Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 135

The heat was so intense that the patient was exhausted.

Su Yue sent his colleague to the hospital, and his colleague fainted from the heat.

"A little Huoxiang Zhengqi water will do the trick. He just had a mild heat stroke."

"Thank you, thank you, Su Yue." The colleague looked at him gratefully.

Su Yue smiled and didn't care. It just so happened that the working environment made him feel a little suffocated, so he subconsciously took a cigarette and smoked.

"When did I become addicted to smoking?"

While thinking, outside the diagnosis and treatment department of the large hospital in Yunzhong City, a series of tiny sounds suddenly rang out, and at first, everyone was talking in confusion.

The next moment, Su Yue heard those discussions, which turned into screams.

Then, there were wailing and painful sounds of falling to the ground.


"Bombing! It's the enemy's airship bombing!!"

"Hide quickly, hospitals, schools, and large facilities are all targets of their bombing attacks."


Huge fireworks and gunpowder exploded not far from Su Yue, and the nurses and colleagues who were just chatting and laughing with him were all shrouded in ruins.

In the corridor of the hospital, there were corpses lying on their backs, some with arms flying out, and some with thighs hanging on the diagnostic instruments at the nurse's front desk next to them.

Su Yue even saw clearly that a man was hit in the eyes by the splashing gravel, and he closed his eyes and wailed on the spot. Both of his eyes were hit, which meant that he would be completely blind and lose the ability to see things outside.

The man was confused and bumped left and right. When the crowd fled towards Su Yue, the blind man shouted in the opposite direction: "Help me... Help me!!"

No one paid attention to him.

Su Yue did not feel the slightest fear about this. Once he thought deeply, he would feel an indescribable fear, but his experience as a lord in [Turin World] made him take these situations for granted.

He had experienced the cruelty of the battlefield a long time ago. The collapsed hospital and the smoke. After the fleeing people rushed for seven or eight seconds, Su Yue remembered.

"I think I should run too?"

He stood up slowly in the chaotic crowd, quietly packed his briefcase, and breathed in the smell of smoke.

A man who lost his lower body.

The man with only the upper body crawled towards Su Yue, holding his intestines, and he left a trail of blood as he crawled.

The light in his eyes seemed to be still flickering, and he was still calling for help.

Su Yue said: "You are hopeless."


As expected, in less than a moment, the man's eyes lost their luster, and then he became motionless.

Su Yue remembered a rumor that after death, nails and hair will continue to grow for a while until they are completely stiff, and then the skin will be eaten by flies and insects in nature, and everything will return to dust.

A man with his ears blown off was running around.

Like a headless fly.

Su Yue understood that his hearing should have been lost. After losing the perceptual system, humans are no different from bees flying around in the flowers; the only difference is that bees can collect honey accurately, while humans can only fly around.


"The enemy country has launched a war against us... Why did they attack the hospital?"

A security guard who was crazy with pain was tying a cable tie while holding his bloody wound.

Su Yue just walked quietly along the crowd towards the downstairs of the hospital. People turned into a black ocean. At the gate, there was a terrifying sound of gunfire.

"There are enemies..."

The hot flames swallowed up life.

Su Yue smiled strangely.

The hospital should be a place to save lives, but at this time, the hospital was full of ruins, smoke and wounded people, and it continued to operate tenaciously.

Su Yue hid behind a pillar.

Watching the gunfight on the barricades was different from the medieval lord conflicts in the Turin world.

In Yunzhong City, the people of Dukar all used guns.

A young man, while running, suddenly knelt forward.

Su Yue clearly saw a blood flower burst out five centimeters above his thigh.

The young man raised his head while crawling forward.

He looked at Su Yue hiding behind the wall with nervous and panic eyes, calling for help.

Su Yue took a deep breath, turned his head and took a quick look, put his hat next to the pillar first, and after confirming that no one attacked the hat, he hurried over

Crouched down and dragged the young man back.

The dragging process made him feel extremely strenuous.

Ruins and ashes filled the air under his feet.

The young man trembled and said, "Thank you... Thank you."

At this time, a man with a pipe in his mouth and a dark face as if he had been smoked by coal roared and roared, "Descendants of the attackers, Duval people!!"

"... No, I have nothing to do with this attack!!"

"Back off, sir, this is none of your business."

The middle-aged man held a pistol, pushed Su Yue away, and walked towards the young man.

Su Yue looked at the picture in astonishment.

The young man's pupils, asking for help, still reflected the joy of being rescued and the pain of the wound, but then he was killed.

It was like a cliff full of lives.

Everyone wanted to get one step closer to survival, so the people in front who were squeezed to the edge of the cliff could only die.

The tsunami swallowed the cliff, and those people kept hugging each other.

Every minute and every second, people were pushed into the sea.

"Want to smoke?"

When the chaos ended and order was suppressed, the ruined streets were full of bullet holes and corpses.

"Thank you."

The officer asked, "Are you born with apathy? Or do you have any mental illness?"

"No, I'm a normal person."

"Do you have a family? How many children do you have?"


Su Yue looked at his shoulder badges. The other party was an officer from the Recruiting Office...

"...Want to be a soldier? Go to the front line? Now the people of Dukar and Duval in Yunzhong City have a conflict with the group of devils in the west, and they are in urgent need of soldiers..."

"Who blew up this building?"

"The enemy's airship."

"...I have to think about it."

The officer smiled and said, "This is my business card. Call me anytime when you think about it. I will give you a bonus when I return to the office this time."


At night, Su Yue walked back home with heavy steps. His company was gone... He was unemployed. Su Yue wanted to go to a small hotel to get drunk, or find a woman to relieve his inner sadness.

In the city of Karl in the Clouds, where there are many prostitutes, he was still thinking and discussing with his colleagues during the day which pub or restaurant had more evening shows and more beautiful foreign women.

When he went back.

He found that the entire company had been blown up.

The body of the supervisor who had made things difficult for him before was buried in the ruins. A woman was crying beside the ruins, and Su Yue recognized that it was his supervisor's sister.

The fine rubble, sand, and gravel, and the reinforced concrete structure could not withstand the impact of the high-intensity explosion. The hedonists who were still chatting and laughing with him during the day and exploring the world of women, now turned into black blood and flesh residues like meat patties and adhesives piled up inside the walls of the ruins.

Su Yue thought that if he used a soup spoon, could he scrape back the body of the former supervisor bit by bit like scraping jam and return him to his family and relatives?


As his thoughts were drifting, Su Yue heard the gentle sound of Eli's shoes coming from the entrance.

"Honey, I'm back."


Just when he didn't know how to start, Elisha said, "You scared me to death today... I just saw the news that your company was bombed into ruins. Are you okay?"

Su Yue looked at his beautiful wife who was so excited that her face turned red, and said, "No... I'm fine."

"What about the job? We bought the building materials for the house ourselves... loan... loan... It seems that it's not enough this month."

Su Yue said, "I'll find a new job."

Elis looked a little depressed. The children were playing in the house. The world of children and the world of adults are two completely different and distinct rivers.

No one can step into the other's river.

Unless Su Yue and Elisha died, they didn't want each other to step into the adult world.

The innocent world is full of beauty and joy.

But the reality seems extremely cruel.

During the seven days that Su Yue rested at home, he interviewed countless companies, but because the city of Yunzhong City, Dukar, was attacked and a war was about to break out, a large number of company entrepreneurs were packing up and fleeing. No construction company was willing to continue to invest in the urban construction of Yunzhong City, Dukar.

No one was willing to build some "targets" for the enemy in an urban area that was about to be bombed.

Workers were unemployed.

The situation in the construction industry was sluggish, and the stocks of some construction companies plummeted. Most of the architectural designers in Yunzhong City, Dukar, lost their jobs.

Su Yue walked on the street in a daze, like a ghost.


No job.

Need to repay the loan and raise two children.

This is a cruel truth no less than war for any family with only a father and a mother but no grandparents.

Su Yue picked up the business card of Kalian, a civil servant in the conscription office, thought for a moment, and dialed the number, "Hello?"

"Hello, are you still short of manpower on the front line?"

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