Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 38

We planned to leave in the morning. I had almost finished packing up all my things. But Elene detected something.

From quite a distance, there was a group of people silently waiting. One of them had used familiar magic to monitor us but had been detected and eliminated. From their movements Elene could also detect that their intentions were not good.

'They're approaching! They're humans not monsters'

'Stay on guard and prepare to attack at any time'

And since early in the morning Rose had woken up and done her morning activities without knowing what would happen. She was now training her body.

"Wear clothes when you exercise, Miss! I don't want you to cause a lot of trouble"

"What? I'm used to it"

"This isn't your village anymore and people won't look at you kindly especially men."

"Okay big sis"

"And get ready we now have guests"

A group of people came into view from behind the trees. They walked quickly towards us. The closer they got the more we could see who they were. It looked like adventurers and there were no women there.

One of them looked at us in turn while analyzing. Especially at Rose, they began to show lewd faces.

"Greetings young lady and... beautiful aunt? Old aunt?"

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Ho ho ho, we were just passing by from our work and then met you. Perhaps we can rest and chat for a while?"

"We can make breakfast first. We also brought some nice drinks for us to drink. Would you like some, young lady?"

"Yes! I'd like a drink too. It's been a while since I've had one."

'This girl...'

It seemed like those who realized their magic was exposed were acting more cautiously. I don't know what their intentions are but they don't seem to be good.

'That mama is a drugged alcoholic and I've heard whispers between them. They want to kidnap us!

'As usual'

"Okay! Let's party young lady!"

"Wait a minute. What is your real goal?"

The man who focused on Rose with a thorough look seemed to be impatient to molest her.

"We just want to stop by auntie. Take it easy and let's enjoy the morning"


Grandpa quickly darted towards them to paralyze and Elene focused the disruptor magic from afar. One or two of them managed to dodge with a near miss. Of the six people, only three were still standing.

One person who was detected as a witch immediately cast a magic that a second later was successfully paralyzed.

'Witches first and then front attackers'

Mages were the central players in the strategy against the enemy. They do not have strong physiques and capable defenses. But if they are released, it will certainly have a big impact.

The man who had been talking to us was probably the leader. He used two swords that were quickly aimed at me. With simple movements, I was able to parry his attacks with ease. Nonetheless, from his demeanor I think this people was a professional group.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know old lady. I don't know about the ones behind but your surprise attack won't work anymore."

"You didn't take another look at your surroundings?"

"That surprised me a bit. Give up or I'll have to kill you."

"You still don't get it."

Instantly this person made an unexpected move. His attacks became faster and more accurate. But I still managed to block all of them.

"You're weak!"



Not wanting to waste any more time, I immediately launched a punch attack at his head. With just one punch, he was on the ground.

Rose, who had fallen silent, just looked at the fight that had ended so quickly.

"What happened..."

"Don't stare and tie them up quickly"

"Aren't they good people?"

"You still don't understand Rose"

"Stop asking questions and carry out mama's orders immediately!"

"Ready! Wait... you can speak?!"




"Hey you insolent guy, it looks like you and your colleagues are experts. What are you going to kidnap us for?"

"Starfish... sea cucumbers... king prawns... yeay!"

"Don't blabber! He seems to be the smartest but he's like this. Is this honesty potion no longer working?"

"You hit his head hard mama. It messed up his mind despite the potion"

"So we have to take care of the captive's head first?"

"Before that I had detected the same magic as the witch bandit. I have memorized and hacked the magic. Take a look in his pocket"

I took out something in the form of a paper scroll that was under his shirt. There was also an identification mark of this man.

After we checked the luggage of these men, from all of them there was a symbol mark. Although it was a long time ago, grandpa recognized this as a guild identification. Or more specifically, they were adventurers.

Elene carefully opened the scroll containing the black energy. Inside was a contract for the sale of goods by an illegal auction house. It looks like we will be kidnapped to be sold in the slave market.

"Look at this. It has the signature of this man"

The signature here is the mark of someone with powerful magic and cannot be forged.

"This could be evidence. Let's go to the guild headquarters to tell them about this. I must have resealed it completely to keep it valid"

"How about them?"

"I don't know what happened to the victims but judging from this contract, they have been operating for quite some time and surely taking them away is not a good option either"

"Then what do we do? Kill them? Won't the guild members suspect us?"

"It's okay mama. The conclusion is that when we fight someone who wants to kill us, we should kill them too. Slavery is so cruel that repay with their life is no longer enough."


"Besides, if they live, they might commit crimes again. Just like bandits, it can also be a problem for others."

"What about you Micah?"

"I'm coming with you mama"


The fire quickly burned them alive. There were no screams, leaving only charred corpses. Thick smoke soared and the smell of burning flesh had spread which would attract monsters or beasts.

We have secured their valuables as booty. Of course, we will return the items if anyone recognizes them. It's possible that they belonged to the victims.

Unlike forest bandits who are pure criminals, official adventurers who commit crimes must get more punishment but judging them also needs strong evidence. Those who are royal envoys have tarnished their good name.

Finished with this sudden business, we continued our journey to Fragate City. Rose was still wondering about what had just happened and we explained as we walked.


"Remember young lady there are many people out there who look good but have bad intentions. I'll keep it short for you, if you meet an unknown person tell me immediately and don't accept anything from them"

"Okay okay you don't need to remind me so many times, but I still don't think adventurers are trying to kidnap people"

"I don't know about that either but we'll find out when we get to town"

"My village is full of good people. When one is hungry, everyone helps. If there's a problem, it's solved with a punch. There's nothing to hide."

"So it's natural that you attacked me when we first met. Then how did you get here?"

"I don't know, I don't know. It's just that I ran into the forest and then slipped and fell in the river. Then I flew to an unknown place and walked until I found you guys."

"It's a good thing you found us, stupid!"

"Uh, I'm still not used to this girl of yours. She teases me a lot, big sis!"

"Putting her mouth aside, she's very cute isn't she?"

"Not at all!"

"After my business in the city do you want to go back to your village? I can also drive you princess"

"I don't want to. I think I'll come with you on an adventure. I want to see the world much more."


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