Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 376 Godzilla vs. Godzilla

Monsters fighting, and mechas fighting monsters, are all very interesting!

Humans generally like to watch creatures fighting, whether it is two chickens, two groundhogs, two cats, or two women or men, as long as it is a fight, both men and women like to watch it.

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They will cheer for the winner, not caring whether the winner will turn around and attack them who are watching.

The two monsters are fighting, even if they are politicians who usually wear suits to manage a party, or soldiers who need to be vigilant around as bodyguards, all look intently at the battle scene forwarded by the group.

They will secretly cheer for the monster they are optimistic about, feel regret after falling to the ground, and cheer for it when they have the upper hand, but these emotions are hidden in their hearts and not expressed outwardly.

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone was staring at the screen intently. Suddenly, they made some noises of chairs rubbing against clothes and breathing more quickly, just like the audience in the cinema who were shocked by the sudden reversal.

The battle in Tokyo also reversed just like their reaction. Godzilla regained his balance after being dragged for hundreds of meters, and his thick tail lashed Godzilla's body fiercely, knocking it to the ground.

The purple light slowly lit up like the blue light of Godzilla's dorsal fin, spreading from the tail of the dorsal fin all the way to the head. Finally, Godzilla slowly opened his mouth and spewed a large ball of flames at Godzilla.

It seems that because the energy has not been fully restored, Godzilla's jet is in the form of flames.

The jet in the form of flames also has super strong thrust. Even the giant beast Godzilla of the same physique is suppressed by the flames and has difficulty getting up.

As the jet gradually compressed, the energy ejected from Godzilla's mouth eventually turned into a purple jet. The island news media called this attack a radiation stream. In order to distinguish it from Godzilla's atomic breath, the United Nations also regarded this name as the official name.

After the purple radiation stream was formed, its power was compressed to its peak. Godzilla, who had suffered all the damage, was also wailing continuously, and it seemed as if Godzilla was about to lose to Godzilla.

The attack of the radiation stream lasted for dozens of seconds until Godzilla fell to the ground and stopped moving.

After standing there for a while, Godzilla slowly took steps, as if he wanted to leave here.

But just as he took steps, Godzilla, who had fallen to the ground, stood up with a blue light on his dorsal fin, and without saying a word, he gave Godzilla a full-damage atomic breath in the face.

However, Godzilla's atomic breath was not as compressed and concentrated as Godzilla's radiation stream, and was slightly inferior in strength, and did not cause much damage to Godzilla, who also had terrifying defensive capabilities.

From here, the battle entered a new stage.

The battle between Godzilla and Godzilla became more and more intense. The two monsters fought from standing to lying, and from lying to lying, and they continued to move towards the center of Tokyo. All the buildings and structures in the areas they passed through were knocked down and collapsed, leaving the senior craftsmen pale.

They flattened skyscrapers one after another, destroying all the wealth accumulated in Tokyo. Buildings and documents that were not moved away in time were hopeless even for the last rescue.

The future sky-high compensation and the plummeting international status will make the island country fall from the ranks of developed countries.

For some unknown purpose, the island country repeatedly applied to broadcast the images of monster battles to the world, so that everyone can see the terrible power of monsters.

The battle between the monsters continued. Both Godzilla and Godzilla had strong defense and self-healing abilities, and their fighting styles were very similar, making it extremely difficult to determine the winner.

They fought from day to night, and from night to dawn.

There was no light after darkness, and the shadow of the monsters still loomed over the sky of Honshu Island and the heads of all mankind.

It lasted for another three days, and people began to become numb, and the focus of netizens gradually changed like hell.

They began to speculate how long it would take for the two monsters to flatten the last intact skyscraper in Tokyo.

Although it was inhumane to think so, they were really happy to watch it!

There were even hell betting games on the dark web, with a 1:5 bet on Godzilla's victory and a 1:7 bet on Godzilla's victory. In addition, there were various advanced bets, such as how many days it would take to determine the winner, and when the last intact building in Tokyo would be knocked down.

The monsters were fighting, and humans did not relax their vigilance.

They began to think of various ways to deal with the two rampant monsters, and at the same time they were considering whether to let outsiders intervene.

The outsiders had clearly stated that they had enough confidence to solve this problem, and they didn't need to pay any "price", just cooperate with them sincerely and with an open mind.

For example, establish a university, establish a branch of the inter-universe trading company Umbrella, and then recruit some people to let them get the technology of the plane union organization for free.

It sounds like a good deed that benefits their world, but the price behind the free thing makes them hesitate to reach out.

That future seems too unpredictable and terrible. If they really accept all this, won't they become a breeding machine with controlled thoughts in the end?

Such conspiracy theories are not without basis, because in the real footage captured by the envoys' video recorders, all the people in the Plane Union Organization showed trust in the Plane Union Organization and Umbrella beyond the imagination of "normal people", as if as long as they follow the Plane Union Organization and Umbrella, the future will definitely be bright.

This is pure brainwashing!

They are afraid that everything that looks bright and beautiful on the surface is just a disguise, and behind it is a false prosperity earned by the blood and sweat of countless people in the colonies.

Some people don't think so, just like some exaggerated jokes say...

The evil aliens are ready to rule the earthlings. They have set regulations that every adult needs to work eight hours a day, can only rest for 8 days a month, and have only 16 days of year-end holidays. At a certain age, men and women will be naturally paired and provided with compulsory medical services to ensure that they have enough time and a healthy body to give birth to a strong next generation after completing their work, providing a steady stream of labor for the aliens.

In order to reduce their rebellious thoughts, they must also ensure their physical and mental health. When they reach the age of 50, their labor quality will be forced to be laid off and replaced by low-intensity labor of 2 to 3 hours a day, or these elderly people will take care of newborns.

Do not interfere with the natural death process to avoid causing dissatisfaction among the human labor force.

If this is the case, 70% of the people on Earth will welcome aliens to rule them with drums and gongs.

Now, the Plane Union Organization is like the "alien" who wants to rule the earth, ready to bring the earth under its control and let the seven billion people on the earth work and live under their planning.

The New World Union has been holding back for so long, just because they don't want to accept such a result. They don't want to give up power or be "ruled".

Even if the group produces evidence to prove that their prosperity is not achieved by exploiting colonies, but by exploiting robots, there is no way to make the deaf and dumb people believe it.

The monsters are fighting, and their minds are also fighting.

Fortunately, the fight between the two monsters attracted a lot of attention, and now few people pay attention to the matter of the spaceship falling from the sky.

On the sixth night, there was a movement in the deep Pacific Ocean. The deep-sea detector detected abnormal energy fluctuations in the wormhole, and a new monster appeared!

Based on the sporadic footage and scanned models, the new monster was named Guitoudao by the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force. It is a top-level monster of level three, a deep-sea giant weighing 20,000 tons (the weight was increased to make it more reasonable).

Now the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force intends to dispatch the nearest Dangerous Wanderer mecha, but was urgently stopped by the joint organization and asked to lure the monster to Tokyo.

Military orders are like mountains, and the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force had to do it.

Using the superposition of speedboats, with some monster flesh and blood, they lured Guitoudao to Tokyo.

After several hours of chasing, the very cooperative Guitoudao finally arrived at Tokyo Bay and successfully landed.

The appearance of another monster made Godzilla and Godzilla, who had been fighting for nearly a week and gradually showed signs of fatigue, look at the shore together.

Guitoudao rushed up!

Tuton's spear-like head stabbed Godzilla, and his lighter body had a speed that Godzilla and Godzilla could not reach. In less than half a minute, the ghost sword had crossed the ruined Tokyo and came to Godzilla.

What made countless netizens who followed this scene sad was that the skyscraper standing in Tokyo was knocked down by the ghost sword when it charged!

The dealer took billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, and no one guessed the result.

Godzilla retreated a few steps, panting, as if he wanted to see Godzilla being knocked away. The monster's thoughts are always unpredictable.

Godzilla, who was not fast enough, had no way to dodge. Purple light emerged between its dorsal fin and chest, and it turned its head to spit out a stream of radiation at the sprinting ghost sword.

The purple energy sword cut through the air and hit the ghost sword. In the latter's unstoppable charge, the monster that disrupted the situation was pierced from head to tail.

The power of the radiation stream is still sufficient, but Godzilla's defense and talent for absorbing thermonuclear energy allow it to obtain a huge amount of damage reduction when facing high temperature and radiation damage, thus creating an illusion that the radiation stream is very weak.

The betting on the winning rate of the ghost knife that just appeared on the dark web has ended. The dealer once again earned millions of dollars in tears, but also lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

From this, it can be seen that Godzilla has nothing to do with the monsters that appeared in the depths of the Pacific wormhole, but it is still possible that Godzilla was brought by an outsider.

Bang Bang Bang!

After killing the troublemaker, Godzilla attacked again and fought with Godzilla.

The game between the two monsters has always been maintained within the scope of Tokyo, and Tokyo is also large enough for the two monsters to toss.

But the mysterious netizen who lost money was not happy. If he couldn't vent his anger on the dealer, he could only vent it on the monsters.

Since 2014, another large-scale demonstration across Europe and the United States has been completed under the instigation. After all, in order to build a sufficient number of mechas, the workers have endured many demands that harm their interests to raise enough money to complete it.

Now that the mechas can't protect them, it's time to let those people see whether the fists of the working class are strong enough!

If you can't deal with the monsters, can't you deal with the gold-eating monsters?

The group swore that they did not do anything. Apart from participating in the evacuation of Tokyo, they have been in a wait-and-see state, and have rarely intervened in this world.

Just when Europe and the United States began to use traditional skills, the mysterious country from the East launched a business cooperation invitation to the group, hoping to obtain some technical assistance and technical exchange activities.

This time the Eastern country is not India, I will not say who it is.

With Hong Kong as the core, after a series of negotiations that are like matchmaking, the Umbrella Group has reached a number of cooperation agreements with a private industrial group.

Shaw Industries is a heavy industrial enterprise mainly engaged in mecha design and production. Obviously, the cooperation items are naturally only in the fields of industry and electronic information technology.

Although these two fields cover a wide range, Shaw Industries does not want much technology, but only wants to obtain some future technology to strengthen the mecha produced by the mysterious Eastern country.

The extremely long coastline puts a lot of pressure on the country's defense of the Pacific Ocean, especially when there are two monsters next door that are not absolutely sure to kill no matter what weapons are used, this sense of anxiety is increasing day by day.

Shaw Industries did not ask for too much, but the group's business manager gave a very generous contract, even selling nuclear fusion reaction technology and force field confinement technology at a low price, and also gave away a whole set of "backward" chip manufacturing technology and a technical team.

In addition to some sentimental factors, the group also wanted to show the various benefits of technical cooperation with the group to those who were stubborn and could not get the heat.

Shaw Industries was directly hit by this pie in the sky. These outsiders were very easy to talk to. The technical experts sent even spoke fluent Chinese, and there was no barrier to communication. Technical drawings and the like would be taught until they could manufacture.

Sometimes they even took the initiative to provide robots to assist in construction. When others were still focusing on monster fights and world parades, Umbrella had already negotiated as many as 42 major projects with Shaw Industries.

It was not until ten days later, when the foundation of the project's factory was almost dug, that European and American players discovered this major event from an inconspicuous corner of Shaw Industries' official website.

Then... there was no then, they all chose to wait and see with an indifferent attitude.

Because they could not let go of their vigilance, and even wanted to see Shaw Industries make a fool of themselves, to see Shaw Industries being eaten up by outsiders, to see them crying and shouting in embarrassment!

Originally, I thought there would be a lot of verbal battles, but after being discovered, it was unexpectedly calm. Those senior engineers who were undergoing training looked at the perfect technology and production materials that needed decades of accumulation in their hands, and they were puzzled, but they really got the benefits, and after careful screening, they did not find any traps. Let's just leave it like this for the time being...

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