Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Who Is Lying?

This paper is of high quality and the ink also hasn't been smudged…. Must be important information," The boss muttered thinking that they had indeed chanced upon a great piece of information.

"But most of it is gone…." The subordinate didn't look happy but the boss was rearranging the pieces that they got, "We probably won't understand anything."

The subordinate's thoughts were valid, because there was no way they'd be able to get any info out of the 5 pieces that he got, it was ridiculous.  

But by sheer luck or perhaps a prank played by Fate, the five pieces ended up with a line that read.

'The Destroyer of Ohara was the one who saved us from the Pirates, My daughter Nami saw his face clearly.'

"H-Hey Boss this….?" The subordinate's hand trembled and it wasn't because he jumped into the sea just now.

"Yes…" The Boss took a deep breath in, this is what they were here for and they just got it, "We need to contact Miss as soon as possible." The information they have been working to get for over 5 years.

They just found it.

And just like that, time passed quickly.

It had been over 11 months since the Pirate attack on Cocoyashi Village, and 10 months since Garp's visit.

The village had long gone back to its usual routine, but Nami had still not forgotten about what the Marines did.

"How are they the protector of the people when they try to attack civilians?" Nami questioned with a frown, "How are they any different from the Pirates?!"

She had been having these thoughts daily at this point.

'And Belle-mere was a former Marine at that,' Nami was still shaken from what the Marines tried to do, and it just lowered their image in her mind.  

That is why, she would think of the ways she would've beaten up those Marines on a daily basis. And she was just about to do that today as well.

But, she wouldn't be able to have her little peaceful time.  

"So, they tried to attack you in order to get the information?" Nami jumped in surprise because of the calm voice that came from behind her, "Just what I'd expect from that organization," She turned back and found a tall beautiful woman with medium-length black hair dressed in all white.

"W-Who are you?!" Nami asked with a frown, she didn't even know when this strange woman approached her. But the main problem was that she hadn't seen this woman before, so it only meant that…

"Hmm, I guess one would certainly be surprised if they are approached from behind by an unknown person," The woman nodded in understanding but…

'What's with this…. carefree character?' Nami was confused since this woman was acting weird, and of course, she was oblivious to her thoughts and continued.

"My Name is Nico Robin, It is nice to meet you Nami," Robin introduced herself calmly but Nami's attention was on something else as her eyes narrowed quickly.

"How do you know my name?" And it was a valid concern, it was just that the answer for that was simple.

"I asked your mother Belle-mere, and she told me where you were along with your name," Robin said before taking out the wanted poster because she didn't intend to waste any more time, "So, now for the reason I am here," It was Adam's wanted poster. "The white-haired man who saved your village was him, right?"

Hearing that question Nami stepped back instinctively.

'She was after that information as well!!' Nami was a little angry, because he may have helped them against the pirates. But that help was causing more problems for her, like bringing potentially dangerous people here that could hurt her family.

"You saw him, right?" Robin asked again and Nami shook her head.

"I didn't," She didn't know what would happen to her family if she said yes, Sakazuki's actions really made her doubtful of anyone who approached her with that question.

'I won't tell the truth,' Nami was smart, that is why she could think of the trouble that this would cause to her family, especially after she saw the wanted Poster again.  

The man who had helped them was a ruthless criminal, so associating with him in any form would bring nothing good for them.

"Ara, That is weird," Robin tilted her head at Nami's answer because, "Your mother said that you saw his face."

"W-What?" Her words made Nami sweat, it was indeed true that she had told Belle-mere about catching a glimpse of his face after the incident, but she only did that because she was caught lying.

Nami who felt that Adam was familiar checked through the books and there she found his poster again. And looking at the bounty along with the available information, she thought that it would be better to lie when she was asked that question, since it seemed that no one else was able to see him properly.

It was thanks to Arlong and his crew beating everyone in the village half dead when they tried to save Belle-mere. So it was safe…. Or so she had thought

It is just that Belle-mere caught her right away, but Nami wasn't punished since her mother understood why she did that.

'Why did Belle-mere tell her about this?' Nami was confused, Belle-mere had told her to keep her mouth shut about this matter So, why would she tell this to some random woman?

"You! What did you do to Belle-mere!!!" Nami's mind went in the worst direction, and it wasn't like there was no reason for that reaction.

After the pirate's attack and the Marines' attitude, Nami slowly lost faith in everyone and was constantly on guard.

"I just explained my circumstances to her," Robin responded and Nami gritted her teeth, she was currently in a bind.

'Should I trust her or not?' Nami was confused about what to do, Belle-mere had already told Robin the truth, but she was more concerned with how that truth came out.

She didn't buy the whole explanation of the circumstances thing, because she was skeptical.

But there was another thing that Belle-mere told them after the Marines left.

'Belle-mere also told that Hero Of the Marine about what happened.' Nami couldn't help but think that, 'Was there a reason why she chose to tell that to her?' she couldn't help but look at Robin, trying to figure out something.

"I didn't hurt her or anything, if that is what you are worried about," Robin read her mind perfectly, and Nami felt even more uneasy.

"Why would you want to meet a criminal anyway?" Nami was trying to buy time to find an escape route from here, she wanted to go where Belle-mere was to confirm this.

"Hmm, Who told you that he is a criminal?" Robin asked and Nami spoke the obvious answer.

"It was the Marin-" But she stopped midway because of the small smile on Robin's face.

"Do you really believe in them? Even after what they did?" Robin asked in a flat tone, "I thought you were smart, but I guess I overestimated a child." She was shaking her head since this was obvious.

Some Marines might be good, but as a whole, the Marine force was unreliable and only moved in the interest of the World Government. Even if it meant wiping out an entire island full of innocent civilians that they swore to protect.

Her words struck Nami right where it hurt, Robin was correct after all. There should be no way that Nami could trust the Marines after what happened, It was a biased view since nothing happened even after Belle-mere gave them the exact information. But she would probably never forget the way she was treated.

And the way they made such a big deal out of Adam's case, there was surprisingly there was no news after that day that they got the information. There could be many reasons for this to happen but…

'Something is wrong with them,' At this instant, Nami's doubts worsened.

She even went as far as thinking whether they'd help them if Arlong Pirates were actually able to take over Cocoyashi Village.

And that seed of distrust grew quickly which resulted in…

"N-No way…" Taking the Marines over the top reaction and the way Adam's bounty was placed then followed by the silence when they got the information, Nami could only think of one thing.

And as if confirming her thoughts Robin nodded, "They framed him." for the first time Nami could see emotions on her face. "They lied about him being the one who destroyed Ohara." The pure anger on her face made Nami gulp, "They tried to make him a man with no blood and tears, someone who would even kill children and civilians for his enjoyment."

Something like that couldn't be faked, Nami felt the hatred Robin had since the latter was not trying to hide it.

But there was another thing that bugged Nami at this point.

"How do you know that he was framed?" Nami asked, there was no certainty to that, and such things can only be speculations to people who were unrelated like them, but she was wrong since the person in front of her…

"I know because, I was there,"

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