Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Do…Do you have any children?

"Just a little more," Adam leaned back on the sofa looking at the watch, there was only a little time left right now before he could go back.

'If they are doing so much, then I should do it as well,' Adam may have not liked Mei Mei's view on life but he was able to understand that relationships work on exchange, she was correct about that.

This is why Adam felt burdened right now, Rias made him her fiancé, Akeno had made her intentions clear several times, and there were others as well who had made an effort for him, they have done far more than they should've but he didn't do anything for them.

'Instead, I was just stuck in my fantasy thinking that such a life…. Wouldn't be so bad…' Adam let out a hollow laugh.

'But not anymore…. I need to be truthful to them….' And he wanted to reciprocate that effort, which is why he was thinking of being honest with Rias, because that would be the first step towards what he wants.

'Ugh, even when I try to talk myself up to build a little confidence it feels so bad,' Adam groaned, he really felt like he was disgusting for doing this but he was going to do it, 'I don't have much of a choice now.'

And just as Adam was thinking he heard a sudden sound.


At first, it may sound like the sound the door made, but Adam knew what it belonged to.

"Finally…" Adam looked at the clock and the time had passed properly, now he could go and visit Rias without any worries.

"It is time now," Adam stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

And with a determined look, he opened the door and walked out.

But he didn't know that all of his determination was for nothing.


9 A.M. Kuoh Academy, Kuoh, Japan.

Inside the Old school building which was completely given to the Occult research club, in the main clubroom one could see two beautiful women with contrasting emotions.

It had been three days since Adam left, and Rias was feeling down…. on energy.

"Rias have some hot cocoa," Akeno placed a mug on the desk with a bright smile.

"Ah…. Yeah," Rias who was resting her head on the desk spoke in a dead tone.

"Are you really going to be like that every time he goes?" Akeno shook her head looking at Rias's current behavior, it wasn't that she couldn't understand her point, and honestly...

'Even I have started to miss him…' Akeno also couldn't help but think this way, even if only three days had gone by. But she was different from Rias, and the reason she was missing Adam was also very different.

"The issue isn't about him leaving," Rias groaned and Akeno smiled, she wasn't even worried about the topic her king was talking about. In fact….

'I look forward to what his reaction will be to that information when he comes back,' Akeno knew that it would be real fun once Adam came back, 'Because I can only enjoy teasing him during the day.' Just thinking of what happens at night made Akeno blush, but she knew that now wasn't the time to think about this.

"You should clean up quickly Rias, the church affiliates will be visiting us today," Akeno lightly patted Rias's back only for the latter to groan even further since.

"I don't want to deal with them," Rias had too many things to think about, and she wasn't keen on adding more to that pile.

"I am sure he would be quite disappointed to see you like this," Akeno said making Rias glance at her.

"There is no way he would come right now," Rias said unmoving while Akeno giggled.

"Well, there is a chance that he might, wouldn't that be a bad impression?" Akeno spoke but didn't get a response from Rias.

"I'll go and attend the classes, tell me if you need something alright~," Akeno went on ahead leaving the room full of smiles.

"If he would just show up just to see me like this," Rias complained since that would be bad, it was just that deep down, "…Why aren't you here already?"

"What happened, Rias?" Hearing the familiar voice beside her Rias's eyes widened.

"You really …came at a time like this?" Rias may still sound like she was complaining but, "You know... I really missed you."

"…" Adam stared at her smile for a bit and went silent.

"What happened?" It was now Rias's turn to ask because just from the look on his face, she could tell that something was off.

'It can't be right….?' Rias sat up on her chair as her attitude took a serious turn. 'He is already here and that look…'

Her mind just went to the worst possible conclusion.

"Rias," Adam spoke and brought her out of the dazed state.

"Yes?" Rias's heart started to beat faster, but it wasn't in a good way like it did when she was with Adam.

"There is something I ...want to tell you," Adam said after taking a deep breath, he knew that this wouldn't be easy but he had to speak about it now.

'I can't lie to her after she smiles that way just from seeing me,' Adam sighed and opened his mouth, while the nervous Rias awaited his words.

"Rias you see, I wasn't always in the shop," Adam started to speak while meeting her eyes, "And there was a reason why I was able to get into the shop, and that was how I was able to meet you."

"Yes…" Rias's previous anxiousness went away because this topic didn't seem to relate to what she was worried about, or on second thought….

'No, this seems like just what I was thinking!!' Rias's eyes widened as she stared at Adam, her anxiousness went through the roof.

"So, the reason I was able to get into the shop was because I wanted something," Adam continued, and Rias gulped as it seemed like in the next instant, the reason for her previous worries was about to be laid in front of her. And it wasn't something she wanted to hear.

"The reason why I got into the shop was because…." Adam repeated his words still trying to find a way where he could tell this nicely, but…

'It is not really nice no matter how I cut it,' That is why Adam decided to get to the point as bluntly as possible without sugar-coating it.

'He's about to say it, no matter if what I think is true, I need to stay strong…' Rias was mentally preparing herself for the next words

"I wanted to have a Harem," Adam said, and…

"Huh?" Rias's mind came to a stop, so this….

"Rias I know that it isn't good but…." Adam tried to speak faster, key word tried because Rias stopped him with her hand which made his heart drop since he felt like it was all over.

But thankfully...

"Really….you…." Rias's body sunk into the seat like all of the energy left her body but it wasn't a bad thing, "….I was ...I was worried over nothing!!" She suddenly slammed on the desk knocking over the mug of cocas before glaring at Adam.

"What?" Adam was also confused since Rias's words and actions didn't match. But he didn't have the time to think about that for now…

"Adam," Rias brought him out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" Adam was trying to think of what to say now, since no matter what Rias looked pissed.

"I am going to ask you a few questions, answer quickly. Also no lying!!" Rias demanded and Adam nodded, there was no way he would lie. If he wanted to, he wouldn't have been so bothered over this for so long.

But the questions that came after this, were something he didn't expect at all.

"Do…Do you have any children?" Rias asked the question rather meekly unlike her previous strong tone, because she was scared of the answer.


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