitutes cannot be made, it is necessary to remove the redundant things on the demons, such as their brains.

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