Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 39

"Oh... yes... this is the last one"

A naked woman with an extraordinary body with long violet hair was getting on top of the unconscious body of the young man. There was a clear white liquid flowing out of her crotch. The young man lying beneath her did not move an inch and his penis was already shriveled up as it had been sucked out in an intense intimates on the mattress.

A second later the woman punched the young man in the face. Instantly his entire head shattered with just one blow. Blood and flesh were scattered all over the place. The woman's strength was no match for her slender hand.

With a satisfied expression, she stroked her large pot belly.

"My dear, we will meet again soon"

In the dimly lit room with little moonlight, the woman was not alone. At the end of the room was the silhouette of someone who was standing as if waiting for her to finish her business. Then she slowly approached her.

"Madam I want to give a report"

"Sol quickly tell me with our final ritual"

"Everything is in order. The number of sacrifices is predicted to be sufficient within this week. We have also prepared a backup plan"

"Good! Then what about ‘him’?"

"Madam, you don't need to worry. So far he hasn't done anything beyond our control. As you may have guessed, he is very sensitive and can be easily controlled by your presence alone."

"This is the moment I've been waiting for! You are too Sol aren't you"

"Yes ma'am"

Then a thin but large dog slid out from behind the door of the room. His dense silvery-white fur reflected the moonlight every time he walked. Despite his wolf-like stature, his expression was docile.

He headed straight towards the naked woman and started licking her pussy. Even though the seminal fluid was still coming out, the dog still licked it passionately.

"Yes... yes... oh our little dog wants a treat. Well since it is my happy day I will give it to you. Sol take care of this."

"Yes ma'am"

The figure immediately left the room leaving the woman and the dog with the body of the young man. Before leaving she cleaned the room with magic.

The heavily pregnant woman then climbed back into bed with the dog. She immediately positioned herself on all fours and gave a full view of her sensitive parts to the back. She gave the ready signal.

The dog immediately mounts the lustful woman. His big dick immediately breaks through the woman's pussy. Then he pumps hard into her pussy.


The woman's entire body was sweating and shaking violently to match the dog's rhythm. She also continued to moan vulgarly as she enjoyed every time the dog's cock went deeper. They were now in animal mating mode. No longer did they care about the big pregnant belly. Only the brutal sex drive to make offspring.

"Ah... Ah... Wait for it! Wait for it!"

The night was filled with unimaginably long passion.


In a spacious hall with the architecture of an old but well-maintained church stood a group of people talking. There was an old woman dressed in simple church robes that gave a very sacred yet not too luxurious impression. She was accompanied by a monk and a nun. They seemed to be receiving guests.

"Welcome kids! I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you earlier"

"We should apologize for coming early grandma err- I mean saintess"

"That's okay boy. You can just call me grandma. It's an inappropriate nickname anyway"

"I'm sorry lady but teach the kids etiquette too"

"You're too stiff Dion! It's times like these that we should be able to introduce ourselves more freely."

The old lady then turned back to the guests.

"How was your trip?"

"We arrived here safely. Although we almost had an incident on the way, it was resolved!"

"Thankfully, I almost sent Gedrik back to your village to pick you up. Then if I may know who are these girls with you?"

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce them. The brave one is Verra and the shy one is Mine."

"How beautiful you two are. You Toru must have chosen these friends because of that, right?"

"...No-no grandma. These two are my childhood friends and I know them very well"

"Take it easy I'm just kidding, he he"

"Alright, let's continue tomorrow. You all must be tired and since it is late I will guide you to the inn. Please follow me and don't look away because this place is huge."

"Yes sister"

The three children replied in unison. Then they immediately left the place after saying goodbye to the saintess and the monk.

"Lady Julia"

"I know, I know. We must quickly find the new saintess before they enter the academy. But I haven't gotten any enlightenment from the goddess either"

"I'm sorry lady. It seems that we should also deploy troops at the border. And reports of demon attacks have been increasing recently"

"I know. This is why I want to retire soon. Why do I have to work like this, stupid goddess!"

"Lady forgive me. Please don't swear at the goddess again."

"Take care of those documents Dion. I'm going to bed."

"Alright lady"

The monk then left following them inside. There was only the old lady walking out of the room. She walked slowly under the moonlight.

Her face had wrinkled a lot but still showed her former beauty. Her long bleached hair was flowing down. An instant later she stopped. She raised her fragile hands as if she was reaching for something. With a sad expression she looked back at the full moon that was shining brightly.

Her tears suddenly fell slowly.

"Finally... I found the trail. I've wanted to meet for so long. Please give me one last wish for me. And... forgive me."

The night was silent again as if nothing had happened there.


"Whoa! He can already walk. Soon he'll be able to run."

"Mama-mama, I'm walking mama"

On the way to Fragate I trained Jimmy to walk. He'll be a year old tomorrow and we'll celebrate his birthday in town.

"Come here Jimmy, good boy"

"Mama your hugs hurt me"

"I'm sorry son for hugging you so hard but I'm very happy with your achievement."

"Big sis, how old is he? It seems like such a big baby should be able to talk and walk on his own"

"Less than a year"

"Crazy. Your kids are really weird. One can fly and swears a lot. And this one is so perverted! He squeezes my breasts every time I pick him up"

"That's normal since they're kids. Do you want to try it?"

"Not at all. I'll leave this little pervert to you."

Again, we could see the horse-drawn carriage that was about to pass us in the distance. Unlike the previous one that was full of luggage, this one was probably empty. We could hitch a ride all the way to our destination.

Many horse-drawn carriages passed us by. They must be carrying goods to the city.

"Why are you so relaxed, big sis? You said we should hurry up and get there before sunset."

"Oh, look at the road we're on."

The road we were on was no longer dirt but paving stones arranged quite neatly.

"This is a public road that indicates we are almost at our destination. And you see that carriages. We might be able to hitch a ride"

"So that's it? I'm too lazy to walk."

"You're always lazy in everything. The muscles are big and you eat a lot but still useless."

"You little devil!"

"Never mind."

We managed to stop a horse-drawn carriage and hitch a ride to the city. We will more or less reach the night but that's fine. Although it's better until just before nightfall we could have to find an inn first and that would definitely take time.

'Hope nothing strange happens'

On every road we passed, there was a magic torch. The coachman said that the closer to the city, the closer the distance between these torches. Although it is quite expensive, 1 silver each, the road and also this shows that the wealth of the noble region cannot be underestimated.

Because of the smooth road, our carriage did not shake at all and it made the atmosphere calm. This tomboyish girl also couldn't help but feel sleepy and slept without a care in the world. After waiting for so long, I didn't realize that the train was almost at its destination. Even though it was already dark, the scenery ahead did not escape our sight.

"Mama! Look!"

"Isn't that the city? The walls are towering and behind them the city lights are dazzling up into the sky."

"You won't believe this but it's less luxurious than other cities especially the royal capital"


'This seems to be the feeling from a countryside who first sees the bustling city'

"Hey lazy pig! We've arrived and hurry up and pack!"

"...Urgh my head hurts. Are we really here?"

"Get up and look at it"


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