Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 136

The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.



Elise hugged Su Yue's body with tears in her eyes, and buried half of her body weight in Su Yue's arms.

Her shoulders and chest were forced to be tied together, like a red fruit tree hanging in the sky blocked by the bright moon that had not completely disappeared in the morning.

"It's okay, I'm just going to take a look, nothing will happen."

The same thing happened in every corner and every position of the city of Yunzhong City Dukar. Su Yue wore a set of exquisite military uniforms, which looked a bit majestic, but in fact he had already known the cruelty of war before.

Whether it was bombing or the dark and evil death scene.

It always affected Su Yue's spirit and nerves.

Amidst the shells and ruins, Su Yue seemed to have completely forgotten what happened before, but in fact, he had not forgotten what happened in the Turin world at all. Even in Su Yue's own eyes, he was still the lord of the Turin world.

But in this strange and bizarre world, Su Yue would still get hurt and sick, and he would catch a cold or even have a fever.

Because of overindulgence in certain things that happened at night, he would even feel exhausted and weak the next day.

The child's cry made Su Yue, a father, fall into a kind of desolate emotion.

"Let's go."

A huge military truck drove over from a distance. A sergeant holding a list and wearing a helmet looked at Su Yue and asked, "Reserve soldier, Su Yue?"


The sergeant looked at Su Yue and said nothing. He just said in a businesslike manner, "Say goodbye to the children in the end?"

Su Yue said, "Okay, thank you sir."

Su Yue looked at the black flags in the distance. The flags seemed to be divided into many types. Some were the same as Canaan, and some were completely different from Canaan. There were green flags, strange flags symbolizing dark tones, red flags, black flags, and those emerald green flags. In Sergeant Lillard's eyes, the unique black light of the helmet was reflected towards him.

Behind those lights, Su Yue saw pieces of strange black fog and the morning sun.

As the morning sun rose, Elisha gently hugged his face, and the crying sound of the child beside him rang in his ears.

The sunset seemed to have lost its boundary and barrier with the daytime, and lost its meaning and certain information.

Su Yue even felt that sometimes, human existence itself was a carrier of a certain amount of information, and those information formed an illusion of blending and interweaving with his body.

He smiled: "Do you see that side?"

"What is that?"

Su Yue said:

"When the camellia over there blooms all over the mountainside and all over the mountains, I will come back." As a soldier and soldier, Su Yue no longer has a job, but is working hard to live and manage his current family and life.

For work, to pay off the high mortgage; for his son and his son, for the daughter who may be born in the future, he gave his life.

In Su Yue's view, it doesn't matter whether it is noble or not.

Sometimes the formation of human civilization is just to be oppressed by his actions, his world, and some external energy.

Just like some dough is born to be made into noodles.

Some noodles are to be flattened, some noodles are like baguettes, and some noodles are black and between wet and dry.

Their different states determine the subsequent changes in direction and position.

Su Yue now enters the world of the battlefield.

Say goodbye to Elis and the children.

He took a deep breath.


"Reserves, you need to undergo the most basic military training."

Su Yue looked at the water bottles and olive bread, vegetables and fruits that were distributed. He was busy for a long time, distributed supplies, and then everyone went to the military camp on the front line.

"You are lucky. The front line is 16 miles away, and soldiers from wars and battles are needed to replenish them."

"What? Didn't we just join the front line?"

"Don't we have to undergo a one-month recruit training in the front-line training camp at the beginning?" The reserve recruit, Lelinwood, asked puzzledly.

The sergeant said: "This is the order from the front line, and as a soldier, you must know how to be without

"Yes." "Now go to the front to remove your equipment. You need more decent training." "Yes, sir, yes." No one smiled. The scene of the sergeant whipping Lelinwood, who took off his coat and uniform in the dark, made everyone feel creepy. Su Yue did not feel the creepy breath, but he listened to the hum of bombers and the sharp whistling of destruction from the sky. When the reconnaissance plane dived over, he smelled the breath and taste of death, corpses, and war. Heavy trucks drove past, and the muddy lavender outside the city of Yunzhong was replaced by the rolling mud of the wheels. To be precise, the traces of these ruts bent the swampy road full of mud and water. Lelinwood is full of Injured, his back was like being whipped by black thorns thousands of times, and he looked like a monk of the "flagellation sect" of the Holy Church.

But in fact, the new recruit Lelinwood was full of resentment, and Su Yue, who joined the army at the same time as him, also fell into silence.

Perhaps it was because of the death of the cunning rabbit and the cooking of the running dog...

The dirty jokes that everyone had exchanged before, as well as the attitudes and emotions of laughing and scolding, were gradually replaced by the tension of bumps, splashing mud spots, and the wheels being stuck in a state of towing and pulling machinery and getting off the car.

"Have you heard that there are trenches everywhere on the front line."


At this time, a man with a figure shrouded in black shadows said: "Trenches plus heavy rain will make you a story of trench soldiers, trenches plus tanks will be a story of crushing your heads; if trenches plus alcohol, you may find yourself in the enemy's prisoner-of-war camp tomorrow, of course, this is all under good luck, if you encounter poison gas, gentlemen, you may all enter the field hospital and wait to die. "

"Poison gas?"


Su Yue silently looked at the front line that stretched for hundreds of kilometers in the distance. The black, burning and destroyed village became their temporary supply point.

Corporal Fisher picked up the telescope and continued to look above his wrapped legs and neat military uniform. His slender eyes could be seen.

At this moment, his eyes narrowed:

"Everyone, repair and set up camp on the spot."

"Repair and set up camp on the spot."

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