Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

What To Believe?

But there was another thing that bugged Nami at this point.

"How do you know that he was framed?" Nami asked, there was no certainty to that, and such things can only be speculations to people who were unrelated like them, but she was wrong since the person in front of her…

"I know because I was there," Robin said taking out the badge from her pocket, "I am the only citizen of Ohara left." She showed Nami the medal she got when she was accepted as an archaeologist. "He saved me when I was about to be killed by the Marines."

'That medal,' Nami recognized it, she was just recently digging up information about the Ohara incident and, 'It is given to people who were accepted as an archaeologist there.'

"You can check it if you want to," Robin offered it to Nami since this thing had little value to her, the only reason even had this now was because…

'He placed it in my bag,' Robin had forgotten about it herself but he didn't. That is why she kept it with her for so long, but today it proved to be useful since it can prove that she was from Ohara and, 'And I am proof that he isn't what he was framed to be, because only I know what he is really like.'

'There is her name and everything,' Nami checked the medal and, 'The dates also check out,' this was the genuine artifact, or so it appeared to be since she didn't know much to appraise it properly, aside from a few signs on it that helped to confirm its legitimacy.

It was just that Nami would rather believe in Robin than whatever the Marines were saying at this point.

"But weren't all of the people in Ohara killed?" Nami asked after she was done checking the authenticity of the medal.

"That is how it is on paper," Robin nodded as she had indeed survived, "I was about your age when it happened….. so they do not know of me thanks to him."  

'He made sure that there could be no way for them to reach me, and showed his face to divert their attention,' Robin couldn't help but think how thoughtful he was with that.

But she left him to go on her own, she knew that it was selfish of her but she had her reasons. At the time she had nothing but the dreams of her parents and every archaeologist from Ohara.

The very dream that took their lives, the truth that the World Government wanted to hide so badly that they went as far as to wipe out the entire population of Ohara. Robin wanted to uncover it and show the whole world what that was, the ugly truth that they wanted to hide so desperately.

And to support her, He drew the World Government's eyes. It was done so that she wouldn't become the center of attention, even if she was reckless about her methods and blew her identity.

What he did touched her deeply, that level of concern and care was never shown to her, it felt so foreign that she was scared which is why she ran away from it. But even then she couldn't escape it as soon as she saw his wanted posters plastered everywhere when she got off the ship on the next island.

This was the reason why she took the cautious route in getting to her goal. She didn't make any hasty moves that could reveal her identity, and tried to build her foundation slowly by gathering information before moving.

That is how she ended up working in a merchant fleet, the boss there saw potential in her thanks to her intelligence and ability.


'I haven't seen him in years,' Robin felt like she would see him soon because of how he was, there was no way he would've left her alone for long.

It was just that he never came, there was no news of him for years.

'Could it be that he was angry because I left?' There have been countless days in the past 10 days where she had thought about that question.

She knew that the way she left was unacceptable, and even if he didn't sound mad in the letter, in her mind…

'Maybe if I didn't choose to leave that day….' Robin couldn't finish her thought as what had happened couldn't be changed now.

'That is why I have decided to seek him out myself,' Robin knew that there was a high chance that Adam may be extremely displeased with her, 'but I do want to see him again.' which is why she made her choice.

Robin couldn't help but add this to the list, alongside finding the truth that her parents were searching for.

And even if she thought that Adam was angry with her, now she was kind of certain that he was indeed unhappy.

'He appeared here but didn't come to see me at all,' This made Robin shake her head in dismay since it just strengthened her anxiety.

Her heart wanted to believe that he wouldn't be mad because of how he was normally, but her mind didn't let her think that way. She couldn't help but think of the worst possible outcome, because that was how she had lived her years.

Even in the past when she was left with her aunt, she continued to live the same way even after she left on her own, thinking that she might get caught because of her activities, this made her keep the worst possible scenario in her mind at all times, in her mind Robin was constantly walking on eggshells.

'But there was a time I didn't feel anxious, or scared, or doubtful, or miserable,' The only time Robin felt like all these negative thoughts had ever left her was the time she spent with him.

'Without a doubt….' Those few days of her life were the happiest she had ever been, not worrying about the next meal, going out to the market and exploring the place, learning about animals and vegetables, all while holding the hand of someone whom she could lean on for safety. It was all she wanted since she was young.

'But I ended it with my own hands.' her mind would always wave this fact in front of her.

And on the other hand…

'She was that young? No, the day the medal was issued was around that time,' Nami had questions but Robin seemed like she was reminiscing about something, and there was no way it was anything good considering the topic they were on, combining that with the sad look on her face; it looked even more likely.

"So, you said ...that he saved you that day?" This is why Nami changed the topic, she somehow felt a kinship with Robin considering that they had both faced similar situations, and were saved by the same person.

It was just that Nami was luckier than Robin and didn't lose anyone, while Robin on the other hand lost everything, even the person who saved her was framed like this.

"Yes, he took great care of me," Robin came out of her thoughts and turned to Nami with a slight smile, "Which is why I must know if he came here or not." and got back on topic.

"Are you searching for him?" Nami was curious about him because he had saved Belle-mere as well, her previous ramblings aside she was quite grateful to him for what he did.

"Yes, I want to meet him again," Robin stated calmly but…

'Her face …is changing?' Nami thought looking at the slight hint of red on Robin's cheeks.

"So, was it him?" Robin wasn't going to let go of this question till she got her answer.

"…Yes," Nami could do nothing but nod because of the eagerness behind those blue eyes.

"I understand," Robin folded her arms and nodded a few times.

'So, the reason he chose to show up now was because of that,' Robin felt like even with the distance he maintained, he still cared for her in his way, 'Did he already know that I was thinking of stepping into the Grandline?' These were her thoughts on this because it made sense.

She had heard that Grandline was different from the other four seas, so it would be tough for her to navigate through it since there was a big chance her cover might get blown if she wasn't careful.

The only way to get the information that the world government wanted to hide was by reading the Poneglyphs, and as far as she knew aside from her there weren't any other who could do that.

So, in short, she would be a prime target as soon as she gets exposed.

That is why Adam showed up once again attracting everyone's attention just like last time, it was an attempt at protecting her once again, otherwise…

'He could've easily erased the fact that he was here,' Robin glanced at Nami, 'but he allowed himself to be seen.' This made sense in her head.

That was the reason she waited this long, even after finding out that the person who appeared here was indeed Adam.

'I thought that the World Government would move but that didn't happen at all,' Robin wouldn't lose even if she couldn't come here, because she would've basically confirmed it either way.

One way was because of the World Government's actions, and the second would be how she was doing it currently, which is visiting the place herself.

'There must be a reason why he appeared in front of this kid,' Robin thought looking at Nami, 'is it a sign perhaps?' Her mind couldn't help but go in that direction, because of what Adam had done before.

And it wasn't just her alone that had questions…

"But you revealed so much to me, what if he wasn't the one who came here?" Nami asked, as it seemed like a serious issue for someone like Robin, considering her identity and the potential dangers.

'If the Marines really had a hand in what happened at Ohara, then…' Nami looked at Robin's extremely calm face and asked her another question.

"Wouldn't it be bad for you for this information to leak after you leave?"

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