Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 375 Rescue and Godzilla

It is better not to restore Tokyo's communication for the time being, at most, it can be broadcast on the radio.

After releasing a round of anger, Godzilla stopped at the edge of Setagaya District. Most of the radiation brought by his body began to converge, and Tokyo had enough time to evacuate the people.

Not only Tokyo City needs to be evacuated, but also several counties around Tokyo.

The evacuation of more than 10 million people is not easy to carry out, especially now that the roads have been widely damaged, it is even more difficult to evacuate.

It will take a lot of time for the rescue team to clear the road and put out the fire. People who start to evacuate from the periphery will make the roads crowded for various reasons. The shouting and crying are as noisy as frog fields, making many grassroots operators more and more irritable.

The United Nations provided a lot of help for the evacuation of Tokyo, and sent a lot of large helicopters and buses, but the efficiency is still not high.

Although the United Nations has not yet gained full trust to allow the group's weapons to participate in this battle, at least the rescue activities are allowed to participate under the promise that the personnel will not carry weapons and must be supervised by accompanying personnel.

The group and the plane joint organization are indeed on guard against multiple worlds, but their participation in the rescue activities of this world is also a matter of attitude. It doesn't matter if they do it poorly. The key is whether to do it or not.

After taking over part of the rescue mission, the group sent six Valkyries, carrying three sets of space-time bridge devices to Hokkaido, Nerima District, Adachi District and Edogawa District respectively.

The passageway leaving Tokyo was crowded, and the frightened people below were all restless, waiting for the crowded crowd to board the bus with a mess.

At this time, a huge noise suddenly came from the sky that overwhelmed the crowd, like the sound of an airplane engine.

The top of everyone's head suddenly darkened and was covered by a huge shadow. Some people thought it was a monster. When they looked up, they found that it was a large plane with a very special appearance.

The plane approached an open space outside the road section, but there were also many people standing on the open space.

The staff who received the notice immediately dispersed the people around so that the Valkyrie could land smoothly.

The huge Valkyrie made the eyes of those who were eager to escape from Tokyo brighten, because this plane was big enough, and it might be able to transport hundreds of people at a time.

The cargo hold at the rear of the plane opened, and some strong men wearing yellow vests and extremely strong got off the plane, carrying huge arc-shaped metal accessories and quickly built a circular platform on the open ground.

The space-time bridge devices are all quick-build modules. They were designed for emergency rescue and invasion behind enemy lines. Of course, it doesn’t take much time to assemble them, especially when the people who assemble them are super soldiers.

The brain and strength are good. After reading the process, they spliced ​​according to the instructions in the combat helmet disguised as a gas mask. In less than three minutes, the space-time bridge device was built, the slope was laid, and the switch was turned on.

The yellow indicator light soon turned blue, and the surging energy connected the two spaces hundreds of kilometers apart, which stunned a large group of people.

Whether it was the citizens who were preparing to leave Tokyo or the specialists who came to stare at these outsiders, they were all stunned.

After the installation was completed, the projection drone took off and projected a green arrow to all citizens, guiding them here.

The strong super soldier strode forward, the reflective strip of his yellow vest was dazzling in the sun, he raised his voice and shouted in Japanese: "Some people please come here, there is a fast lane here, after passing through the door, split into four sides, and there will be staff to lead you to the resettlement point!"

Then a super soldier walked to the iron guardrail on the side of the road, grabbed the railing that seemed a bit in the way at this time, and suddenly pulled it, and the more than ten-meter-long highway guardrail was removed together with the fixed cement.

The removed guardrail was not wasted, it was split into two halves and spliced ​​into a new guardrail, pretending that there was another road here.

The citizens' shock turned into horror after seeing this, they stared at these giants who were two people tall, and even if they could leave Tokyo immediately, they would hesitate to move forward.

Men with an average height of 1.7 meters and women with an average height of 1.6 meters, standing next to super soldiers with an average height of 2.6 meters, the hell map is not worth mentioning.

"Hurry up! You guys! (Tongue flick)"

The super soldiers who were guarding the sides of the road to prevent the broken guardrails from stabbing the citizens saw that these citizens not only did not go in, but retreated as if they saw the citizens' beasts, and used the skills they learned when they were on a business trip to the strange world island country.

After several tongue flicks and waving, these people ran towards the space-time bridge device with their balls clamped.

"So this is how Tokyo people get along with each other, I've learned it."

The super soldier who had never been to the strange world saw that the tongue-tickling sound was so useful, and suddenly seemed to understand how to communicate with the islanders. He turned his head and shouted to the citizens who were too close and might be injured by the broken guardrails: "Don't get too close, you guys, if you don't want to get hurt, keep a meter away! (Tongue-tickling) And women, keep an eye on your children, be careful not to get stepped on! No pushing! (Tongue-tickling)"

The citizens who were too close to the super soldiers shrank to the middle, their faces pale, trembling and lowering their heads. The woman holding the child immediately pressed the child's head into her chest. The scolded child buried his whole face, his eyes were red but he didn't dare to cry...

Although the process was a bit strange, the process of escaping Tokyo here was indeed orderly under the maintenance and management of the space-time bridge device and the super soldiers who changed their careers, which greatly accelerated the evacuation of Tokyo citizens.

Outsiders are a headache. The United States in the New World do not trust outsiders. Although they are all envious of the aid, they are afraid that they will not be able to break away from outsiders, be forced to sign various unequal treaties, and exploit them like colonies.

So the group said righteously that the lives of craftsmen are also lives, and took the initiative to propose to assist in the rescue.

After confirming that they would not carry weapons, would not charge any remuneration, and were willing to accept supervision, they became part of the rescue operation, and it was a free action. Everything would be greenlit if it did not hinder the normal transfer of personnel.

After those large planes appeared out of thin air, they all thought that they would be transported by plane, but they did not expect to build three portals directly, which made them dumbfounded.

Some people with flexible minds but not very smart immediately slammed the table and loudly questioned that these outsiders were the enemies who opened the cracks in the deep seabed of the Pacific Ocean, and they should be eliminated.

Then he was covered by his own mouth and dragged away. The group representatives in the joint conference room just smiled friendly.

The New World United Organization did not want to make things too awkward. It was not that everyone was smart enough to think that the outsiders had nothing to do with the monsters that appeared in the Pacific Ocean, but that they had watched the video footage brought back by the envoys. If those were true, the Plane United Organization would be equivalent to the future technological hegemony Earth Federation with 800 times the strength.

It was a bit confusing, but it was indeed the case.

With an average life expectancy of 200 years, super technology, super soldiers and super weapons, there was no desire to fight against them...

Now we should practice friendly diplomacy first, then try to cheat for some aid, and make a decision after fully understanding the Plane United Organization.

Although they did not agree to join the federation composed of multiple earths, they would not be interested in free aid. They have sent experts to the New World to study and are ready to learn some technology to come back and build stronger mechas to make the rise of mankind on Earth.

The commotion caused by the appearance of future technology in the rear soon subsided. The citizens of Tokyo on the front line rushed into the portal in fear and were diverted to various gathering points by a large number of staff waiting at the Hokkaido Airport, and then went to the temporary shelter by car and bus.

Using the portal is much faster than leaving by road. When the top craftsmen saw that these outsiders had such good things, they immediately found the person in charge and bowed to ask them to help again, but they didn't pay.

The group didn't care about the cost of the operation. They pulled two sets of time and space bridge devices, installed them on the big board, and took away some people.

At the same time, they did not give up land transportation and transported people, very, very many people.

Even so, only three million people were transferred on the first day.

After three million people left, the resettlement sites were basically full. The material dispatch and various trivial matters tortured the craftsmen themselves. They had to stop the evacuation for three hours in the second half of the night and asked the group to send people to several places. After five hours of tossing back and forth, they started the transfer all night again.

After a busy second day, the group brought advanced equipment and began to let a group of soldiers put on work clothes to enter the destroyed city to rescue those buried.

Life detection devices and a large number of drones can easily find trapped citizens.

The floating medical room can provide first aid to the wounded at any time. This is an excellent stage to show strength. At the joint meeting on the second day, the attitude of those people was obviously much more friendly, and their words became much better.

It only took one day for the rescue team to accurately find all the survivors to complete the sweep rescue. Even the severely damaged Kamakura City shelter was dug through by the drilling machine, and more than 50,000 people were rescued.

There was no way to save the rest of the places, because all the people were evaporated in the attack of Godzilla who swept the ground with a lightsaber, or the thermal sensing device saw a red, and the underground shelter became an oven and could not be saved.

Even so, the number of people evacuated from Tokyo and surrounding cities also made the craftsmen breathe a sigh of relief. At least they would not be blamed too much, and it was the monsters that caused all this, which had nothing to do with them. Even the mechas made by various countries were not the opponents of the monsters, and they did their best.

On the fourth day, the last batch of staff withdrew, and the group's plane arrived in Tokyo to take away the recyclable device, the Space-Time Bridge Device, and also took away a small piece of the monster's dorsal fin and the meat that fell to the ground and split infinitely.

After all the personnel were evacuated, Tokyo was left with only the cold buildings left after the humans left, and the giant beast Godzilla still sleeping on the buildings.

Dr. Serizawa of the Monarch Organization began to seduce Godzilla, who was sleeping on the seabed and didn't know that the ground had turned upside down, as planned.

The last time Godzilla was active was in 2015, when he fought with a Supreme MUTO in a radioactive material base in Montana. With the battlefield of the radioactive material base provided by the natural skinny monkeys, Godzilla swallowed stimulants while beating the Supreme MUTO and finally killed it.

After eating and drinking and winning the battle, Godzilla slowly returned to the depths of the ocean. While wandering in the sea, he also killed two level 3 monsters that appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

Now the Monarch organization is going to use the monster sonar device Orca developed by Dr. Emma, ​​and use submarine transportation to lure Godzilla to appear near the place where Godzilla disappeared.

The Oka device was very successful. It really simulated the sonar of the monsters' communication, and awakened the sleeping monsters in the sea with its almost crazy muttering...

Godzilla suddenly appeared and kept chasing Oka as planned.

Oka's player was transported by an unmanned speedboat and headed straight for the island country of Tokyo.

Godzilla moved very fast in the ocean and soon caught up with Oka, biting the speedboat into pieces.

Just as it stopped in place and showed signs of turning around and going back to sleep, Oka's voice sounded again from the front.

The unmanned speedboat was like a bastard spitting out extremely provocative swear words and nagging in his ears. Godzilla had no resistance to it and continued to chase the speedboat.

The operation was like luring prey into a cage, and Godzilla hiding in the Pacific Ocean was actually successfully fished ashore.

The Monarch Organization can brag to its old friends in the fishing bar for dozens of lifetimes that it caught a Godzilla in the sea.

After stepping onto the land of Tokyo, Godzilla looked up at the drone above his head, and then looked straight ahead at Godzilla standing on the land of Tokyo.

The first encounter between Godzilla and Godzilla began with an atomic breath.

It was more intense than expected. After Godzilla saw Godzilla, his dorsal fin began to light up blue, and his legs, which were much more flexible than Godzilla's, ran wildly, knocking down and trampling on a large number of buildings. After reaching a certain distance, a blue blazing stream of flames suddenly spurted out of his mouth.

Godzilla was awakened by the vibration when Godzilla approached. As soon as he turned his head, he received an atomic breath with his face. He immediately let out a howl and turned his body to the side to avoid the damage to his head.

The next moment, the atomic breath disappeared, and Godzilla was bitten on the neck by the sprinting Godzilla, and fell to the ground with his heavy body.



Godzilla roared, feeling the stinging pain in his neck, and roared again and again.

Godzilla stomped on the ground and dragged Godzilla hundreds of meters away, with a huge amount of dark red blood dripping from between his teeth.

Godzilla, whose defense could not be penetrated by 2800mm heavy artillery, was broken. It lost its former majesty and fell to the ground, plowing a huge deep ditch.

Under the sudden attack, Godzilla fell into an absolute disadvantage, but soon it regained balance with the help of its huge tail and stepped on the ground with its legs.

The huge body was raised and swung to the side, and Godzilla, who was biting the neck, was pushed out under the heavy inertia, and staggered and crushed a large area of ​​​​buildings.

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