Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

What are you going to do?

'She is eating ...so well!' Gordon was moved to tears just by seeing this but Adam gestured him to try some of the food.

'I want to leave all of it for Uta but, I'll try…' Gordon was also hooked by the appetizing aroma of the dishes, but he was too focused on Uta to be taken over by the food before.

But all of that changed as soon as he took a bite of the Napolitan.

"Tasty~!!" Gordon kept on praising the food at every bite since it was so much better than all of the food he had eaten till now let alone comparing it to his.

Gordon may not look like it but he was king of Elgia which was a rich nation so he had quite high-quality food, but it all paled in comparison to this one plate of Napolitan.

'And I thought I was good at making pasta….  No can it even be called pasta in front of this?' Gordon cried not because he was inferior but because of how good the food was.

But leaving that aside, Uta and Gordon ate well that day. With their stomachs were full and the two just slumped on the chairs after finishing all of the food.

"So, did you like the food?" Adam asked Uta who nodded like it was a matter of fact, It was just that…

"But you made a mistake," Adam said making Uta look at him in confusion.

"You didn't check the food for poison, If I was a pirate you would've been dead easily," Adam smirked as he saw Uta frown, this was exactly what she said in the afternoon.

"Well, you should never decline food since it is always a blessing... and it is not like you are a pirate?" Uta said while looking away and Adam smiled, but he wasn't done yet.

"You are more naïve than I thought. Did you really believe me when I said I am not a pirate?" Adam said teasingly and Uta got off the chair.

"Whatever I don't care!!" She rushed back up to her room and she wasn't lying when she said that she didn't care.

'I'll never eat his food again!!' But even then she got a little angry at his teasing.

"Adam that…." Gordon wanted to say something since he could understand that Uta was now upset but Adam seemed chill.

"Don't worry," Adam waved his hand dismissively, "Once someone eats my food" he smirked. "They can never go back to normal."  

"...You really do sound like an evil pirate," Gordon sweated a little as Adam laughed at his words.

"Well let's clean up," Adam stood up and Gordon quickly helped him with taking the dishes to the kitchen.

"Adam will you... cook the breakfast as well?" Gordon asked half expecting him to say no but…

"Hmm? Sure," Adam accepted easily as Gordon was left confused even then he soon got out of his mind.

'This is the only time I have seen Uta show such a reaction since then, as long as she can get back up on her feet' Gordon felt like he may be making a deal with a devil but this was for Uta's sake, 'I don't mind.'

"Oh! But I won't be making lunch tomorrow," Gordon looked up at Adam and was about to ask why, but he stopped.

"I'll be busy, so handle the lunch since I'll be back by dinner," Adam said with a smile and Gordon couldn't ask anything more.

The reason Gordon wanted to ask some questions was for two reasons.

One, what could make him busy in a place like this?

And two…

"…Did he leave?" Uta asked as soon as she sat down on the seat.

'Uta came down on her own for the meal??!!!' Normally Uta will not come unless she is called even if it went past meal times like last night.

But she came down on her own for breakfast today and something like this hadn't happened since Gordon had started to take care of her.

'And she is totally enamored by the tower of pancakes in front of her,' Uta hadn't taken her eyes off the pancakes since she sat down and…

"Yeah, Adam already had his breakfast and went to do something," As soon as Gordon said that Uta started to eat quickly.

'There she goes, the same barbaric way of eating as she did before,' Gordon had met Uta before the incident and the way she ate was very rough, it was like she was a pirate, which wasn't untrue since she was raised on a pirate ship and had picked up that habit.

But after that incident, she started to become more refined and discarded her previous way of eating.

And it was thanks to Adam that this part of her was brought out once again, in front of the delicious food she wasn't able to stop herself and ate with both hands, the syrup dripping from her mouth to stain her clothes did nothing to stop her.

'Yeah, this can work…'  Gordon had started to see hope in making Uta happy again.

'If it continues like this then,' Gordon was certain now, 'She will surely be saved,' But here came the issue.

"Pasta…" During lunchtime, Uta looked disappointed at the pasta that was made by Gordon.

'Noooooooo!!!!!!' Gordon shouted in his head as he saw the main issue instantly, Even if he was happy to see that Uta was finally showing some changes it also made him aware of his shortcomings.

Which made him depressed but…

'Come Back Adam!!!!' Gordon couldn't stand the look of disappointment on Uta's face as she went back after only eating half of the plate.

This was the first time she had left food on the plate and it was a heavy blow to Gordon.

And the one responsible for all of this was currently in East Blue, As for what he was doing?

He was doing what he came to do in this world.

Which was to sp-Check up one Robin.

"She really grew up," Adam smiled looking at Robin from afar, According to the date she should now be 20 years old.

'It feels like it was just a few days ago that she was the sweet little kid,' Adam's mood soured in the end since he couldn't even see Robin grow up, 'No that is how it was….' He just remembered her as a little kid who would get happy while roaming the market.

But now she was a bonafide adult in a blink of an eye. Even then Adam was quite relieved to see this.

'She seems to be doing well for herself,' From what Adam had gathered she was working in a merchant fleet and had a rather high rank in there, and most importantly…

'She hadn't gotten in trouble with the Marines yet,' Adam was proud to see that she was at least cautious about her approach towards her goal, and the real reason he was happy with this was because...

"It is a good thing that it didn't go down the path I planned for," Adam muttered with a small smile before he left. He had put a plan into action expecting Robin to be reckless in her search, but it seemed like there was no need to worry since she was smart just as he had thought, and took the cautious route.


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