Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


4 P.M. Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.

Adam was once again in the bustling modern world, it was the first world that he came out to after being in that hellhole for 8 thousand years.

This place held great importance to Adam but….

"There aren't any changes?" Adam wondered looking around the area, it didn't look like 100 or so years passed because of how things were looking currently.

"…" Adam looked around a few more times just to make sure and he took out his phone to double-check, It took the phone a little time to recalibrate itself with the network and soon the date was displayed.

Just looking at the date Adam blinked in confusion.

"It has only been 5 days?" Adam was totally disregarding the fact that he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk right now, but not one of the people walking had the guts to speak to him.

And It wasn't because he was in Japan, this guy just excluded that sort of atmosphere.

A Tall and muscular guy, with slightly tanned skin and hair that could only be described as bleached.

Whether he spoke or not, Adam looked like the proper example of a delinquent that the people had. This is why no one said anything to him even if he was just standing in the middle of a crowded sidewalk walk just staring dead at his phone.

In some ways that intense stare is what scared them off, though it came off as attractive to a fairer gender who peeked at him while walking by.

But Adam was totally uncaring for that because as much as he was confused at this moment…

'This is good, No this great!!!' Adam was happy, now he understood why Ai hadn't contacted him with the card, only a few days passed here, meaning that he hadn't been away for that long enough for such a need to arise.

'No, No, calm down, no need to get so happy over it, I still don't know if she would've contacted me if I didn't come back for long, Also why I am even getting so happy over this?' Adam patted his chest lightly and coughed a few times before he noticed something.

"Messages and missed calls?" The place where Adam's mind was going was making him smile but as soon as he opened the message it faltered.

Ichigo: Let's go drinking again.

Ichigo: You free? 

Ichigo: No? 

'This is why I don't like getting hopes up,' Adam clicked his tongue as he clicked on the missed calls half expecting it to be from Ichigo, But…

"Miyako, huh," Adam muttered as it was from someone he didn't expect would call him, but it did make him happy since at least the missed call was from a beautiful woman rather than a middle-aged man.

But he didn't see any contact from Ai, and he could guess why.

'She was going to be busy this week from what Ichigo said,' Adam understood why that happened, but there was more he needed to worry about right now.

Anyway, it wasn't like he had enough time to do that…


His phone rang and he looked at it, he got another call from Miyako.

"Hello," Adam answered the phone and the voice on the other side sounded a little excited since the phone connected and was picked up as well.

[Finally, the busy man is reachable again,] Though she also sounded a little salty since there hasn't been a time where her phone wasn't answered, by men especially those who would fawn over her.

"Ah, yes, I was doing something, what happened?" Adam obviously couldn't tell her what he was actually doing since there was no need to do that.

[Hmm, nothing I was just… calling to ask how you were doing since the kids keep asking about you,] Miyako said and Adam understood why that was.

'They must be impatient because of the cake I promised,' Adam didn't want to brag but his cakes were to die for so it wasn't a surprise they were asking Miyako about contacting him since he has been away for a while.

"I see, where are you right now?" Adam asked even though he had an idea about it.

[I am at Ai's house, the kids are currently watching TV, Are you coming over?] And Adam was correct about his guess. It was just that the question at the end…

"I might," Even if Adam said that, he was definitely going.

'Can't break the promise to the kids,' Adam smiled since the kids were quite happy when he agreed to get them more cake later on.

[How much time will take for you to reach here?] Miyako's soft voice came from the phone and Adam tapped his chin.

He had to make two cakes, most of what he had made before had gone to Nobara and he also had to make something for Ai as a gift.

"In an hour," Adam said and his words brought forth a reaction.

[In an Hour?] Miyako was of course shocked that he was coming over so quickly and Adam could feel it in her voice.

"Well, I am free now so I thought I should come early, I can come later like around dinnertime, maybe?" Adam thought that Miyako might have something to do or there would be some work going on.

Not to mention that it was Ai's house. So, it would be weird if he went without her knowledge.

[Ah, no come over in an hour, I'll text Ai about it, See you,] And Miyako ended the call.

"See seemed in a hurry all of a sudden…. Well, I should find a bakery around here," Adam shrugged as he started walking not caring for the blonde girl that was staring at him a while ago.

'I wonder what that was about,' Adam thought as now that girl was gone, not from his senses but she seemed to have lost her interest in him.

"Well, whatever, I should try to be more invisible next time," Adam said off-handedly as he soon found a bakery, and after talking with the owner along with proper compensation he was able to use the place like he wanted.

'I should limit the use of magic and such in these types of worlds,' Adam had to do that since it would be treated as an anomaly in a world with no magic and that rejection would cause troubles for him.

But this world was a little okay because of some weird interference that had happened before, in other words, this world was a lot more tolerable of his magic/interference than any other normal world would be.

Anyway, Adam was in Akasaka by 4:55 and currently right at 5 o'clock he was standing in front of Ai's flat pressing the bell with three boxes in his hand stacked on top of the other.

And the door was opened within 10 seconds…

"You are on time," Miyako greeted Adam with a smile.

"I am always on time, how are you?" Adam asked walking in as Miyako stepped back opening the door for him.

"I am fine," Miyako was smiling but there was a reason Adam asked that question.

'She seems a little out of breath,' And Adam had an idea why she was in that state...

"Uncle you're already here!" Ruby came running with a big smile and hugged his leg.

'She ran out of the bathroom like the flash,' Ruby thought glancing at Miyako who didn't notice her look since she was already busy with something else, but Ruby also didn't have the time for her now since…

"I missed you uncle!" Ruby exclaimed with a bright smile and...

'Say that while looking at him, not the cake boxes,' Aqua who was looking at them from the end of the passage deadpanned at his sister's obvious bias.

But he couldn't blame her either even if he felt bad for Adam…

"Me too, I've missed you as well, and since I was away for a while I brought big cakes as an apology," Adam easily picked up Ruby with one hand as her expression got brighter.

'Yes!' Aqua was the same looking at the two boxes, 'Please be chocolate, No, any flavor will do since the last one was also great.'

"How are you doing Aqua?"

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