Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

The Absolute Horror!

And while Robin was holding the dress a piece of paper slipped out of it and fell into her lap, she looked at the starting words and immediately understood what happened.


To Robin,

Understand that I have a lot to say to you little lady, running from home at such a young age is inexcusable.

So, get ready for a sermon the next time we meet, Anyway, I understand what you want to do, but don't be reckless about it as there is no need for that.

You can take your time since no one will come looking for you and don't stick your neck out until you are sure that you can take care of yourself.

Just stay safe, that is the most important part since you can't continue researching if you are dead. That is why you need to be careful.

So, that is all…

No wait, there is more, don't forget to eat three meals a day, take a shower at least once a day, brush your teeth twice, make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep, and stay away from bad people, especially those who offer you candy, run the other way if you meet them.

That's about it, Let's meet again in the future, don't even think about escaping the sermon, you hear?


The words on the paper may not be a big deal or it can even be seen as empty with little to no meaning but for Robin, it was more than enough.

"…Sniff*" Robin tried to suppress her tears looking at the white dress, a man she had met 10 days ago was more of a parent to her than her own mother who was away at the sea studying the Poneglyphs.

He took care more care of her in those few days than her aunt and uncle did in 6 years.

But because of that Robin chose to run away sooner, she didn't want Adam to take on the role of a parent in her life, she already had her mother, she may have not been there for her but Robin understood that her Mother loved her a lot, so she didn't want Adam to take that special place away.

"Why ….Sniff* wont it …Sniff* Stop?" Even then Robin couldn't stop crying looking at the dress and the letter, unknown to her Adam had already made a special place in her heart.

That was how Nico Robin, the last survivor of Ohara started her journey in the world.


"You don't look that happy," The Administrator laughed looking at Adam.

"Of course, I am not happy," Adam blinked with a blank look, he came to see the administrator after handling things with Raul, and in the end, he lied to the old man saying that the mafia reached the island and are currently searching for them, so Robin and him had to leave.

"Hihihi, I have my rules and I won't change them even if it upsets you," The Administrator laughed and Adam clicked his tongue.

"Tch, Even the contract was completed," Adam wasn't sure how but his contract with Robin was completed after the latter smiled when she received the dress he made, he had purposefully set the condition to be vague but who knew it would be satisfied that way.

'Well, it is good that she liked it, but still…' Adam grumbled in his head as the Administrator spoke again.

"To be honest I didn't expect you to listen to me in the first place,"

"You literally threatened me with a permanent ban!" Adam said with a frown, it wasn't like he had any other choice there.

"Hihihihi, You're one funny guy," But the Administrator just laughed and it was pissing off Adam a little, but not a lot as he sighed and started thinking about what to do next.

'Should I ask for it?' Adam thought as he still felt uneasy leaving Robin alone in the world, because of her goal she would surely clash with the world government again and become a target even after he had erased her history, it seemed those people were just that set on eradicating people who could read the Poneglyphs.

"But since you listened to me, I'll give you something in return," Adam looked at the administrator as he was drawn out of his thoughts.

"What is it?" Adam asked since there was only one thing he wanted and it seemed that luck was on his side here since…

"You can come to this world whenever you feel like it and look over the kid if you want to, but you should know to not stay over the time limit," The Administrator said and Adam raised an eyebrow.

"You…" Adam felt like this was too convenient for him.

"Of course, the previous rules apply as well, it is just that I am doing this in accordance with the wishes of people," The Administrator said and Adam narrowed his eyes.

"Wishes of whom?"

"That's a secret, Hihihi!" Adam sighed since it didn't look like this guy would give him a proper answer.

'Well, I can kind of guess who he is talking about,' Adam thought as he took a sip of the alcohol given to him by the Administrator.

"So, about the time," Adam was about to speak more but the administrator shook his head.

"That I can't do," Adam clicked his tongue as soon as he heard that, but the administrator continued, "That will be interfering with the freedom of Time, I can't allow that."

Adam understood that this guy valued freedom over everything no matter the situation, which is why he wouldn't slow down time for Adam to come and visit in short intervals to see how Robin was doing, But…

'At least I can visit freely,' Adam saw that as a plus side and just hoped his and Robin's luck was high enough to make sure his plan still works.

"Well, whatever, I'll take my leave," Adam said, leaving the Administrator behind on his own again for his shop.

'If I didn't strengthen it, that universe would've been busted,' He thought looking at the place where Adam disappeared.

"What an interesting guy, Hihihihi!" The administrator of Robin's world laughed as he watched the ripple made by Adam in the timeline he visited.

If it was some other administrator they would've stopped Adam from entering their universe once again since such an instance was a lot of hassle to deal with unless the Administrator was of a rather high level which he wasn't, but he still didn't care about it.

"I can't restrict his freedom, Hihihi!" The Administrator laughed knowing how contradictory his words were, but some preventions were needed to be in place when dealing with Adam.

After all, he wasn't a normal individual that could be dealt with easily.

Anyway, back in the shop Adam was working on something right now.

And that was…..

"Where is the age setting?!" Adam shouted looking through the preferences of the system that filtered the clients.

He really didn't want another case like Robin's to appear in front of him.

'It isn't that I don't want to help kids but…' Adam was lucky this time that he got the pardon, no if anything Adam felt like he was extremely lucky.

"I don't even want to think what I would need to do otherwise," Adam shuddered just at the thought of the scenario that passed through his mind, making that type of contract with a kid who had no idea about such things.

"Yeah, anyone who does that is an irredeemable piece of human waste," Adam said as he found the age column in the interface.

Adam knew that he was late to do this but his train of thought when he set up the system was…

'There is no way the system would send children,' But he was wrong, the System took his request of all females very seriously, a little too seriously for Adam's tastes.

'Anyway, it is fine since I can fix it now,' Adam sighed as he narrowly escaped this time, but his happy face turned stone cold in the next second as he saw the two options in the age section.


->Legal (Selected)

->Illegal (Selected)


"No, what the actual fuck?!" Adam was stunned, what did this mean?

Where are the numbers? What is this bullshit about legal and Illegal?

"Ugh!" Adam felt his head hurt as he thought of another possible thing that could happen but he had no choice here.

'Fuck you system!' Adam gritted his teeth and unselected the Illegal option since he had no plans of getting added to the Multiversal FBI's Hitlist.

[The filters have been refreshed, the system would take one week to apply the changes made to the search criteria.]

"NOOOOOOO!!!! Do it now!!!!" Adam was horrified as he shouted, who knows if another kid arrives in that week?

What was he supposed to do then?

'Turn the shop off!! I am taking no customers!!!' Adam was now truly in a state of absolute panic.

And as if to mess with him more the alarm in the shop went off….



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