Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

17: Important Task?

Makima POV

For the past 7 days, he did with what he wanted to do with me like he said he would.

'I had an idea of what he was going to do even before it happened,' I thought that even when I lacked the necessary experience and knowledge this task wouldn't be that difficult.

'But I was wrong,'

It would've been easy if he thought of me as his partner, and he seemed to have that in mind till a certain thing happened.

And after that, all he did was use me as he pleased, almost like a tool that belonged to him.

'I didn't know how to switch things around,' From what happened he liked the natural reaction of my body so, I let him do as he wanted not that I had any way of stopping him, nor the desire to do so.

I thought that maybe midway through his perspective would change but it didn't.

'I need to make proper preparations,' This was my first thought after I woke up at the end of the seventh day. It was a long day today as well like the rest of the days and I happened to fall asleep after doing it with him but my body felt refreshed, it was his doing I was certain.

I stood up from the bed and put on my clothes for the first time in 7 days.

After that, I walked out into the hall and saw him working with wood. He seemed to be making a sofa since the previous one was broken in our fight.

"You woke up, want something to drink?" He asked simply and I nodded, I still needed to talk to him about something after all.

So, I took a sip of the tea he gave me and spoke.

"Make a contract with me," I could hear him sigh when he heard me.

"Back with that again, I can't make those types of contracts," He said and he wasn't lying from what I could understand.

But I was sure that he won't make that type of contract with me even if he could.

'I'll make it happen,' There was no other way if I wanted to achieve what I need.

"If there is something else we can make arrangements," He said but my mind was already set.

"No, I would like to visit you again, so is there a special way to enter this place?" I asked and he didn't look averse to let me come around.

'It is because of what happened in the past seven days,' It was good to let him do as he pleased since this opened a window for me to use.

"You can use this card to enter, but know that I can't help you with the contract you are asking," He was trying to dissuade me but it wouldn't be of any use.

"I'll come by often," I said while looking at the card.

"Well, Sure," He spoke flatly and I smiled before walking out of the Door that I came through.

And before I knew it I was back in my office with the door nowhere to be seen.

I looked at the date on the calendar. It was 28th of February, it means that two days have passed in this world while I had spent seven days with him.

'That person is a mysterious force,' I thought as I left my Office. I looked at the card and the name on it.

"Adam, Adam ...Adam," I muttered the name a few times and made sure that, "I'll remember your name."

I placed the card in the breast pocket of my shirt and wore the black overcoat placed on my seat.

'Now, I need to go and meet them,' I had missed an important meeting that was supposed to be held yesterday but it could be done today as well.

I needed to report to the bureau about what had happened in my division during the month.

"Why weren't you present yesterday?" Was naturally the first question they asked me as I have never been late or missing from such meetings.

"Something unexpected came up," I said and their expressions changed.

"What happened?" I knew they would be curious, No the correct emotion should be fear, they are scared of the being that was able to give me trouble.

"I encountered a troublesome foe," I said and the atmosphere in the room changed, so I needed to add something, "But worry not I have started to make my preparations."

"Will you succeed?" I was asked this question and there was only one answer.

"I will," When I said my core which was filled by Adam's fluids started to twitch. But I didn't lie, I do have plans to make it happen.

After the meeting ended I was now back at the office where three people were waiting for me.

It was Denji, Aki, and the third person was the blood fiend named Power.

I had some plans with them before but they got delayed as well.

"Miss Makima," Denji shouted excitedly as soon as I came into his view while the other two had also noticed me.

"Come inside," I said while opening the door to my office and walking inside.

"Miss Makima this guy is the worst," I heard Aki complain and turned around to look at them.

"It ain't my fault that ya got distracted by the tits of a woman that was passin' by and got attacked by the testicle devil," Denji said as soon as he sneered at Aki.

"And he is a lair as well, I would never do that," Aki said but it didn't matter at all.

"Where have you been living Denji?" I asked since I didn't leave any order behind for him.

"At his place," Denji pointed at Aki who sighed.

"It is because Miss Makima told me to take care of him, If it were up to me I would've left him out on the street," Aki said while looking at me, and I did exactly what he wanted…

"You did a great job, Hayakawa," I praised him with a smile just like he wanted.

"I-It was nothing Miss Makima," And with this things became easier.

"Then from now they'll be joining your squad," I said and I could see him look like he didn't want to deal with this.

"I expect good results from your squad, Hayakawa," And as soon as I said that I could see him light up, humans were too easy to control.

You give them what they want and they follow you around, like how a dog does if you feed them once.

"Yes, I'll do my best to make sure they won't make a mess," He said and...

"Make a mistake? Who? Me? you should be worried about cha self," Denji didn't take that too well along with…

"I agree with you minion, Tis human thinks he is better than me, You should bow down before me human," Power said and Denji looked at her.

"Who's your minion?"

"What did ya say?" Power puffed out her chest a little then…

"Whatever you say, boss," Like I said before Denji will behave like this with any female, not just me alone.

That is why I needed to make sure that he doesn't have anyone else but me.

'But it isn't him alone who is this way,'

"You two, this isn't the place to act like that," Aki dragged the two out of my office as I too walked out.

'But Denji would need to wait, I have something more important to do,' I thought as I reached my destination, The Library.

That man would surely come into contact with many women. I may not have taken his services but many others will, That is why…

'I need to make sure that...'

"Good afternoon Miss, how may I help you?" I walked in and went straight to the librarian.

"I need books," I said and the librarian asked a question.


"Sex," I answered and….

"You dropped the books," I pointed it out but the man didn't seem to be caring.

"On what?" He asked, it seemed that his age did affect his hearing.

"I need books on Sex, all of the ones you have," This was a matter of importance.

'...I am the one who will control you.'


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