Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 162: : Slayer

In a blink of an eye, it was the fourth day that the survivors came to the underground alchemy factory.

This peculiar mage tower covers a very large area. In the past four days, the survivors' journey has not been long. Every time you reach a fork, you must use magic to judge the correct path. Every passage needs to distinguish whether there are traps, organs, etc.

It all depends on the scab alone.

This is quite a burden for scab. Whenever you are in poor condition, you can only take the initiative to take a break.

Without shields, blessings, and other magic blessings, it is difficult to contend with a transport golem with the flesh and blood of everyone.

The closer to the center of the alchemy factory, the more difficult it is to move forward.

Downsizing is inevitable.

The most lost were members of the three-sword former mercenary regiment.

This seems normal to Scab. This is the kind of treatment for mixed-race children. Even when healed by divine magic, he tends to prefer gold to pure blood.

Of course, it is a fact that the magic and power of Scab is limited.

But San Dao is not angry about this, and so is Mange.

Scabbard saw that she was instructed to move three times, her smile converged, and she quietly looked at Sandao and Mange, releasing invisible pressure.

But Mane Ge and San Dao were not afraid at all, and they faced Fr Fringe Sand in front, unshakable.

The guardian knights had a grimace, and some clenched their weapons slightly.

This is the first time they have seen this landline-type crossbow car in the production workshop. It is completely unclear about its rate of fire and the power of alchemy arrows.

There are still hidden in these wreckage, is there still a golem that can attack.

These need to be clarified.

This kind of cannon fodder work has always been done by people like Mange and Sandao.

This is very normal.

Many lords will also hire mercenaries to fight as cannon fodder.

But of course, the three swordsman and mango as the parties are unwilling.

The scene was stalemate and the atmosphere was delicate, and the scab shifted her gaze to Pin Jin.

Pin Jin smiled: "Let's use the Celestial Messenger."

The scab face was expressionless, but the other guardian knights frowned.

The celestial messenger looks like a flying bird, not a magical creation, but a bird that really lives in the celestial realm.

Scab's summoning technique, in a strict sense, is the summoning technique of the outside world-summoning things from the outside world into the main world.

Since entering the alchemy factory, most of this tentative investigation has been done by Celestial Courier.

However, this messenger is always used as a temptation. The more sacrificed, the more unfavorable to scab.

At the next moment, the priest scab stared deeply at the needle gold, revealing a sorrowful color, and sighed: "The more the Celestial messenger sacrifices, the more difficult I am to summon the response, and the greater the consumption of divine power. Now , The power consumption of releasing the Celestial Courier Divine Skill is almost the same as the Jimu Technique. This is quite uneconomical. The excessive consumption of Divine Power will increase the frequency of my rest, which will greatly delay our forward speed."

"It is now the fourth day."

"Perhaps the war peddler is recovering from injury. All the obstacles we encountered along the way were to give him time to heal himself."

"Naturally we attack as quickly as possible."

But Jin Jin shook his head, his attitude was very firm, even when facing priests of the same faith: "We ride together in a boat, and fall together, all are companions. Every life is precious, we should try our best to preserve our lives. Every combat power is very important when dealing with combatants."

Man Ge, San Dao and other people have set their sights, and the needle gold is still on their side, which makes them a little unexpected.

Scab slightly stunned for a moment, and then his expression calmed down, and he smiled: "It also makes sense to say that it may be that the pressure in my heart is too great, which has caused some misunderstandings to everyone. In this case, then continue to test with the Celestial Messenger. ."

"Wait a minute, everyone." At this time, Zidi suddenly opened her mouth and pointed at the ceiling of the production workshop. "Do you see a magic circle for investigation in that place?"

Everyone stared at them, the ceiling was destroyed, not intentionally, but was affected by the aftermath of the fight, and the broken top wall showed the lines that outlined the magic circle.

Scarlet shook her head: "I don't know much about Magic Array."

He is a priest. To gain strength, he only needs to pray, prove his piety, and contribute to sects and gods.

Compared with it, Zidi is only a black iron level, but the knowledge about the magic circle is still above the scab.

Zidi continued: "I have seen this magic circle once. If the magic circle is intact and activated, it will provide a real vision. The means of stealth, camouflage, etc. will be removed."

Speaking of which, needle gold, crusted sand, Cangsu, Mange and others could not help revealing a color of thought.

Zidi: "Since the war dealers design such a magic circle and hide it on the ceiling, if it is not destroyed, it cannot be found from the appearance. Then it shows that this production workshop needs this. I want to ignore it Is it a small platform-based crossbow vehicle, or should these golems need real vision to cooperate, otherwise no disguised enemies can be found."

"It's a good discovery, Miss Zidi. I can try the stealth technique." Scabbard nodded.

Divine art-messenger of heaven.

Divine art-stealth art.

Silver-level stealth is no longer just visual stealth, but also involves olfactory stealth and tactile stealth.

After an invisible messenger from the realm of heaven, after flying in the workshop, he returned safely.

"Now, we need a few warriors to enter the workshop, through my stealth to approach those Taiji crossbow vehicles, destroy them." Sha Sha said.

There was a brief silence.

If you use stealth, you can't protect your body with a shield. If the crossbow car is shot, it will almost die! 187

It is obviously unwilling for Sandao and others to stay in place without moving.

"Sorry, you come." Scrap suddenly said.

Suddenly stunned, his face was embarrassed. But under the gaze of Scab, he nodded and agreed to come down.

Scab smiled, and he glanced around with deep eyes, and finally stayed on Sisuo: "Mr. Sisuo, your credit will not be buried, I believe you need these."

Suspension nodded again and again: "I understand, Master Father."

"There are four in total, and three more are needed. We have two on our side, Schunton and Chaizha."

When the scab began to speak, two equestrian knights came out.

Bearton was burly and taller than Mango, holding a half-height heavy shield.

Chaizha is a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and a weapon with a two-handed sword.

"The last warrior is still needed!" Scarlet shouted.

"Can I? Lord Father." Bai Ya asked to take the initiative.

Scab looked at Bai Ya and nodded gently: "Of course, brave young man. Obviously, you have a certain chivalry."

The four candidates were determined, and Scab gave them invisibility.

The rest stayed outside, staring nervously at the production workshop. They could not see the actions of the four, but soon after they witnessed the destruction of the four crossbow vehicles.

The crossbow vehicle may have strict protective measures originally, it may be destroyed, four people directly destroyed these defenses.

The four people withdrew smoothly, and Bai Ya and Xi Suo were all excited. The two guardian knights were calm.

"Good job!" Everyone cast an admiring look.

Scab then canceled the stealth technique of the Celestial Messenger and let it fly directly into the workshop.

Nothing is brought out.

"It seems safe." Scrap canceled the summoning technique, and the Celestial Messenger returned to its original plane.

This is where everyone came in.

They began to search the workshop. There were fragments of golems everywhere, some were baked into flames by flames, some were covered with frost, and some were smashed directly, from which you can distinguish some of the three Holy Domain strongmen means.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Intruder was found in production hall 8. Intruder was found in production hall 8."

When people were searching, Taring's voice came suddenly.

Everyone is like an enemy.

They returned to the door one after another, and the scab continuously released shields, which were applied to the guardian knight, needle gold, mango and others.

"Damage of the crossbow vehicle system was detected, no garrison golem was detected, and the killer was released." Taring continued.

Afterwards, the crowd saw the four walls of the production workshop high, the organ opened, and several channels were exposed.

The passage is very narrow, like the length and width of a pile of books.

Everyone waited and waited.

But after a dozen breaths, nothing was seen in the channel.

"Damn it! Startled me again."

"Haha, it seems that these killers have also been destroyed."

But at the next moment, a huge warning suddenly appeared in Pin Jin's heart. He jumped back quickly, a hair was cut in an instant, and fell in front of Pin Jin's eyes.

"Ah!" At the same time, the entire head of the companion who had just laughed was split in half.

The murderer killed him, because the blood splashed up, and after a slight outline appeared, he directly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"What it is?"

"It seems to be a frisbee!"

"Be careful, these killers can be invisible!!"

Many people shouted in panic, subconsciously clinging to the mass.

They just destroyed the crossbow vehicle in stealth, and now they are also attacked by invisible enemies.

Without knowing the position of the enemy, many people started shooting arrows indiscriminately. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Scab quickly used several magic techniques to finally detect the invisible killer.

Under the counterattack of the people, the four assassins were destroyed one after another and spattered on the ground.

In this round of attack, three people were directly killed, and the fan was seriously injured.

The annihilator is like a three-leaf fan. The fan blades are very sharp, and everything can move people's heads.

The people entered the workshop again with fear, fearing that Taring's voice would appear again.

But until the end of the rest, nothing happened.

"This kind of fan blade, even if I change into a scorpion shell, it is difficult to resist. If it is not changed, I will be killed once by the killer, I will die." While others did not pay attention, needle gold secretly used the fan blade After trying it, the result is not optimistic.

"It seems that I have to tell Scab, I can change the secret." Jin Jin sighed.

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