Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 156: : Pin Gold, you are finally here

Pieces of rubble were removed, and Jin Jin personally directed and led the crowd to dig out the materials buried deep.

Ultrasonic exploration once again embodies value, and needle gold can always accurately determine the location of materials.

Knocked and beaten, the holes on the ship's side were all filled up with wooden boards, like patches of various sizes. The keel is the most important part of repair. A lot of wood is used for the broken place, and then fixed with iron skin and nails.

The sails were not seriously damaged, because they were all folded up and hung on the mast.

After a few days, the rails were also repaired.

"One, two, three!" The crowd drank together and worked hard, including the big man.

The boat is getting faster and faster, sliding along the slide all the way, falling into the river, with a bang, and a huge wave.

The ship shook a few times and then stabilized on the pale river.

At this moment, the ship has become ugly, with wooden patches everywhere on the side and deck, where the side of the ship is higher than the bottom deck, and two rows of openings are arranged on both sides of the side of the ship.

There are ten pairs of wooden paddles sticking out of the hole. The wooden paddle closest to the stern rudder is particularly huge, which is specially prepared for the big man.

The broken leg and the death of the boatman made the big man depressed, silent, and wept in tears almost every night.

According to the last words of the boatman, the big man really regarded Pin Jin as his biological father, and only listened to Pin Jin's orders. He will eat only the food and water given by Jin Jin.

Pin Jin first led the big man into the cabin. The big man could not walk with his legs, but he crawled in with both hands.

Subsequently, other mermaids penetrated.

Eighteen people were drawn and reached the bottom deck, each of whom was responsible for a long wooden paddle.

The big man sat at the end, and one person was responsible for two.

The rest of the people are on the deck, responsible for Zhang Fan's sails, finishing ropes, anchoring, etc., and the rudder is controlled by the rope.

Before building a ship, Cangsu had organized many crew teaching activities, and basically everyone was trained to operate the ship.

The sail stretched out, accompanied by the sound of drums. Twenty wooden paddles were inserted under the river at the same time, and then paddled and stretched out of the water before falling into the water again.

The ship sailed smoothly.

The river was muddy, and needle gold often stood at the angle of the bow.

He secretly used ultrasound to detect the situation under the water.

He was worried about the ferocious man-made Warcraft that appeared in the water, and even more worried about the emergence of gold-level magic planting python.

The next voyage is a safe journey.

There is no artificial aquatic warcraft, nor python vines. The water is muddy. The river surface is often accompanied by eddies, and the river bank is unstable and often collapses.

This is a new river channel formed by splitting the surface of the island and the best shortcut to the center of the island.

Shortcuts are not without risks.

A group of bat monkeys and flying squirrels often attacked.

There are needle gold, mango and other people stationed. The final result of these herds is either defeat or reduced to survivors' food reserves.

The survivors almost had a bow and crossbow, and after several brutal eliminations, it was either elite or luck enough to survive.

The operation of the new ship was very difficult. When starting the voyage, it was all in a hurry since the needle was below the gold. Even the new ship crashed on the bank of the river because it did not turn in time.

Fortunately, nothing was smashed. Despite this, the needle still ordered to dock on the shore for a day and arrange emergency training for everyone.

The surviving crew members brought great help, and they also used their skills in transmitting and controlling the ships without any abnormalities.

The sea boat left the jungle and took a dip in the forest.

He left the forest again and entered the desert.

The air became very hot, and the lava pillars of the volcanic eruption became more and more conspicuous.

Black "snow" flutters in the air, which is volcanic ash.

Because of the hot weather, the glue and asphalt bonded between the shipboards began to melt.

Water seeps continuously from the bottom of the cabin.

As the ship leaves the desert and enters the volcanic zone, there are more and more locations where water seeps to the point that it is unbearable for people like Jinjin.

And the channel of this river also gradually narrowed. When almost both sides were to wipe the sides of the new ship, Jin Jin led the people to leave the new ship.

They moved all the supplies in time. After an hour, no survivors continuously drained the boat, and the new boat sank completely under the watch of everyone.

Everyone watched silently.

Needle Jin took a deep breath and said loudly: "Now we have no escape route, move forward!"

The journey is very difficult.

The extremely hot ground makes it difficult to get down.

Every time you breathe, the hot air almost scorches everyone's nose, trachea, heart and lungs.

There was a layer of yellow mist in the air.

The extremely pungent smell of sulfur is extremely uncomfortable.

The sky is dimmed by volcanic clouds, and the view is clearer only when lava erupts.

The earthquake has been accompanied by survivors.

The closer to the center of the island, the greater the magnitude of the earthquake.

While sailing, the earthquake caused huge waves. Now walking in groups, the threat of the earthquake has become greater. It will break the ground and let the magma underneath surge.

On the first day of disembarkation, three people died.

By the next day, the team encountered a giant lava turtle.

The state of the giant tortoise is very wrong, his eyes are red, and he is mad, and there is no harm to him before.

It took the initiative to attack the team.

This is a gold-level Warcraft, of course, the needle gold will not be stupid enough to quickly lead everyone to flee.

Fortunately, the giant tortoise lacks intelligence, and the pursuit speed is not as fast as people desperately run away. After being pulled away for a distance, it will no longer chase and kill others.

The situation of the team is ten times more dangerous than yesterday.

Because they encountered the Warcraft Legion.

Under the fierce battle of needle gold and mango, the blocking Warcraft Legion was defeated.

But everyone's mood is very heavy.

Because of the three blue dog jackals, they only had time to kill two of them, and the other one ran away with the defeated soldiers.

The blue dog jackal is superior in intelligence, this blue dog jackal will definitely attract more Warcraft legions.

Under the advice of Mange, Pin Jin had to take risks to increase the team's speed.

This made the survivors miserable.

After a few days.

The people looked up at the volcano in front of them, and many people's eyes were numb.

They searched all the way, and found no signs of mage towers or magic centers.

"Should the mage tower be hidden in a volcano?"

"In fact, this is very likely! The reason for the turbulence of this island is the eruption of a volcano."

"But how do we get in?"

"Master Jin Jin, we can't do it!"

Everyone looked bleak.

Over the past few days, they have continued to be pursued by the Warcraft Legion.

In this volcanic landscape, there are many blue dog jackals, and almost every wolf belt leads a small-scale Warcraft legion.

If it weren't for gold and mango, every time they fought at the forefront, the team would definitely not be here.

His face is gray and gray, and there is no handsome as before, but his gaze remains firm.

"Resume in place, how to enter this volcano, we have to think of a way first."

Cangsu, Zidi, and others are all awkward.

The air temperature is very high, ordinary people have reached the limit of endurance, and then continue to endanger their lives.

Only the superiors have outstanding physical qualities and can get closer.

Needle Jin and others were negotiating, and suddenly his expression changed.

"A Legion of Warcraft is here! Get ready for the battle." Pin Jin sighed.

No one doubted the prediction of Pin Jin. They all relied on Pin Jin's prediction along the way.

Time is limited, choose a slightly higher gentle slope, the crowd formed on the spot, needle gold, mane Ge stood at the forefront.

Soon after, they saw a large wave of beasts and World of Warcraft, rushing toward them frantically.

"Too many, this is by no means just a Warcraft Legion!"

"At least five blue dog jackals are needed to gather such a scale of terror."

"Let's run away!"

Pin Jin gritted his teeth and shook his head: "Where can I escape?"

At this moment, his heart was shrouded in despair.

Even if he gave up all his worries and changed with all his strength, it would be difficult to resist so many beasts.

It is a fantasy to be able to save the lives of Zidi and others under the impact of the beast tide!

"I knew we should stay in the rain forest and wait for rescue!" the black roll shouted, regretting it.

The Legion of Warcraft can directly strike positions regardless of whether people regret it or not.

"Don't keep the iron arrow, use as much as you can!" Mange shouted.

Needle Gold, Mango and others struggled to kill, and the position was firmly held in the turbulent beast tide.

"Strange, this time the Warcraft Legion is a bit vain!"

"I haven't seen a blue dog jackal until now. Where have they gone?"

"How do I feel that these Warcraft don't seem to be attacking us, but...fleeing?"

"Yeah, look carefully. Many of them are injured."

People were puzzled, and suddenly Jin Jin's face changed, and his eyes turned to the distance.


He has been using ultrasound to probe the surroundings, but these people make him undetectable and appear in abrupt view.

There are a total of six strangers, and they chase down the mountains and wild Warcraft with ease.

It was they who drove these Warcraft Legions!

No wonder no blue dog jackal appeared, I am afraid they were wiped out by these people.

They had only six people, and they destroyed such a huge Warcraft legion. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In particular, the suction needle gold and mane Ge noticed that the white holy light shone on their bodies, the clothes were lead-free, and they were out of tune with the surroundings.

They can use extraordinary power!

"Templar Knight Gold, you are finally here." The middle-aged man headed softly, the distance between the two sides is still relatively far, but his hoarse voice clearly echoed in everyone's ears.

The survivors were shocked and ecstatic.

"Are rescues coming?"

"But how can they go deeper into the center than we do?"

"This is the priest of Emperor Shengming, and behind him is the guardian knight."

"Are you?" Pin Jin gave a little salute.

Father White smiled softly and introduced himself: "My name is scab."

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