Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"It is in a still state now, but if you attack it will go back to normal, and you will be able to land your hit, how about it? Neat?" The more Adam explained, the closer Nobara got with the smirk on her face getting wider.
"Yeah, this is perfect!" Nobara looked about ready to strike but then she stopped all of a sudden before anyone else even spoke or tried to move.
"You said that guy Geto or whatever had used this Patchworks cursed technique to do that right?" Nobara asked while pointing at the place where the symbol was previously and Adam nodded since it was as she had said.
"Yeah, he turned this guy's body into a ball and ate it, so they should be assimilated right now," Adam understood where Nobara was going with this since her cursed technique was…
"Then I guess it is only fitting to save this for the best moment," Nobara wouldn't let this chance go by, she wanted her revenge but she knew when to take it as well.
She wasn't going to rush it since Nobara was sure that they would face him again.
'That sorcerer was the one who sealed Gojo Satoru, he might've used the cursed spirits as well but one couldn't deny the fact that he was a lethal threat and the head honcho given how none of them would do a thing, and right now they had a possible key that will help them defeat that guy if used correctly.' Nobara would save this attack for a time when it was necessary since her cursed technique was like a natural counter to Geto in this situation.
"Excellent choice, how about I give you a gift for choosing the correct answer?" Yuki nodded with a big smile looking at Nobara since this will give them an edge in the battle that would come later.
As for her offer...
"No thanks," Nobara denied it on the spot and Yuki pouted.
"Well, it is your loss anyway," But that pout was short-lived because…
'I am more interested in how he managed to do that, There was still no cursed energy, it is fascinating,' Yuki looked at Adam as the head once again vanished from his hand, it was certain that he would give it to Nobara at the right time.
'I guess I'll do something about it later, there are other things do to right now,' Yuki wanted to get more information about Adam but that wouldn't be a good choice now since she barely knew anything about him, so her first priority now was to get as much information she can from outside and figuring out his intentions along with his real affiliation before she approaches him.
"I'll be off then everyone~!" And with that Yuki left after waving to Adam and everyone else with great enthusiasm.
And that seemed like a trigger as everyone thought that they had had enough rest, so it was time for them to hunt the cursed spirits who had been scattered around.
"I'll be going as well," Nobara also took off and joined a squad to continue her work since if she doesn't the curses will hunt down more people causing more casualties, not to mention that this was a good opportunity for her.
"Be safe alright?" Adam said making her look back and smirk.
"Worry about yourself," Nobara quipped back before running away and there was one thought on her mind.
'It doesn't feel that bad to have someone say that while I go off to do a dangerous job,' Nobara knew that her job was one where her life was in danger almost guaranteed, one where she could lose her life at any time.
So, having someone tell her to be safe so she can come back to them was quite heartwarming, not that no one had ever told her this before, but...
'This feels different for some reason,' Nobara smiled and went ahead trying to understand what this was leaving Adam alone.
"I wonder what I should do right now," Adam thought as he looked around and…
'Maybe I'll go to another country, this one gives me a feeling of an inn in that world,' Adam thought as he walked around thinking about his next move so he could get out of this weird place while trying to get more information about this world as well, he needed to know more to understand how far he can push things before the world has enough of him and throws him out.
'I can resist but that will not end well, there are high odds that this universe will get destroyed as a result,' Adam thought as he shook his head.
"This world is quite weird in its powers indeed," That was Adam's thought about this world as he had seen some interesting abilities till now from seemingly mortal people not to mention the source they used to fuel their powers.
'Well, I guess the flaws make up for it in contrast,' Adam smiled as he saw the warped space, well it was no longer wrapped since it went back to normal but he could still see the traces.
'Someone escaped from here using this, hmm?' Adam saw where it led to and…
"Well, I should take a look at that place since it has been a while," Adam muttered as he went to the other side of the newly opened portal taking his steps to a place that he could recall from his memories.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Adam was looking around the city with dazzling lights with sleek lines of architectural marvels with a complex look since….
"I remember this place but not much of it," Adam muttered walking, he didn't know when this place was a part of his life but he couldn't remember much.
So, all of this was quite anticlimactic since it didn't end with him going in an intense flashback getting his memories back or something like that.
Anyway, that wasn't the main problem for him at this moment since there was something else that was eating away at his heart.
'What am I doing?' Adam sighed as he made his way into a high-end restaurant, his plan wasn't to eat or anything, he just wanted to use the drink bar since all of his alcohol was confiscated and he forgot to buy more later because of the things that happened.
"I seriously just got engaged, and here I am…" Adam shook his head while muttering slowly drinking some whiskey.
This was his main issue right now.
Given how he made a contract with Nobara and what he said actually made him really worried about his future, how could he not be anxious about it?
'I mean I wouldn't like it if Rias did this, so it is very obvious that she won't like it as well, and she got angry last time as well, I barely survived that and…' Adam had been at odds with himself because of this since the problem of him getting into a relationship was solved with some heaven-defying luck as Rias forgave him a 100 new popped up the very next instant.
The most dominant feeling in his heart right now was guilt which is why…
'I should talk to the Goddess about a way to get Nobara out of the penalty if I can't find a way around it,' Adam, in reality, had no intention of chasing after Nobara as he said it, he was just bullshitting at the time and didn't expect it to work on Nobara, he half wanted it to backfire which is why he spouted such nonsense with that cocky attitude.
And all of this happened just because Nobara was just that open about it and he didn't expect that, since from what he had seen she was actually on board with the idea so it made him even more confused and it made him feel even worse since currently he was playing with the heart of three women.
"Another glass please," Adam just thought that he'd do something about it later as he talked to the bartender who looked at him with some worry because…
"Are you sure sir? Did something happen?"

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