Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

A Shocking Surprise

"Ah! No, that's not what I wanted to say…" The woman quickly denied it while waving her hands. She might not mind that, but it wasn't the question.

"Oh, then what is it?" Adam tilted her head. If she wasn't bothered to walk alone after being hit on, what was it?

"That… I think that you were C-Cool… back then… so don't worry…" The woman said with her face taking on a blush. She knew that it wasn't something she should praise.

'What are you saying?!' She even admonished herself, but it was no use. Those words came out reflexively, and she was too late to stop them.

"Well, thanks for that… then should I take you out of the alley at least... Miss?" Adam still didn't know her name, so he tried to be respectful.

"It's Kaori, also don't call me M-Miss, I am an old woman," She said bashfully. After all, that was the best compliment she got in years.

Adam blinked a few times staring at her, and there was only thing he could say to her words.

"That's a nice joke,"

"I am not joking!" She got embarrassed because it may look like she was fishing for compliments, but she wasn't.

"Haha, sure, I believe you, but please don't go around saying that you are old," Adam laughed, and in the end, he walked her towards the subway.

Along the way, he learned that she was actually a middle-aged woman with a daughter, who was already a high school student, so he understood why she called herself old.

'I mean, she looks like someone who is in her early twenties…' That is why he took her words as a joke, she appeared too young to have a child of that age.

But all of that was of no use to him. After all, he just met her by chance while dealing with Hayato, the main culprit in Saki's downfall.

Saki—Yes, Bye. You take care as well. Insert Cat wave emoji*

'She should be safe now,' Adam thought ignoring the space twisting around his body. This was the defense mechanism of the world, trying to force him out for overstaying his welcome. But he had to deal with this a little more in order to finish the task at hand.

"Are you talking to someone?" Kaori couldn't help but ask, because he was looking at the phone with a smile for most of their way to the station.

"Yeah, it is a friend," Adam said placing the phone back in the pocket.

"Oh, I see," Kaori quickly looked away from him.

'Who is this friend? No, I shouldn't think about that,' She thought but quickly shook the thought off immediately.

And while she was in that mental turmoil…

"Well then, be careful on the way back, alright?" Adam brought her out of her thoughts because they reached the destination.

"Yeah you too," Kaori smiled as he turned around and left. And just as she saw him take a turn around the corner, her eyes widened.

"I forgot to ask for his name!" She had just noticed that and it was such a stupid mistake, but she wasn't able to focus on things at all since she saw him.

"I should go and ask him!" So, she tried to catch up to him, but as soon as she turned the corner…

"Where did he go?" He was nowhere to be found, there were no alleys on this road in front of her, and she couldn't even see him in any of the shops around here.

"It is like he just vanished…" And that he did, but his actions had already started to morph this world even if he had left, unknowingly he hadn't just saved one, but many people because of his actions. It was just that he didn't care for that, as that was the main reason he was sent out in such a fashion.

And the impacts of his choices were noticed not only in this world but also in faraway ones, which had nothing to do with all of this.


"Goddess, what is happening to the Obelisk of History?" One of the angels shouted, panic evident in their voice as they couldn't even open their eyes, it was similar to how humans couldn't look at the sun directly.

"Something like this only happens when there is an entry of a Supreme God," The Goddess of Sex and Fertility said with sweat rolling down her brow, this was an unprecedented incident.

"But who is it?" Heaven had gotten used to this phenomenon a few years back, but the one who did this regularly, was not here anymore and he said that he had no intent of coming back.

'He did come back once, but he didn't come this time…' But because of how many times she had seen this, there was an answer in her heart.

"There's no way, right?" It was just that it shouldn't be possible, even then the anxiety inside her chest couldn't be contained, there were no supreme deities aside from her in this world.

The only other one who had multiple such titles, left this place and he didn't want to come back here, so who was it now?

'I have to be prepared for war…' She felt like her authority would be challenged by this new God, but as soon as the light died down, she saw the name that was etched on the Obelisk and her heart stopped.

"That guy… did he just…?" But that didn't do anything to calm her down, instead looking at the title it only deepened her fear.

Supreme God—Adam, The God of Mythical Beasts.

"How…?" She couldn't understand how this happened, and rightfully so…

"I saw what he did to his body… but something like this…? It shouldn't be possible... not unless he… there's no way that is possible… unless he…" But speculating didnt help, there was no way for her to conclude on her own.

"G-Goddess look at that…" One of her Angels shook in fear, part of it was because of his name, but there was another thing that scared them now.

Supreme God, Adam

Apostles: None

Angels: None

Disciples: Yoshida Saki

"H-His disciple…?" The very thought of it scared them.

The reason for it was, the terror he had carved deep into their hearts with his actions. He was a man who trampled the Godly Beasts and the feared Gods, that ruled over this world for millenniums like they were ants. He had no regard for anyone as long as he got what he wanted, the entire Heaven shook under his presence, he had become that kind of being in the blink of their eyes.

'He is a being without fear… No, he doesn't feel anything at all, the incarnation of carnage and destruction, that's what he is…' They had witnessed the way he did things, and that is what caused them to be this scared.

So, the same fear extended to the one who was able to gain his approval, becoming his disciple because there was no way he would've chosen someone normal.

"J-Just what type of monster did he choose…?" But none of them will ever know, that Yoshida Saki was nothing more than a socially awkward girl who just wanted to make friends—and she didn't even know, that her name was feared by Gods and heavenly beings on the other side of the universe.

It was something she wouldn't think of, not even in her wildest dreams.

"Even with a curse that basic, the world threw me out so quickly, even after I did so much to lessen the cost," And the one who caused this was also just as oblivious, no it was more apt to say that he didn't care enough to know about it.

In the end, the thing he was worried about was not being able to see Saki's progress, but that wasn't possible now.

"She should be fine, because if something happens I'll know immediately," He knew that his actions may seem excessive, but he was fine with it.

"She should get at least that much," After all, personal bias goes a long way in his case.

"Let's wait for someone to show up," Adam shrugged and sat down on the sofa, humming the tune of Mellisa that had been stuck in his head.

But the thing was, "Is it the off-season?" He muttered jokingly, because no one showed up for a month.

"Well, this isn't bad either…" Now was a good time to check if there was anywhere he could go, the truth was that he still had things that he needed to do.

"I can't visit Rias yet," Adam checked the watch and sighed, Ai was also out of question with his calculation, and so was Robin's world.

There weren't many places he could go at the moment, but the thing was that he didn't need to do that, as someone came to him.

And it was someone who he had been meaning to see the most, but it wasn't possible until now.

"Now this is a surprise," Adam smiled looking at the Goddess of Wishes.

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