Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"Even if you have your eyes on the enemy it is better to know your surroundings you know? I would do you no good if you trip on your own," Adam who was holding her up by her clothes spoke with a smile.

"Y-You stinking Pirate!!! Release me now!!" The girl shouted and…

"Ho! Are you sure?" Adam smirked pointing below the girl making her look down.

"T-Take me away from the sea and then release me you pirate!!" She shouted as she was still being hovered over the sea, She couldn't believe he was laughing at her while dangling her over the sea like that.

"Well, I don't mind that but why are you calling me a pirate?" Adam asked as he walked away from the edge of the pier.

"What do I call 'Pirate' other than 'Pirate'?" The girl still seemed angry and Adam tilted his head, he didn't ask further as he saw someone running towards them.

"Uta!! Are you ok? Why are you shouting?" A somewhat elderly bald man came running unlike anyone his age but he stopped as soon as he saw Adam carrying Uta like she was a stray kitten while the latter struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Gordon, It is a pirate!!" Uta pointed at Adam and she sounded desperate but…

"I am not a pirate for god's sake," Adam sighed as Gordon looked between the two in confusion, it looked very weird as Uta continued to shout while Adam just shook his head.

And a few minutes later….

"Oh, so you ended up here after the ship you were on was destroyed," Gordon said and Adam nodded as the former summed up his explanation.

'Good thing I was able to make up a story while remotely placing some rubble on the nearby beach,' Adam thought while looking at the rubble he had shown as proof to Gordon and…

"Were you attacked by pirates?" Uta asked as her anger seemed to have mellowed out quite a lot but she still had a stern look on her face, unlike someone her age should have.

"Yeah," Adam nodded and he saw that both of them had somewhat accepted his story.

And because of that, he was invited to the house where Gordon and Uta lived.

"Thank you for the hospitality, My name is Adam," Adam introduced himself with a smile and he got a similar response.

"My name is Gordon and this is Uta, It is a pleasure to meet you," Gordon pointed at Uta who was walking along with them, she still seemed to be keeping her distance from Adam without saying anything.

But Adam didn't really mind it, there was something else on his mind after seeing this place.

From what Gordon explained, the name of this island was Elgia and it was in the south blue located very near the calm belt.

'That isn't the main concern though,' Adam thought while examining the destroyed and weathered buildings around the place, not to mention that…

"Are you and Uta the only people living here, Gordon?" Adam asked since he couldn't feel any other presence of life around this huge island.

"…Yes, it is just us left here after a pirate group destroyed this island a year ago," Gordon said and Adam raised an eyebrow while looking at the two.

'That reaction…' Adam glanced at Uta but didn't ask anything.

"It must be tough for you two to live by yourself," He tried to drive the topic away from this, but his concern was valid, how would these two people survive on their own?

"Well, we have enough food source so we can live by without any issues," Gordon wasn't wrong, Elgia wasn't lacking in fruits and vegetables as they were abundant in the wild, not to mention that he was cultivating the fields for grains and they could get fish from the sea.

In a way, they were properly self-sufficient as there were just the two of them here even if it was Gordon who was working hard to keep it that way.

"It is time for lunch, You should join us Adam," Gordon noticed Uta's scream when he was on his way to get her for lunch but now that he found Adam he naturally invited him as well.

"Oh, if you don't mind me," Adam would of course not say no and…

"Shameless," Uta said while folding her arms but Adam just laughed.

"You should never say no to food since it is always a blessing," Adam said sitting on a chair while Uta got onto her chair.

"Someone like you would surely get poisoned easily," Uta said since it was a common tactic used by Pirates to catch people off guard but…

"Poison doesn't work on me so no worries," Adam smiled like it was no big deal, he had specially trained with poison back in the day and it had reached the point that he was immune to all types of poison.

"Umm… What if it is a stronger type of poison?" Uta got a little worked up since this type of thinking was bad and she didn't want to end this on a loss.

"Well, I guess I'd be in trouble then," Adam played along and Uta was dumbfounded, the reason for that was…

'He just accepted it? No, it could be that he is acting to make us lower our guards,' Uta still hadn't fully bought Adam's story since there was no such thing as being too careful against Pirates.

They can even play as your family and then backstab you for their gains.

But since it was her personal opinion she chose to not make it apparent and just kept it in her heart, because there was still a chance that what Adam was saying was true and he was indeed in trouble.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting,"  Gordon came back with three plates of pasta, "Here is today's lunch."

"Thank you," Adam said as Uta took her plate silently.

'Still no reaction from her even if we had pasta for more than half of the meals in the last year,' Gordon was downcast because of Uta's lack of reaction once again.

And it wasn't like he was making pasta on purpose to annoy her or anything, it was just that it was the only dish that he knew how to make somewhat decently, he was hopeless as a cook since he had devoted his entire life to music.

'I am still trying other dishes but they are tough to make and often time they taste bad,' Gordon shook his head since even if the food was bad Uta never complained.

'This seems good,' Adam thought after taking a bite, he could feel the amount of effort Gordon had put into making this pasta, from the grains to making the flour to make the dough, and from picking the best vegetables while carefully preparing them, the amount of effort put into the process was visible in the taste.

'Not to mention he put so many feelings into the food… He really wants her to be happy after she eats it' Adam closed his eyes slightly and continued to eat, such feelings were part of cooking and were hard to find in the food of the normal humans.

That is why it surprised him so much as Gordon was really his best.

"I am going to my room," After the meal Uta got up and left the dining room quietly.

"Tell me if you need some…thing…." Gordon stopped as Uta was already gone, It was the usual routine but even then he tried everything hoping that one day it might lead to something.

But it wasn't working for now as Uta would either be cooped up in her room or go to the pier sometimes since the two started to live here.

It was just that Gordon didn't have time to mule over that today because

"So, what actually happened on this island?" Adam asked making Gordon look up with a little surprise on his face.

"Like… I said it was the pirates who destroyed it," Gordon quickly calmed himself down and answered calmly.

'There is no way he could know since everyone in the world knows the story of it already,' It was a widely known fact that Elgia was destroyed by Shanks it was already an established fact and no one else aside from them knew what happened that day, not even Uta knew of the truth.

So, there was no way Adam didn't know about it but, Gordon's worries came true in the next instant.  

"Why are you lying?"

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