Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 32


My body was weak with sweat but the weight of my mind seemed to be lifted. The days of stress I'd been experiencing were instantly gone. It seems like I have to periodically let it out when it's unstoppable.

Finished masturbating I immediately rushed out of the tomb. The atmosphere in each hallway was calm again because the monsters were not going to come out. I guess I had spent a long time there. And they must have been waiting for me all along. I had to run towards the exit.

The tomb's exit gate was wide open, giving me a view of another world. It was almost dark outside. We spent almost the whole day completing the quest. It would have taken a long time without the former hero duo. I must thank them.


The grandpa who was about 10 meters away with a quick movement instantly disappeared and pounced on me like a hungry wolf.

"Stop! I'm dirty and sweaty-shit! Don't bite my nipples!"


"Stop Jimmy, mommy will clean up first and you can feed later. Did you guys wait long?"

"Mama you're too much. We waited so long for you to satisfy your lust!"

"It's because of the side effects of the potion! I'm innocent."

"Didn't I warn you to be careful? You're the careless one! By the way, we've been packing the loot for a while now."

"Well done my beautiful daughter"

"Stop you're making me sick. Go take a shower you stinker"

"Oh right! Let's try the magic items we got earlier."

One of the magic items I'm referring to is a portable tent. But this is no ordinary tent. Inside it was spacious like a house complete with a bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom.

Plus Elene's magic artifacts, it was safe to build a tent in the middle of the forest.

There was also a bathtub large enough for us to soak in. It's been a while since we've had a hot bath. After working so hard, it was probably the most desired thing.


"Fuahh! It's so good to soak in hot water"

"Grandpa, don't pee in here!"

"Mama hot water is good"

"Very good Jimmy! You can talk a lot and mom will reward you with lots of kisses, chuuu-chuuu..."

"Hehe, it ticklish mama"

"Is Jimmy normal? I don't think we'll find a normal baby who's not even a year old already has a big body and speaks fluently."

"Chuuuu- that's true. But you're weird too. I feel like your body is bigger than grandpa's."

"This body of mine is special. If I could restore my life energy back to the way it was, I'd be as big as you mom."

"So you can turn into a teenager or an adult quickly?"

"This is only possible if I can maintain my energy. But if it runs out, of course I go back to the way I was. If it's slower, I grow up like a normal baby. This happened because we defeated the monsters in the tomb, mom. They were pretty strong but still not enough"

"Besides that... grandpa changed too?"

"Hmm... that's right mom I just noticed it now too. His skin is getting tighter and I think he's getting younger. Like Jimmy, his body is also getting healthier and more energetic"

"Wait, is this all because of my milk? It's thanks to the gods for having a big breast"

"Yes yes, of course, I'll have one too"

"Mama milk"

Jimmy immediately clung to my chest like a grandpa.

"All men love milk. I know now how unattractive you are, Elene"

"Hey, don't judge like that. A flat chest has its own beauty too. So what are we going to do next?"

"As previously planned. We'll try to enroll in a guild and explore the world on a mission"

"Shouldn't we just travel straight away? Try to find new places. If anyone needs help we can help too"

"We won't work without being paid. You've also been a volunteer hero haven't you? How did it feel?"

"Uh, I don't want to be a hero anymore! I want to be free."

"Look, we want to be free but without doing something it feels empty. Being an adventurer isn't too binding. We can take any mission we want. That's the system in this world, isn't it?"

"You're right mom. I don't want to stand around without doing something either. Besides, I also want to try out the results of my research so far."

"Let's relax first"

'I'll also check my status'




Name                    : Myranda

Job                         : Holy Mother

Gender                : Female

Age                        : 26 Years

Race                      : Human

Level                     : 28

EXP                        : 3944/4491


HP                          : 387

MP                         : 156

Strength              : 141

Agility                    : 176

Dexterity             : 122

Intelligence        : 54

Vitality                  : 133

Luck                       : 57

Attractiveness   : 92


The monsters in the tomb were better than I expected. They could level me up twice so it was more beneficial to kill them than to ignore them like the monsters in the forest.

With my grandpa's party skills and my status window, we could combine our kills freely. Of course I was the key holder.

It was certain that the monsters out there were stronger and provided more loot. Together with the two war veterans, I made sure to make good use of it. There were no easy coincidences that provided bodyguards for two people who had defeated a demon king.


While looking in the mirror, I admired the beauty of my face that had been completely remodeled. Like plastic surgery by the hand of a god, my appearance was beautiful beyond measure. Maybe if I saw it from a man's eyes, I would fall in love. Thanks to the magic mask that I often wear at night, I'm sure the most beautiful woman from my previous world won't be able to beat me.

'I still can't believe this. But I have to be careful'

This is a world that is still not modern. There is no concept of absolute justice. When you deal with nobles or powerful people, even if you are right, you will still be punished. Although my previous modern world was also almost the same but at least you can still fight back.

I am now a woman. Even though I'm strong and have two special guards, I'm still a stranger in this place. The two of them also told me that besides heroes there are other forces guarding this world. So as long as you can't confirm yourself at the top, make sure your footing is strong first.

Alright, next check your body condition.


[Body Status]

Breast                   : H cup

Milk capacity      : 3,120 Ml (Left 1580 + Right 1540)

Womb Cycle       : -

Hymen                 : Broken                              

Slots                      : 0/4


  1. Jimmy (Father Hobbs)
  2. Elenesse (Homunculus)
  3. Rosetta (Baby Ghost)



There's nothing for me to notice here. As I've already realized the size of my breasts got bigger after the massage. It looks even more tempting but also detracts from my view. When I'm fighting, I'm always swaying because I don't wear a bra anymore.

And also the more milk I produce only makes me more painful when not milked. Now I'm really just like a cow.

[600,433 Gold]

'Not much more than hunting the last gold goblin but lots of magic items'

The money we got at the tomb wasn't too much. But looking at the tomb building and the relics I think 200,000 gold is enough money for a duke-class noble. Or maybe I'm filthy rich now? Let's confirm that in the capital.

In addition, there are many magic objects and war equipment that I can use or sell later. Some are of good quality and some are bad. We took all of them because we believe that even the bad ones have their uses.


Another quiet night in the tent. We went to bed and woke up early to continue our journey.

Every night my body could not move. While sleeping, my left and right sides were always full. They never left them empty. Fortunately, I was one of the earliest sleepers and was used to this.

It's just that something is stuck in my stomach from what I did in the tomb earlier.

'Elene are you awake?

'What's wrong?

'My good girl can you help your mother with this?

'It doesn't look good'

'You know, that artifact you gave me. That thing that looks like the hilt of a dark-colored sword'

'Just say it quickly'

'Umm... it's now stuck inside my vagina'

'What? You're crazy! Quickly take it off!'

'That's why I want your help. It went deeper when I was playing too engrossed. I've tried but it seems to be stuck. Please good and beautiful girl'


I quickly guided Elene in front of my pussy. Of course she was reluctant and hesitant but her little hand began to enter my hole.

'Hmmm... Ah'

'Yikes! It's slimy and smelly. I don't like this dirty place'

'Don't disrespect the place where you were born young lady. You used to live there too, Ah... ticklish'

'Stop moving. Where is it'

'Quickly pull it out'

Elene deftly pulled out the dildo that was stuck inside.

'You, do you know what this is?'

While showing the dildo that was slimy from being in that place for a long time. She immediately cast magic and all the slime disappeared instantly.

'Magical sex tool?’

Elene immediately grasped the dildo tightly with her small hands. It started shaking violently and gave off a sword-shaped light.


'That's right. My invention whose purpose is to create a compact weapon that can be used at any time. It's as hard as metal and can vibrate to make it easier to cut hard objects. People with lust turn it into an immoral item. Do you know what will happen to your mom if this device activates in your stomach?'

'Elene you're crazy! It could kill me!'

'You're the crazy one! I knew you'd be like other perverted noble mistresses, never paying attention to details. I'll just go to sleep. I'll forget this embarrassing incident'

'Damn, but thanks for helping me'


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