Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

I Will Not Forgive You!

"I am going to ask you a few questions, answer quickly. Also no lying!!" Rias demanded and Adam nodded, there was no way he would lie. If he wanted to, he wouldn't have been so bothered over this for so long.

But the questions that came after this, were something he didn't expect at all.

"Do…Do you have any children?" Rias asked the question rather meekly unlike her previous strong tone, because she was scared of the answer.

"…What?" Adam was shocked by that question. He couldn't understand why that question was even asked to him, since that type of life seemed too far into the future for him.

And in his head, there was a big chance that it may never happen because of his actions.

But Rias didn't care for that at the moment.

"A-Answer already!!" She was just as anxious as Adam at the moment if not more, but it was for a completely different reason.

Akeno's words from a few days ago really stuck with her, and she couldn't help but think that.

'What if he already has other women? Those who have known him for far longer than me and probably already…. reached… that stage?' Rias couldn't get that thought out of her mind because, 'What if they try to get me out?' her mind was filled with such thoughts which made her angry, because she couldn't get answers by herself.

That is why she was glaring at Adam to get the answers quickly.

"Ah, No, I don't," Adam shook his head, "I don't even have a wife, how would I get kids?" He sighed in exasperation not knowing why Rias was asking such a question, since the answer should be obvious, but…

"What did you just... say?" Rias felt like she had heard something wrong.

"Hmm, About how I can't have kids without a wife?" Adam asked and Rias nodded, "Isn't that obvious though?" he tilted his head and was getting really worried.

'Did something happen to her?' Adam even checked her body and he didn't find anything out of the ordinary since she was in top shape, which was only confusing him more.

Rias on the other hand would like to retort to Adam at this moment, but there was something she needed to confirm.

"Did you have um…. like other fiancées?" Rias had hope in her eyes when she asked this question, this was important, like super important!!

"Aside from you none,"

"Any other lovers?"


"So, I am your only fiancée?"

"Yes, the first one as well,"

Even if Adam didn't know why Rias was asking those quick questions, and he answered them truthfully like she wanted.

And because of that…...

"Hah* You really…." Rias sighed loudly before looking at Adam, "…make me worry so much!!" And started to laugh loud enough to have tears in her eyes.

'That felt good,' Rias's mind was on another dimension at this moment and rightfully so, 'I am the first one! The first one!!!' The big smile didn't want to leave her lips even for a second and she was sure, that it wouldn't leave her for a long time.

She was just too happy to hear those words, and Adam could see that happiness.

'And I don't want to take that away from her but…' Adam knew that there was no way he couldn't tell her the truth.

"Rias you know about what I said before…" Adam was about to reopen the topic that was shut down before, but...

"Is it about you wanting a Harem?" Rias asked and Adam nodded, he felt bad but didn't avert his eyes, it was then that….

"Don't tell me you were….?" Rias looked at Adam's face while recalling how he had been looking so worried since he came, Rias covered her mouth as Adam nodded again to confirm her thoughts.

"Yes, it is like a dream of mine, no it can be said to be bigger than that…" Adam felt weird explaining it, but weirdly enough it would all be a waste, because…

"You can do that," Rias just nodded simply and…

"I know tha- Wait what?!" Adam was stunned when he finally registered those words.

"You would like to solidify your relationship with Akeno, right?" Rias asked as Adam's mind was currently blank because of her answer.

He had prepared for every answer from her aside from the approval, and that is just what happened.

'Did she just …..agree? …..What the hell?!' Adam couldn't believe it, and this made him check his own body along with the surroundings, just in case there was someone evil playing with him through some magic, but he couldn't find anything.

"Why are you silent?" And this silence gave Rias the bad idea, "Don't tell me you were planning on leaving her after messing around?" And this rebuke was enough to kick-start Adam's brain again.

"No… I didn't have such thoughts," Adam sighed since it was a problem because he had no thoughts of just leaving Akeno after what happened.

"Good, I would've been really angry if you did that to her," As much as Rias complained about Akeno's actions before, she was her best friend almost like her sister which is why she felt so hurt before. 

But it was also normal that she would get angry on Akeno's behalf when her feelings were played with.

And this is what made Adam realize something…

'It could be because of how close Rias is with Akeno that she is ok with this but…' Adam wasn't going to stop with just Akeno now was he? He had already caused trouble for others because of his actions and selfishness, 'Which is why I can't leave them just like that.'

"Rias I have a few women who I plan to advance my relationship with," Adam said, and unlike what he had thought Rias nodded, but…

"I don't see the problem with that, but I have some conditions," Rias said coming near Adam, she looked extremely serious at this moment and…

'What conditions?' Adam was wondering what she was going to talk about. But what Rias asked was something he didn't expect.

"Do you like these women?" Rias asked the most basic question first.

"…Yes," Adam had given up thinking at this point, nothing was going the way he had thought so he just went with the flow this time.

"I see, Do they like you?" Rias asked and Adam would normally be stuck here, but today…

"I don't know about all of them, but some of them do, they've made it very clear," He spoke truthfully taking into account what he had noticed from their actions.

Miyako and Nobara were direct with him, while Ai wasn't, then with Makima he wasn't even sure of what was going in her head, but she didn't seem opposed to anything, and…

"Why are you unsure?" But Rias didn't give him enough time to think since his answer was weird.

"It is not that easy to know," Adam spoke truthfully and he was correct, there was no concrete way to know whether a woman liked you, not unless you heard it from her directly.

'And even that can be false sometimes,' Adam didn't want to get into this since his understanding of the opposite gender has always been in the negative, and he didn't have the time as well.

"But even if they don't, I will try harder to convince them," Adam was not backing down today and he will not do that, even in the future.

"That is all fine, but..." Rias folded her arms and looked at Adam seriously.

There was something she needed to tell him at this moment, and it was something very important for Adam's sake.

"Promise me you won't run after someone who doesn't appreciate you," Rias wouldn't allow that to happen no matter what.

'He is way too nice, and if some vixen hooks him, he'd definitely be taken advantage of,' Rias didn't like that since it would make Adam miserable since he would suffer the most, in her eyes he was the best man she had met yet, and she didn't want him to think like that.

'He must've been agonizing over this for a long time,' Rias knew that he had only been away from him for two days, but there was no knowing how much time passed for him in those two days.

The last time he was about to leave, she could see that he wanted to talk about Akeno coming into the fold, but...

'He held out because I was happy with the engagement and didn't want to sour my mood,' She was right, and as much as she hated to agree, 'It really would've made me mad if he talked about it.' Rias wanted to have at least that moment for herself.

She got engaged to him, and just for that time Rias wanted to savor the happiness that came with that newfound connection, and if Adam brought up the topic of him doing the same with Akeno at that moment.

It would've seriously pissed her off, and seeing that he understood it and gave her what she wanted, it made her extremely happy but also immensely angry at herself for putting him through trouble out of her own selfishness.

So, for her, he was the perfect man, and….

"You don't deserve something like that," Rias gently caressed Adam's face with a smile which soon turned into a stern look, "That is why if you let it happen, I will not forgive you."

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