Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

What Is The Sacrifice?

'Turn the shop off!! I am taking no customers!!!' Adam was now truly in a state of absolute panic.

And as if to mess with him more the alarm in the shop went off….


"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Adam couldn't help but scream his horror, he was so in shock that he even forgot that he could actually see the woman who was opening the door to the shop.

And while Adam was in his panic the door opened and the person came face to face with him leaving him slack-jawed for all the correct reasons.

'Oh My God!' Adam exclaimed in his head as his mouth was far too open for him to speak. The one who appeared in front of him was one of his most adored anime Waifu of all time.

But at this moment on top of looking extremely beautiful, the woman with straight blonde hair looked at him with her extremely wary brown eyes that surveyed the entire room.

Her hands were covered in blood and she looked tired even though there were no visible injuries on her body.

And it seemed like she didn't care for his awe either since she asked the question that was on her mind.

"Is the thing written on the door true?" She asked slight hope in her extremely cautious gaze.

'Get it together Adam,' Adam cleared his throat looking at the woman who looked like she had been through a storm, and nodded.

"That is indeed the truth," Adam got his thoughts in order and forgot all about his previous panic.

And that was one of the encounters that Adam would remember for the rest of his life.


1st December, 958 A.H.

The Shinobi Villages were once again embroiled in war, this marked the start of the Second Great Shinobi War.

Countless lives were lost on the battlefield as Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Amegakure battled it out, the war destroyed countless families, orphaned many kids, and widowed many women in the process.

And on the battlefield in heavy rain, another life was about to be extinguished along with someone who was desperately trying to stop the death of a man with pale blue hair.

"Tsunade…I D…Don't want to die yet," The man spoke even with the blood seeping from his lips, he was lying in the pool of his own blood with the woman named Tsunade trying to stop the bleeding in his abdomen.

"Don't speak Dan! You won't die, I've stopped the bleeding," Tsunade shouted trying to reassure her lover even though she wasn't able to stop the bleeding, Dan's kidneys were completely blown to bits, and the two men who were nearby could easily tell what fate awaited him.

"Really…? …Good…." But even while knowing that his own end was near, Dan bought into Tsunade's lie in order to calm her down, but his body failed him soon after leaving her screaming as she still tried to stop his bleeding.

"Stop! Stop! Stop Spurting!" Her screams grew louder with each second as the reality she didn't want to believe in was becoming clearer.

'No, Not like this!' Tsunade shouted in her mind as her eyes went to the necklace worn by Dan.

'Not you too,' Tsunade had lost her brother after she gave that necklace to him just recently and just now she even lost her lover to the same necklace, she was the one who gave it to them.

'I killed them,' Tears started to stream down her face as she came face to face with the truth, the guilt was bubbling inside her as she looked at her blood-stained hands.

'No! Why?!' Tsunade could question in her mind, thinking why she ever did that, 'Why did I have to give that necklace to them?'

If only she didn't, they'd be alive now, it was stupid thought but to Tsunade, it was the truth that she believed in wholeheartedly.

'If only I was better at healing,' Tsunade could only curse her weakness and in that moment there was a thought that surfaced in her mind.

'If I can save him, I'll do anything,' It was a thought born of desperation and a deep self-guilt, Tsunade fully believed that the reason Dan died was because of her, so she didn't mind doing anything it took to save his life.

It was an utterly stupid and childish wish, one that will never come true normally given how life never gives people second chances, Once someone is dead they will not come back.

But this time through some miracles and a series of events, Tsunade's wish was heard.

"What ….is that?" It took Tsunade a while before she noticed the raindrops that were frozen in the air because of her grief.

But as soon as she did, Tsunade looked around her and found the two Medical ninjas to be frozen in place as well.

"What is happening? A Genjutsu?" Tsunade quickly tried to figure out what was going on even though her mind was in a mess at the moment, even then she was able to run through a series of checks to make sure that she and the others were not in a genjutsu while looking for any enemy shinobi in the surroundings.

'Is it that…. door?' Tsunade thought walking towards the door warily, normally she would've gone in the opposite direction if this happened, but today she had more than one reason to walk towards it.

One of them being…

"It'll fulfill one of my ….wish?" The words were stuck in Tsunade's head and they refused to leave, and rightfully so because Dan's body was just near her, even though there was no pulse in his body.

"Is it real?" Tsunade was fully taken in by what was written on the door.

If she had thought rationally she would've never gone anywhere near that door, but currently, Tsunade was unable to think of anything further than the possibility that whoever the person was who sent this door, might be able to help Dan.

Her mind didn't even think about what could possibly be asked of her in return, she was experiencing an extreme case of tunnel vision because of intense feelings and self-guilt.

And by the time she could calm down again, she was sitting on the sofa in front of a white-haired man who gave her some tea after all of the blood vanished from her body along with the rainwater that was drenching her, but she had still not touched the cup in front of her since…

"So, you want me to help you save your lover?" Adam asked and Tsunade nodded.

"Is he still alive?" Tsunade's fist clenched when she heard that, it wasn't because of anger but now that she had calmed down to an extent she was able to face certain things that she refused to look at before.

"Would…. That be a problem?" Tsunade understood how ridiculous the words that left her mouth were, but somehow she could feel it in her gut that…

"No, I was just making sure," Adam said and Tsunade could certainly feel that he wasn't lying.

'I should be able to deal with it no problem,' Adam thought as he only needed to see the administrator once and it shouldn't be a problem.

"Can you really do it?" Tsunade couldn't help but ask, she knew that what she wanted went against the very law of nature, but even then there was no one who wouldn't wish for it, and she was the same.

"I haven't even met the man and I am already jealous of him," Tsunade blinked hearing Adam as he smiled.

'That's Senju Tsunade, The real one you know, Which man wouldn't be jealous here?' Adam thought as he stopped himself from doing some weird acrobatics while shouting, he was truly jealous of the man named Dan Kato.

That man had something Adam truly wanted, a caring lover who is fucking gorgeous as well.

'The second part is kind of unnecessary,' Adam coughed before he looked at Tsunade again and he couldn't deny it in the end.

"Anyway, I can make sure your wish comes true," And because of that Adam was also in a dilemma, and this might be the biggest dilemma he had been in till now counting every other he had faced till now.

"There was something written about Sacrifice would be required, What is that?" Tsunade asked with vigilance reappearing in her brown eyes.

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