Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 156: :set sail

Pin Jin, who was in a desperate situation, was still full of doubts.

"They don't have a core, but they do. Why? What caused it?"

"What is the cause of the formation of the core of the heart? Is it poisoning? Is it because the injury is more serious and the body contains a lot of fire poison? Or luck, will? Or strength, luck and a combination of injuries."

In addition to doubts, there is still a lot of fear in Jinjin’s heart: “Will one day I also become such a beast-like person? Falling into total rage and madness, there is no reason, even Companions will be killers?"

"Is my mentality really not affected by the core of my heart?"

As Pin Jin continued to reflect, the fear in his heart grew deeper.

"No, I'm afraid I'm deeply affected!"

"I was so worried and worried about the core of my heart before, but after being forced by the situation and using it more often, I began to accept it unconsciously. Up to now, I have been deeply dependent on it. I'm obsessed with it."

"Every time I use the core of my heart to transform into a monster, my temperament seems to become mad, contempt from the bottom of my heart for all weaker lives. I absorb and transform. I have been immersed in this power, and I can't control myself."

"My actions, my thoughts, have actually shifted the course of the Templar!"

"I seem...always...fallen?!"

"God, my Lord, the great Holy Emperor. Please respond to me, please pity you, and save you. Here, there is your lost lamb..."

Pin Jin once again knelt on the deck, facing the direction of the Holy Continent, bowing his head in prayer.

As with all previous prayers, the result is still unresponsive.

And this time the prayer is also different from the night prayer in the recent period.

No more peace and solace can be found in Pin Jin's heart.

Because he was aware of his depravity, and also realized a possibility-the reason why Emperor Shengming did not respond to himself was he already degenerate?

"Am I a savage fallen knight?"

"What should I do?"

"Should I confess? Tell my companion that I am also alienated, and I am actually... a beast-like monster?"

"No, I can't do this."

As a leader, Pin Jin is very clear. Now the team's situation is very dangerous, and the collapse is likely to be in one thought. Before, there was hope for a new ship to go to sea, and now everyone is in desperation.

"Even if I'm fallen and I'm no longer a Templar, even if I'm actually a beastly transformation of Warcraft, I should play this leader well."

They need leaders, they need Templars, they need to rely, they need new hope.

Even if the needle gold does not rely on itself, there is no hope.

This is the burden that leaders should bear!

Pin Jin gradually felt out of breath.

After experiencing all kinds of hardships, his state of mind has changed many times, and it has long been different. However, this heavy feeling that made him unable to breathe struck again.

Once again he realized his innocence.

His fear is not only from the surrounding environment, but also from his own future.

Now... he still fears himself!

"If at a certain moment, I was completely beastized, lost my senses, and hurt others, what should I do?"

"I might even kill the beard, cyanobacteria and even purple pedicles by hand. What should I do if this happens?"

"Can I control the changes?"

"In a short time, it seems to be. It seems that I have a nucleus. The nucleus should allow me to control the mutation perfectly... right?"

There is no way for the needle gold to skyrocket, and he has no way of determining exactly how the nucleus was formed.

Perhaps he is not far away from the complete violent beastization, and not far away from the complete madness. Maybe after a few days, just next time?

"Perhaps, more than I have such hidden dangers."

"There are others too! These companionized beasts of death are just the first batch. Next, there are the second batch, the third batch...even the last survivors will be reduced to what they saw on this island. One of the Warcraft. They will hate all outsiders, only if they are a Warcraft, human nature scattered, no memory."

How cruel this picture of the future makes Pin Jin feel chilled whenever he thinks about it.

Suddenly he thought: "Wait, is it because of my amnesia?"

"Why did the animalized companion fall into madness? Perhaps it is the inherent memory, and there are fierce conflicts and contradictions with its own life form that cannot be accepted, so it becomes crazy."

"Why is it that only I can control the mutation? Only me has the heart? Perhaps amnesia is the main factor."

"It is precisely because I am amnestic, but still insist on the faith and stick to the knighthood, so I have not been violently conflicted by the two and have retained humanity to the greatest extent."

"How does the Lord of the Island make people beastly? Perhaps the environment he reformed is that people are constantly losing humanity. Over time, our humanity will be eroded by beastiness and gradually swallowed. The higher the degree of swallowing , The deeper the animal nature. In the end, the humanity is completely lost, completely covered by the animal nature, and thus completely crazy?"

"Every time, I adhere to my principles and bottom line, which is the victory of humanity over the beastly nature. The accumulation of this victory, time after time, gives me a core and allows me to reasonably control the changes, while others do not. ."

"If this guess is true, then I will use my heart to absorb the changed companions of the beast, will they absorb their animal nature and let them restore their reason?"

"No, my nucleus absorbs blood veins. The companions after beastification are a mixture of Warcraft blood veins and human blood veins. I will absorb all these blood veins!"

"Those Warcraft bloodlines, I actually have them now. The human bloodlines do not. Add these bloodlines, can it stabilize my human nature? Will it prolong my time from complete madness?"

Thinking of this, Jing Jin's body trembled violently, and his face became pale.


"What's wrong with me?"

"I actually want to start with my companions, and the human race?!"

However, another voice sounded in Jin Jin's heart.

"Don't limit your actions anymore. You should be bolder. We are now in a desperate situation. Let ourselves be handcuffed. When the final death comes, everything will be late! You can't do it again, can you?"

"Besides, it's not about letting you kill a living person by yourself. It's just letting you absorb those dead companions. They are going to be buried anyway. There is no other value at all. It's completely waste utilization!"

"Hurry up, it's too late if you don't take action. These people didn't die long after you died. You absorb the conversion now, and it's far more profitable than doing so!"

"Don't forget your family, you are also thinking of others. If it is not for these people, you can completely change and then escape from this island yourself."

"It's because of them that you stay here, don't you?"

"Don't cling to unnecessary things indiscriminately, and think carefully, how many times have you regretted? How did you think about the one that was almost killed by the scorpion? Just now, don't you regret it?"

"Do you want the tragedy to happen again?"

"This time is an old boatman, next time? Cyanobacteria? Cangsu? Or Zidi!?"

"No, don't talk about it! Don't talk about it again!" Pin Jin was in agony. He changed from half-kneeling to kneeling. He bowed his head deeply and buried his face in his palms.

His thoughts overflowed too much, he suspected that he had fallen, and the self-confidence that had always supported him had dissipated for the most part.

He began to be indistinct.

He couldn't tell the thoughts of his own thinking, which were rational advice and what were the temptations of depravity!

Pin Jin was caught in an unprecedented turbulence and confusion.

The next moment was really shaken.


Amid the huge roar, the sky shook.

Once again, shake the mountain!

The survivors who had fallen asleep all cried out in horror and ran out of the cabin desperately.

The earthquake is coming again, and the scale is even bigger than the last time!

Just before people's eyes, the ground cracked.

As the island moved, the cracks became larger and larger, extending from the direction of the volcano, directly splitting the beach and forming the estuary.

When the seawater is poured back, the waves are surging.

After more than 20 breaths, the earthquake slowly subsided.

A brand-new river appeared in front of everyone's eyes. People looked at the spacious river channel and were shocked to be speechless.

For a long time, people who were in shock were gradually reacting.

Que fan directly kneeled on the ground and cried in a low voice: "Can we really hold on? Can we really escape from here?"

No one could answer her question, even Jin Jin was silent.

"Even if we can persist, I'm afraid this island will not last long!" Black Roll sighed.

Everyone was desperate, and a cloud of sorrow among the survivors was dismal.

"Perhaps, I still have a solution here." Zidi suddenly said.

This remark immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Zidi's face showed hesitation.

"Hurry up, what are you hesitating at this time?" Black Roll urged.

Zidi took a deep breath and suddenly pointed to the volcano: "We can go to the most central area, where there may be hope of survival!"

Almost everyone stared, suspecting they had heard it wrong.

Cangsu, needle gold, mane Ge Leng a moment, all reacted immediately, pondered silently.

Zidi continued: "Remember what we analyzed? This island has a master, and he must be a great man! He transformed this island, transformed Warcraft, and even manipulated the weather. He was in It seems that biological weapons are being cultivated here, but whether it is a magic-free environment, or controlling the weather or forced transmission, it requires a magic circle."

"There must be a center of magic circles on this island, or simply a mage tower."

"As long as we capture the center, there is hope for escape."

"Please, how can we be the opponent of the Lord of the Island?" As soon as Xi Suo finished shouting, he was stunned. He stared blankly at the fissured river, and then looked at the erupting volcano, and then looked at the dark and heavy volcanic clouds above his head.

The rope shouted violently: "I'm afraid that the Lord of the Island is in trouble! The magic circle is obviously out of control, the volcano erupts, and the ground is cracked! No, wait, when we first returned to the beach, the weather became very bad. It’s anomalous. It’s either rainstorms or rain and rain. We’ve never encountered it. It’s probably out of control at that time.”

"Maybe a little bit earlier." Pin Jin said, "We had encountered the blue dog jackal when we were the earliest. This kind of warcraft was sent alone. But when we encountered in the forest, they had formed a warcraft around them. Legion."

"Controlling the Warcraft Legion is very burdensome for the Blue Dog Jackal. To produce a strange fragrance requires magic power. The Blue Dog Jackal controls the Warcraft Legion for a long time. It must devour other Warcraft to supplement its magic power and continue to produce a strange fragrance. "

Cangsu nodded and added: "The larger the size of the Warcraft Legion, the greater the burden on the surrounding ecological environment. These Warcraft are all to eat! Therefore, the blue dog jackals are entangled in the Warcraft Legion, very Obviously not the norm."

"We stayed in the small valley, and the Warcraft Legion took the initiative to attack and continue to reinforce. This posture is obviously sweeping away the enemy. Let's make a bold guess. It is likely that the island's master communicates the command and manipulates the blue dog jackals to destroy everything. Outsider."

"If he is in good shape, he is probably just a breath-taking effort to eliminate us, and it will not make the island so volatile."

"But he didn't do it. He left the island alone, and to deal with us, he just ordered these Warcraft legions to shoot."

"It just shows that he is very weak, and he can only let the blue dog jackals fight, and he is afraid that we will escape to expose this place."

"Even, most likely he is already dead."

"Or, he was caught outside for some reason and could not come back in time!"

Mange nodded: "That's true. Now is the best time for us to attack the center! Delaying will only lead to a dead end."

Everyone froze for a while.

The black roll swallowed and said, "Then why are we going to the center? The volcano is erupting, can you be sure that the center is there?"

Cangsu pulled out the map from his arms: "According to the map we are currently exploring, the center is the volcanic landform. Basically, the center of the circle, or the magic tower, is in the center."

Zidi added: "The operation of the magic circle requires a lot of energy. The island master may extract the surrounding elements or use the mana pool in the mage tower. After the problem occurs, the most turbulent place may be the hub or The location of the Master Tower."

Black roll frowned: "All this is speculation, you have no evidence!"

Mange nodded, and he smiled: "There is no evidence, who can get it? But this is enough to gamble, can we have another way to go?"

Everyone was silent again.

"No." Black Road, "We can wait for rescue. It's crazy to attack the center of the island! There are volcanic eruptions there, and the Warcraft Legion along the way. We will even die halfway."

"No, we use the boat." The voice of Pin Jin came, "This will save us a lot of travel and time."

The black roll was stunned.

The ropes shone with both eyes and shouted: "Yes, we can repair the ship. Although we can't sail, we are just an inland river in front of us. There are no wind and waves. The volcanic clouds cover our sky, not even rain!"

Needle continued: "In fact, even if we wait for the rescue, there will be hidden dangers. Don't forget, those companions who died of animalization. We are likely to have been eroded by the environment and hit the master of the island. Can his powerful means be easily resolved? Can he be purified by finding a priest at random?"

"Also, playing with us presumptuously and insulting us arbitrarily, is this even a hatred?"

"Just now, Emperor Shengming conveyed revelation to me!" Pin Jin pointed at the river.

Everyone no longer knows ~www.readwn.com~ Could it be said that this river was made by Emperor Shengming? "

"No wonder we didn't die alone."

"The god's will cannot be determined!"

"Shenjuan Knight..." Cangsu bowed deeply to Jingjin and sighed, "This may be your hero's way. My Master Jinjin!"

Almost everyone present had some scalp tingling.

They seem to feel that they are witnessing history!

If the heroes’ epics are sung in the future, do we also have a role?

Looking around, he determined that the hearts of the people had changed, and he ordered out loud and unequivocally: "It is so decided, to repair the sea boat, cremate companions, collect food, water and weapons as much as possible. We will set sail, we will Go to the very center of the island!"

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