Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"I can't visit Rias yet," Adam checked the watch and sighed, Ai was also out of question with his calculation, and so was Robin's world.

There weren't many places he could go at the moment, but the thing was that he didn't need to do that, as someone came to him.

And it was someone who he had been meaning to see the most, but it wasn't possible until now.

"Now this is a surprise," Adam smiled looking at the Goddess of Wishes, but unlike him, she seemed rather out of it today.

"H…How are you?" Sitting on the couch across the table she asked, without even looking in his general direction.

"I am good," Adam smiled, "I just didn't expect you to come directly, thought you would continue your activities without showing up like usual."

This had been happening a lot lately, this taciturn Goddess never responded to him when he messaged her, but whenever he baked a new batch of cookies, half of them would magically vanish.

"I wasn't stealing!!" The Goddess smacked the table with a blush on her face.

"Never said you were," Adam continued to smile as the Goddess sat back looking away, this was awkward since she just snitched on herself.

She didn't know where to start, after what had happened last time, 'Well, it is to be expected,' and Adam understood her as well. Their last interaction got a little too out of hand, and he too was feeling a little weird, that is why he didn't mind her actions so far, instead…

"Want some tea?" Adam asked and the Goddess nodded slowly.

"Want some snacks?" Before he threw another question her way.






"Anything spicy?"

"Why are you asking so many questions today?!" The Goddess finally had enough of this, she was trying to not talk too much—but he continued to push her with more questions.

"I was just asking if you wanted anything more, what is wrong with that?" Adam asked with a clueless expression, but he knew what he was doing.

"Just bring me everything you have!!" The Goddess on the other hand just didn't want to deal with it, so she just closed the topic with this statement.

'I can't even look at him,' Her face was flushed as she remembered what happened last time, she just wanted him to get out of her hair but that didn't go as she had expected either.

"Sure thing, anything I need to prepare in extra?" Adam's words caused her to turn towards him in shock.

"What?" Because it didn't sound right, normally he wouldn't even bother to ask her for more, and she had to say it herself.

"I'll take out everything I have, so tell me if you want something else so I cook it in advance," But today there was something different about him.

"For real?" She asked and he nodded.

"You can eat as much as you want for today," Adam said before turning around, he wanted to blow this awkward air away and his food was the best way to do that.

"Yayyyyy!!!" Of course, the Goddess was happy, she wanted to come and eat here for a while, but because of the previous incident, she really couldn't do that.

Regardless, nothing mattered now, because she could eat all of the food that she had missed for all this time, and that was enough to distract her from the previous thoughts.

And true to his word, Adam allowed her to eat as much as she wanted, he cooked whatever she wanted to eat without a single complaint, and he made as much as she wanted, unlike before when he would nag her to stop eating so much.

"Hah~…." In the end, the Goddess let out a satisfied sigh. She had eaten an incomparable amount of food in just one day but that didn't matter. If the day hadn't ended she would've continued, and that would've been a problem.

'I nearly ran out of ingredients here,' Adam sighed sitting down on the couch again, he wasn't tired but he did feel the heat because of the amount he had to cook.

He was running around the entire day, and following his words, the Goddess didn't hold back but that wasn't really a problem.

"So, what happened?" The Goddess asked the question with a frown and rightfully so.

"Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden?" The sudden shift in his attitude towards her was troubling. After all, he hadn't tried to hide that he didn't really like her since the start.

'Although he had never done it directly, I knew he got irritated whenever he saw me,' The Goddess was aware but she couldn't stop coming here, she had things to do as well, and she was relieved that he understood that much. But since the last incident, things have changed a little too quickly.

"Behaving like what?" Adam tilted his head like he was unaware of this.

"You know…." The Goddess looked away, the memory kicked in and that event flashed in her mind.

"…It is like you are trying to make up for....something…" And she honestly couldn't handle being reminded of what happened. She felt like it would be better if he just never mentioned that day to her, but now she had to bring it up herself.

"Oh, yeah it is like that indeed," But her heart stopped when Adam nodded, he seemed glad that she understood his actions.

"W-What?" The Goddess's face became red again, she was on the verge of running away because she didn't want to hear that.

"I just wanted to thank you that's all," But those words stopped her.

"...W-What?" These words caused even more confusion.

"Why are you thanking me for that?" Did this idiot really just thank her for touching her there? How stupid was he?

"Hmm, it looks like you are misunderstanding something…" And looking at her blush Adam understood that she didn't get it.

"I meant to thank you for appearing before me that day and giving me this opportunity, and thank you for worrying about me even when I was being rude to you," Adam was serious, he knew that his actions weren't good and he did try to push her away rudely.

"Even when I secretly blamed you for creating that world and for what happened with me, I know that without you it would've been a lot harder for me to reach here, and I am sure that wouldn't be able to meet everyone I have met till now," Even if this shop had created a few problems for him.

"I am quite glad that I took your offer that day," He understood that the only reason the problems had been created was because of his actions, the shop had helped him in more ways than he could imagine.

"Y-You, what do you…?" The Goddess on the other hand was confused at the sudden barrage of positivity.

"Are you going to die or something? What is this?" It was almost like someone who was at the end of his life, was appreciating how good everything around him was.

"Haha, as if…" Adam laughed, "It is too early for me to die, I still haven't married, I don't have my own cute kids that will bother me all day, and I haven't seen my grandkids yet… there is still sooooo much that I have to do." The things he wanted to do, just kept on increasing by the day and he had no plans about letting them be unfulfilled.

"So, there is no way I am dying anytime soon," Adam smiled looking at her because he knew that the time he wished for death, wasn't going to come with the way things were going.

"You… seem different from usual…" The Goddess said in awe, there was indeed something different about him today.

Usually, he excluded such negative energy that she doubted whether he'd be alright if she left him alone. But now that just stopped, it was almost like he suddenly got something, and it was indeed like that.

"Nothing, I just made a promise with a friend," Adam smiled, and he wasn't lying.

This change was just because of that small promise, about not going back to his previous ways, as the only things that came from those actions were problems.

"So, instead of thinking about the ways things could go wrong and stand still, I'll move forward and make sure nothing like that happens," That was about it, and he knew that such a change would not be possible if he hadn't met the certain people thanks to this shop.

He was strong, yes, but the ones who gave him courage were the ones who were far weaker than him. They could change themselves to seek their happiness, so it was only natural that he should do the same, after all this wasn't something foreign to him.

'And I wouldn't be able to meet them if not for this shop,' Thanks to the nature of this shop, all of this was made possible and the main factor in all of that was the one in front of him.

"That is why, I wanted to thank you for this,"


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