Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

18: So Not Cool

Adam's POV*

"I really need to work on my self-control," I muttered with a deep sigh.

It was only now that I understood what I had done with Makima.

'Is this was they call Post nut clarity?' I wondered while making a new table for the living room.

Even though the previous thought wasn't leaving my mind I kept working.

'I might get in trouble if I act this way,' I understood that since Makima was strong, so she was able to get through it just fine and because of her weird nature she didn't say anything in return.

'But if I did something like that to Ai or someone else...'

"I might not even get clients anymore," I shuddered as soon as I realized that.

No woman would want to come to a man that acts like a wild beast without thinking about their feelings. Thankfully I didn't do anything like that with Ai but even then…

'She likely isn't coming back because of what I did,' I sighed while focusing on the table as I remember the mistake I made with her.

Anyway, The whole living room was still broken since I didn't do anything other than have sex with Makima for the whole week and didn't even notice the surroundings.

So, now that my mind was a little clear I was thinking of all sorts of things while making furniture.

"Hmm, The table came out great," I was very satisfied with the new table, the last one I was using was really so old that I don't even remember the time I made it.

And with the table done...

'The sitting area is done, now I need to remake the wooden floor and get a new carpet to keep under the couches and table,' I moved around busily while questioning the workings of the universe randomly.

Like where the first life came from? What's our purpose? How did 'Something' come about from seemingly 'Nothing' when to have a product you need the starting ingredients? So, who made 'that'? And who made the thing that made 'that'?

You know like the basic stuff.

But in reality, I was just trying to distract my mind as I worked on the living room.

I made cupboards, cutlery for decoration, some artifacts to display along with some famous paintings from my old world? Well, I don't really remember if these were even in line with what I had seen.

"The Mona Lisa is done!" I was happy as I looked at the painting of purple-haired woman with yellow eyes wearing an office suit.

'Was it like this?' I tilted my head and looked at the painting for a few seconds.

"It should be? Well whatever," And with that, I moved on to working on the ceiling since the painting looked good, my title of 'God of painting' wasn't just for show.

Leaving that aside, I had to clean the bedroom, and that took a lot of time.

'There is so much of my cum everywhere,' I swear if someone used a UV light here they'd go 'Yep, that's a lot of semen,'

"Should I just change the mattress?" I wondered since this place was jam-packed with my semen and Makima's juices after our week-long battle, I was pretty sure this whole mattress was drenched completely, no it was perfect to say that this thing was marinated in them.

The floor was the same, so I had to scrub the whole bedroom with extra effort to make sure no stains or funny smells are left behind.

In the end, I changed the mattress, sheets, and even pillows just in case.

I finished most of the work in a week and currently, I was sitting on the soft couch having some pastries as I was thinking again.

And no, I wasn't thinking about the working of the universe once again, that shit gets boring real quick if you do it alone…

'When will I be able to go outside of this place?' It has been a few years since I have been living in this small place and before I didn't really give it much thought.

'I was too eager to leave my previous world and rightfully so, any man would want to leave that hell hole, At least I hope so.'

'I think I heard something like 'A man is reborn into a different person after he has sex for the first time' is that happening to me right now?' I thought since it was only after that did I start to think about this.

"So, it is just post-nut clarity after all?" I hummed while drinking my cappuccino. And then...


"Oh, a client!!" I forgot all about what I was thinking before and quickly checked the place to see if there was any problem with the living room.

My clothes looked fine as well, everything was just how it should be.

'Who is it?' I was wondering if it was someone else or if Makima really came back after a few days.

'Maybe it is Ai?' I thought but I felt like she won't come back unless something drastic happens.

And as the door opened I could see the person as the bell chimed to announce her arrival.

"Hello Mister~ I am back~," It was Ai who came in with her usual smile and winked at me.

I was really healed by that smile and ended up forgetting most of my worries. But...

'She doesn't look hurt? Is she kidnapped? No, it could be the kids, did something happen to them?' I wondered about the possibilities about why Ai came back here.

'Maybe she is just here to see me? No there's no way,' I wasn't that stupid to believe something this absurd, I think I had a pretty good grasp of what Ai's personality is like. So, seeing her smile like that I kind of understood the reason she came here.

And just like I thought her next words confirmed it…

"Mister, can you kill My Ex?" Her bright eyes turned dark in an instant and the smile on her face became smaller and more flat than before.

No doubt about it....

'This is the real Ai,' I thought and smile slightly.

"If that is your wish then I shall fulfill it for the necessary price," I didn't really care.

It didn't matter if the woman who walked through that door wanted to save the world or wished to destroy humanity itself.

It didn't matter since I'll fulfill her demand…

'As long as the price is paid,' This is my job after all.

"No problem, I am willing to do anything," Ai said with the same look on her face and I nodded pointing at the sofa.

"Please sit down and have some refreshments, in the meantime, I'll have a word with the administrator of your world,"

"Mister, is there a chance that you won't be able to help me?" Ai said without moving from her spot and I walked over to her.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get your wish fulfilled since that is the contract," I had certain privileges since I was technically working under the Goddess of Wishes. She had a lot of connections and how do I say this? People gave her face? Did I say it correctly?

Anyway, What I was doing right now by visiting the administrator was basically just a formality of sorts, since they kind of already agreed with my intervention as soon as they allowed the door to appear in their world.

So, unless the wishes make a bit too drastic of a change that could cause problems, I would be allowed to carry out my duties.

"But we didn't even make a contract yet," Ai said and I was reminded of that... We actually still haven't made the contract and I was getting ahead of myself.

'She is so skeptical, it is kinda cute,' I thought before saying…

"The moment you walked into this place it is my obligation to do everything in my power to make sure you get your wish, So, just sit down and relax for me, okay?" I patted her head lightly with a smile before walking past her and exited through the front door ignoring her gaze on my back.

I swear my hand moved on its own, I really swear ...alright, I am kinda lying.

'She looked so cute, so I just kinda did it, well that counts as an involuntary action, so, I wasn't actually lying?' Leaving all of that aside, I was sure of one thing.

"I am really cool, huh, I handled that situation like a boss," I was praising myself for the way I handled Ai's case, I was able to save my rep as the calm and collected guy while also reassuring her. Good going indeed!

'No wait, the people who say they are cool aren't cool at all,' I remembered this suddenly and…

"Yeah, I am not cool, like totally so not cool," And with those words, I went to see the administrator of Ai's world walking down a path while a starry sky was above my head.

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