Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"Another glass please," Adam just thought that he'd do something about it later as he talked to the bartender who looked at him with some worry because…

"Are you sure sir? Did something happen?" She asked half concerned and half astonished since Adam had been drinking a lot, not to mention that he didn't look in that good of a mood, he seemed down which was clear and didn't paint a good picture with the amount he was drinking.

"Yeah, I am just having some troubles, it is the usual thing," Adam smiled slightly and the bartender looked at him with her worry intensifying.

"What is troubling you, sir?" The bartender asked since she was trying to buy some time to stop his reckless drinking, even if she didn't need to do that, and with the way Adam was drinking he had already spent more on drinking than her normal clients did for the night combined.

'I have seen some people like this that make really bad decisions after they are drunk in a stupor,' The bartender sighed since she had heard some gossip that was flying around with her colleagues, and it wasn't like she could help much with this aside from talking since if they get too friendly with the drunk guests, they often get too inappropriate with their actions.

So she was torn at the moment but the thing was that…

'He doesn't even look drunk, how is that possible when he had that much?' The bartender thought as Adam seemed to be thinking about some things, but in the end, he just said it…

"It is a problem concerning a relationship I have," Adam said making the bartender realize a little, and she took this chance to get his thoughts of the alcohol for now

"Is your partner giving you trouble?" She asked and Adam shook his head, but she didn't stop and allowed him to continue even if it made no sense.

"It is more like I am the problem," Adam said and the bartender was confused how does that make any sense? If he was the problem why was he drinking, shouldn't his partner be the one who should be this way?

Now she was genuinely confused at the moment since it really didn't make any sense.

But what the two didn't expect was that their talk had intrigued a curious passer-by…

"Oh, your talk sounds interesting, Mind if I join in?" It was then that the woman with bluish-silver hair sitting next to Adam spoke.

The Bartender didn't even know when this woman came to the counter and sat down since she was too concerned with Adam, but it seemed like the people who were involved didn't care much.

"It isn't really anything interesting, miss?" Adam said looking at the beautiful woman, she had just sat down a little while ago and he saw her hearing in on the conversation but didn't care much.

"Mei Mei," She introduced herself with a smile on her red lips.

'This woman….' Adam looked at her and he could feel the trouble emanating from her somehow, but it would be rude to say something like that out loud or ignore her since she had shown such interest, and….

'Maybe she can help with my problem?' Adam was very open-minded to advice since he himself didn't know much about relationships, and given that Mei Mei had intervened she should have some sort of advice right? Isn't that how it usually is?

"My name is Adam, it is nice to meet you, Mei Mei," Adam introduced himself nonetheless as Mei Mei nodded and went straight into what she wanted to say about what she thought about his worry.

"Same here, so about your problem, you can easily solve it by compensating your partner appropriately," Mei Mei said as she took a sip of her drink that was given to her by the bartender.

Her words were outlandish and it didn't help in any way, but the confidence with which Mei Mei said them was unreal. It was almost like...

"Compensation? I don't think that something like that will not be enough," Adam frowned a little since he understood what type of compensation Mei Mei was talking about from the look in her dark brown eyes.

And it was clear that she wasn't even planning on hiding it at all, she wasn't going to sugarcoat it at all since she believed that…

"There is no type of problem that Money can't solve in this world," Mei Mei said with a calculating smirk on her lips, this is just how she was and she would solve all of her problems this way if some arose.

She was very on point about it since this was her belief.

But there was no way Adam was going to just take that, no matter how good-looking Mei Mei was…

'I am not going to nod to that, that type of mentality is bullshit,' Adam had his own ideas abuot such things and he wasn't going to be swayed since…

"I guess that we differ on this point then, there are indeed things in this world that you can't get with money," Adam said getting another drink from the bartender.

He didn't fully deny Mei Mei since yes money will get you most of the things but there were still things that you can't get no matter how much money you spend on them.

'Can you really buy love, ridiculous, is it even love at that point?' dam thought as Mei Mei shrugged.

"That makes two of us then, I still stand by what I said," Mei Mei just had that sort of mindset, for her money was everything no matter the context and she was not going to change that in any way.

But as much as the topic sounded interesting with the two people who were arguing being so opposite to each other...

'This topic is getting weird,' Even the bartender thought so since she did believe that money can solve most problems, but not all of them which was basically a know fact such a thing didn't need to be explained even if someone didn't believe it.

But this was about to take a turn for the worse because...

'I don't like the way she thinks, it is really bullshit,' Adam thought as he looked at Mei Mei who was enjoying her drink calmly.

"So, you think one can get anything with money?" Adam asked making Mei Mei turn towards him.

"Yes, I certainly do," Mei Mei nodded, it was true for her at least as she didn't care about what others thought of this but…

'No one has ever argued against it as strongly as him, Is he one of those dumb types that think that real love exists?' Mei Mei thought looking at Adam who seemed to be proud like he caught her in his trap.

But she just smiled since she already knew…

'Let me humble you a little lady,' Adam scoffed in his head since he thought that her thoughts were ridiculous, he didn't like something like that at all since...

One can't buy love no matter much money they have, this is his thought and he was a fucking god, money was the least of his worries, what he wanted was a proper relationship after suffering for so long. And he had been quite some things to be able to get one somehow with luck.

But as soon as he got that, he could already see it crumbling away because of what he did, and he knew that nothing would fix it if it indeed broke, and no amount of money or riches would bring it back because even if it does it won't be the same as before. 

So, he found her being so adamant on this point to be annoying since if this was true then he wouldn't need to worry about it so much, and in his self-centeredness, Adam asked a really ridiculous question.

"Then what about you?" Mei Mei looked at Adam with her dark brown eyes flashing slightly at his inquiry.

"What? I am asking something that should be natural for you, right?" Adam said as he had a smug smile thinking that he had gotten Mei Mei caught because of her reaction.

Since no matter what, there was no way she would agree to this right? Right?

But unlike what Adam had thought Mei Mei smirked looking at Adam and her answer was…

"Wait for me as I take a shower, alright?"

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