Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 59

I have been digging and digging with all my might. I keep on digging, even though my hands and nails are dirty.

I keep doing it, even though my clothes get dirty too.


I kept digging carefully so as not to cut the roots.

My mom said that if this part is cut, the plant will not grow. But this was very deep.

"Keep digging"

I don't need a shovel because my hands are enough for that. The stupid sister said that a man must make an effort with his own hands to get something.

"Finally, got it"

The plant that I dug up by its roots can finally be safely retrieved.

I hope it won't die before the afternoon.

The short man say that plants must be planted in pots if they want to be moved. And I have to feed it like an animal.

"I'll just ask ugly sis for a magic. I hope she picks me up this time."

"What are you doing Jimmy?"


I was a little surprised but I'm used to it. Usually, she always follows and surprises me from behind.

This snot-nosed girl is Nea, my first friend.

While I was here, I didn't get along with many other kids. Although Mom told me to make friends with them, I didn't like it.

When I first came here, a group of kids took me and put me in a corner of the room.

They laughed at me.

It was then that I remembered my ugly sis saying, "If you get hurt, you must pay them back twice right away.

Then I beat them up one by one until no one dared to resist.

I thought the problem had been solved, but my mother called me here and kept scolding me.

I told her it was ugly sis who gave me the idea and she got scolded too.

The next day, no one dared to threaten me anymore but no one approached me either. They were silent when I passed by but I didn't care.

As long as I could be with sister Quinny, I didn't want anything else.

"That's pretty..."


"Yes, it's beautiful."

The flower I dug up had a beautiful shape and a very attractive color. I happened to get it when I was searching in this vast garden during our field trip.

Nea who saw it was so amazed that she froze on the spot.

"Hey! your snot dripped on my flower!"

"Jimmy is good at finding flowers, he-he-he"


This snot-nosed kid started approaching me when I saved her from the same mob when I happened to pass by.

Even though I didn't care, she kept following after me.

"Is this for me?"

"Keep dreaming, this is for Sister Quinny"

She looked at me like she was about to cry.

The snotty girl gets more and more irritating when she cries.

"Jimmy is bad!"

"I don't care. Go back to your brother"

She cried even harder and called out to the crowd. Of course, after that her brother would come.

"Jimmy! What are you doing to my sister!"

Every time his sister cried, he would get angry and launch an attack on me.

Before we started the usual fistfight, I first secured my favorite flower that I had worked so hard to dig up.

Every time I saw mom and the others fighting, I could copy a few of their moves. That's why, besides having great strength, I can also beat up groups of brats.

But every time I fought August, the result was always a draw. He was really a tough opponent for me.

"I will hit you! Do not hide!"

"Weak punch! Weak strength!"

Elene said our fight was funny but I disagreed.

"This is a fight about pride!"

Our clothes were dirty from rolling on the ground and our faces were covered in dust.

I wouldn't stop throwing punches if August didn't stop kicking me too.

"Ouch- oof- oof.."

"Ouch- its hurt!"

Sister Quinny rushed to us and was the one who stopped it by pinching our ears.

"Are you done with your little fight?"

"He went first!"

"He started hitting me, big sis!"

"God, how many time do I have to get... Hurry and join the others. I've heard enough of your excuses. We'll be back this afternoon before your parents pick you up."

We packed our equipment and went to the changing room at the bathhouse.

Today we are traveling around the city to visit various places. The younger children will be supervised by sister Quinny while we are free to go anywhere as long as it is not far.

Now we were heading to the famous hot spring in the town.

"You guys forgot something. Let's quickly shake hands to apologize to each other."

Even though we looked away from each other, we still shook hands.

It's also like something we used to do after our fight.

"Come on Nea, you're coming with me. I told you not to come if you're sick. Your snot needs to be cleaned."

"Thank you, big sister"

"You two need to clean your own bodies"

"See you later… brother... and Jimmy"


Before I could give sister Quinny the flowers, she left with Nea to watch the other kids.

'Next time my pretty sister. This flower will be the best present!'

"Your smile is really ugly"

"Mind your own business, potato head"

"I'll tell you again, sister Quinny has a boyfriend"

"She doesn't! You're a big liar!"

"Whatever, the important thing is that I told you"

We started competing who could get to the bathhouse the fastest.

"The last one to the bathhouse is a rotten boiled potato"

When it comes to fighting, I may often dominate, but when it comes to running, August is the fastest.

I often ask mom to train me but she says I'm not old enough and I have to wait a little longer.

'You really deserve to be my rival. Wait till my mom trains me and I'll beat you easily'

August was the first to arrive but I followed right behind him. We rushed into the children's locker room which was empty as the others had already gone to the baths.

Immediately, we began to change into the swimsuits that had been prepared.

"Heh, yours hasn't grown yet?"

"What do you mean. Mine is late but someday I'll make sure it's bigger than yours!"

We looked at each other's crotch.

Mine was bigger and more prominent but August's hadn't grown yet. His was just like a small slit.

"My sister said that if a man doesn't grow it soon for 10 years then you won't be able to be human anymore"

"Is it true?!"

"Of course, believe me. My sister may be ugly but she can do great magic!"

He was immediately in a state of shock at the realization. He desperately counted numbers with his fingers.

"Two... three... four... five more years! There's no more time! How can I do this? How is this..."

"I don't know"

"I have to grow it quickly before it becomes a monster!"

"You have to do a lot of hard work. I'll also ask my sis how to grow it"

"Thank you-thank you, I owe you a favor!"

"If there were no you then I think it would be boring too"

He cried a little but I liked it, it was like a victory for making your enemy scared.

Although I don't care but these two kids are my first friends so I will try to cherish them.


"Are you okay son?"

"Don’t worry, Mom. I'm strong"

Jimmy, who I had just picked up from daycare, had a little bruise on his face. It didn't surprise me because he was like this almost every day.

'Nea and August... what's that kid like'

Jimmy who was not only originally a one-year-old who had a different physique but much more strength than other 5-year-olds.

Every time he beat up another child, I had to pay the parents for the compensation. It wasn't a big deal either. After I scolded him, he would definitely listen to me.

But what I was worried about was that he couldn't make friends with other kids. They were too scared to approach him.

Luckily there were these two brother and sister who were willing to spend time with my rascal son.

Even though the two of them fought a lot, they quickly became friends. When I picked him up, Jimmy's face even looked happy when he was with them.

I wasn't too worried anymore because he was very enthusiastic about the fight with his friend.

"Then I did this and he used his leg to deflect my punch…"

"And then?"

"Before I ended it with the last punch he was saved by the pretty sister. I would have won but a man can't attack when his enemy is off guard."

"Did you apologize to Nea?"

"Why? I did nothing wrong to her."

'This child, though young, is not sensitive enough to other people's feelings'

"What if this little girl Nea likes you?"

"Snorty girl? Pfffttt..."

"My sweetheart, you have no idea how beautiful a woman is until you are no longer in her presence"

"I don't care as long as I'm with sister Quinny"

"Your tastes are strange, son"

Jimmy curled up in my arms. I had to tickle him because I was so excited. I never get tired of looking at this cute little soft bun.

"Time for milk?"

"No more, I'm an adult"

"Who says this little guy is all grown up?"

I kept thrusting my nipple into his mouth.

"I don't want to drink milk anymore. They say milk is only for babies!"

"You're still a baby"

"No! Mama is wrong!"

"So, what does this grown man want to eat?"

"I want to eat food like Elene. She can eat strawberry shortcake all day."

"Strawberry shortcake isn't for grown men either. You can't eat chocolate cake anymore either. Your teeth will hurt."

"Then what are they eating?"

I took out the leftover burger bun that had the wrong composition. It was bitter and hard.

"Try this."

Jimmy tried this tasteless bun and spit it out again a second later.

"What is this food! It's bitter!"

"That's the taste of maturity, son. It's not good but you have to swallow it to survive. Want more?"

"No. I want something sweet."

"Then you're not a grown man yet, my boy"

He reluctantly ate my nipple. But it seemed that he was hungry as well.

"How does a man grow his crotch, Mom?”

"What do you mean?"

"It's the one in the crotch. My friend hasn't grown one like mine and he'll be a monster in 10 years"

"Who said that?"


I always know that the whole source of his broken thinking is on her.


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