Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Something One Must Do

Adam sighed as he wondered where he could go right now, and after thinking about it for a while there was only one place that came to his mind.
"Should I visit her after all?" Adam muttered, it had been a while since he had seen her, and he had been thinking about it for some time now.
But every time he couldn't go through with it because of one thing or another…
'Given that it has been a while I should be able to enter that world without a problem,' Adam thought and stood up quickly…
"Let's not leave any stones unturned," Since Adam had made a choice about talking to Rias and Akeno, he thought that it was about time that he went through with this other intention of his.
'If a lot of time has indeed passed then it would just mean that she didn't think about seeing me as something she wanted,' The ominous thought was still in his mind but…
"I'll just need to see what I can do about it, All I have to do is respect her wish in the end," Adam said as he walked towards the door while shaking his head, It was at times like this that backing down was bad.
It wasn't like he hadn't backed down before but…
"Better late than never, I guess, Hmm? I think I have that before, anyway…" Adam shook off this thought and opened the door, walking in the middle of darkness with nothing to support his steps, there were only glittering stars no matter which direction he turned to.
And as soon as he took a step the stars that seemed closest to him shined brightly as if screaming for him to notice them.
'It has much more flair than usual,' Adam of course noticed it but he didn't care for them, his steps were moving towards a star in the distance that even with its smaller size was burning the brightest of them all.
And It wasn't long before he reached it, a gargantuan white star that defied every common sense since the small star wasn't actually as small as it looked like from afar, standing in front of it Adam looked like a grain of salt compared to the sun from the solar system.
But Adam didn't think much of it and entered into the white star without any problems despite the scorching hot temperature emanating from the twisted space around him.
It constantly tried to twist and stir in order to squish him like an incest but it didn't have much effect on Adam who shrugged it all off like it was nothing.
'Well, it like a last line of defense for the universe, so it is extra strong, pretty much anything that was inside of this universe cannot make it out of this unless some very special conditions are met, like the door to my shop that leads the clients,' Adam thought as he passed through a wall of hot matter that stretched for millions of light years without even breaking a sweat.
It would've been tough for him to cross this area unharmed before but…
'I think I have gotten stronger after leaving that world, a little too quickly even,' Adam thought while examining the barrier around his body that was faring well against the tribulations it was facing, with the speed of attack coming from the surroundings the barrier should be able to last for another hour.
But it wasn't time to be focusing on that as Adam increased his speed to find a place within this area, it wasn't until 40 minutes later that…
'There it is,' Adam found the administrator's place at the inner edge of this defensive wall.
Adam entered it making the familiar little girl turn to him, with her first words being exactly the ones he didn't want to hear.
"Long time no see," The little girl said looking at him and Adam's heart dropped.
How old were administrators? For them to say something like that meant that…
'Did a lot of time pass here?' Adam couldn't help but think of the worse, it could be that a few hundred years had passed meaning Ai could be dead, and even then she didn't try to contact him with the card, if that was true then…
"What's with you?" It was then that the administrator looked at Adam with confusion, the looks on his face was quite a sight but…
"…Nothing," Adam said calming down quickly, even though he didn't want to think of the worse, his mind always went in that direction.
'It might be because I think that something worse will happen later that I can calm down quickly,' Adam thought sighing but the Administrator didn't seem to have that sort of time.
"If you don't have anything to do, then don't visit here, you know I am quite busy," The administrator said with a frown, she wasn't lying about being busy but she was wrong about something.
"Well, I wanted to go into the world so I came to see you before doing that," Adam said firmly, his expression was pretty much the opposite of what it was like a few seconds before.
'I'll confirm it, if it is the way I thought that so be it, I'll at least know the truth rather than just thinking about it constantly,' This was nothing but Adam stopping certain ways that he had.
Because those nearly got him in trouble before when he had to be confessed to by two women while he was wallowing in self-deprecation for too long.
'Which is why I shouldn't wait for her to call for me, if I want to see her, why don't I go and see her myself?' That was what he was thinking currently.
He knew that this was the better choice for him and the people involved with him.
'I'll thank Nobara for this later,' Adam was able to understand this because of Nobara, when she said that he should at least try next time, he could understand what he was lacking.
It was the willingness to try something himself instead of waiting for it to happen, The Goddess of Wishes had tried to tell him the same thing but in different words.
If you stay stuck you'll always be there, stagnant, without failure, but also without progress.
And if you move forward you'll have a chance for success and even if you fail, you'll at least know what to do next time in order to avoid that failure.
It was a simple concept yet for Adam this was something he had forgotten long ago. Because if he wanted to survive in that world, there was no room for failure, every step taken should ensure 100% success, or else everything would end, he had nothing over death.
So at the time, it didn't matter what he had to leave behind, if it ensured his success while opening a path to what he wanted then he was okay with it.
He was okay with anything but sleeping with the residents of that world.
'Now isn't the time to think about bitter memories,' Adam shook his head as the Administrator looked at him for a bit.
"Well, sure you can go," The little girl shrugged, she wasn't interested in what he was thinking and what he was about to do, because she knew that he had enough tact to understand how he should avoid making trouble.
'He is a bit too serious, which can come off as idiotic at times but at least I know he won't cause me more work,' The Administrator thought as she saw Adam leave her Area so now it was time for her to go back to work.
"I need to map the new area now, ugh," She groaned looking at the holographic disc in front of her.
It was a dark disc with specks of colors spanning over it from the middle all the way to the end.
But the corners of the end was completely bleached in white as it surged like turbulent waters.
And if one looked closely one'd see the specks of colors getting smaller by the minute, it was like someone was getting farther away from the image displayed in the disc.
And the reason for that was….
'It is expanding way faster nowadays, what is happening?' The Administrator was perplexed because this only started when she noticed the number at the corner.
'Number: 000'
"What a headache that guy is, Anyway back to work," She groaned, and started her work, being an administrator wasn't easy because of the amount of things they needed to oversee.
But no one will hear her even if she complained which is why she just kept quiet and went on with her routine.

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